39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Rainy Starless Nights
BirthFactDeath (-)
Thursday 12th of January 1860

164 years ago

Murderer Patrick Maude is executed by hanging at the age of 44 in Newark, New Jersey, United States.

The execution took place in the large hall of the jail, used as a dining-room, and was witnessed by about 300 persons. The gallows was erected at the north end of the hall, and consisted of a cross-beam supported by two uprights. A rope, to the end of which was attached a hook, passed over a pulley in the centre of the cross beam, and thence down one of the uprights through the floor. Attached to the end were five fifty-sixty pound weights, held by a catch, so arranged that by springing it with a treadle the weights would fall a distance of six feet.