39th year  -  N° 128                 Tuesday, 7 May 2024         Antwerpen		
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Wednesday 5th of October 1994

30 years ago They Were Dressed in a White, Black or Golden Cape

Leader of the l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire cult Luc Jouret commits suicide by a shot in the head at the age of 47 in Les Roches de Cristal, Salvan, Valais, Switzerland.

With Jouret 48 members of the Order of the Solar Temple commited suicide or were shot dead. 25 people were found in Les Roches de Cristal in Salvan and 23 at La Rochette in Cheiry, Fribourg. The victims were in most cases dressed in a white, black or golden ritual cape, depending on the degree of initiation. In Salvan the victims were injected or injected themselves with a poison based on curare, opioid and benzodiazepine. In Cheiry 20 victims died of one or more bullets to the head, two suffocated by a plastic bag around their head and another probably in the same way.