39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Edelweiß, edelweiß
BirthFactDeath (x)
Wednesday 20th of September 1972

52 years ago War Sie die Meinhof

38-year-old journalist and leader of the Rote Armee Fraktion Ulrike Meinhof is transferred from Ossendorf Prison to take part in an identification line-up in Untersuchungsgefängnis, Johann-Schwebel-Straße 33, Zweibrücken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

Determined to ruin the process, Meinhof screams "Ich bin die Meinhof - mich sollt ihr identifizieren!" upon which the police instructs the five other women in the line-up to do the same.