39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Shake, Rattle and Roll
BirthFactDeath (x)
Saturday 27th of September 1975

49 years ago

Three FRAP and two ETA members are executed by the firing-squad for the murders of 4 policemen in Centro Penitenciario, Burgos, Burgos, Spain.

33-year-old ETA member Ángel Otaegi Etxeberria was executed at 08:30 in Burgos. 21-year-old ETA member Juan Paredes Manot was executed at 08:35 near the cemetary of Sardañola del Vallés in Barcelona. The remaining three FRAP members were executed in Hoyo de Manzanares in Madrid, 25-year-old José Humberto Baena Alonso at 09:20, 27-year-old Ramón García Sanz at 09:40 and 21-year-old José Luis Sánchez-Bravo Solla at 10:00.

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