BirthFactDeath (-) Saturday 17th of August 1991 33 years ago |
Mass murderer Wade Frankum aka The Strathfield Killer commits suicide by a shot in the head at the age of 33 in Strathfield Plaza, Strathfield, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Apparently without provocation Frankum pulled a large knife from an army surplus duffel bag and repeatedly stabbed one of two teenage girls who were sitting behind him in a café called The Coffee Pot. Leaving the knife in the body of the girl Frankum pulled a Chinese-made SKS semi-automatic rifle out of his duffel and shot around the café, killing several more people. Frankum then shot the café's owner dead and fled into the main area of the mall where he killed his last victim. When closed in by the police Frankum knelt on the ground next to his car and committed suicide. Frankum killed seven people: 15-year-old Roberta Armstrong, 51-year-old Robertson Kan Hock Voon, 37-year-old Patricia Rowe, 47-year-old Carole Dickinson, 61-year-old Joyce Nixon, 17-year-old Rachell Milburn and 51-year-old George Mavris. |