39th year  -  N° 130                 Thursday, 9 May 2024         Antwerpen		
Are We Not Men?
BirthFactDeath (-)
Thursday 29th of August 1935

89 years ago She Slammed into a Pear Tree and Another Tree

Queen consort of the Belgians Sofia Lovisa Thyra Astrid of Sweden dies from her injuries sustained in a car crash at the age of 30 in Küssnacht, Schwyz, Switzerland.

King Leopold was driving their Packard One-Twenty convertible and Queen Astrid looking at a map. As the Queen pointed out something to her husband the car went off the road down a steep slope and slammed into a pear tree. Queen Astrid had opened her door to try to get out but she was thrown out upon impact. Her body collided with the trunk of the tree while the car slammed into a second tree. King Leopold was thrown out of the car as well but he was only lightly injured.