Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-) Calendar
In February 1979 25-year-old Melvin Reynolds, a man of limited intelligence, confessed to Christgen's murder after 14 hours of questions, promises and threats. Reynolds gave in and said "I'll say so if you want me to". He was sentenced to life imprisonment and released four years later when Hatcher confessed to the murder.
(26 May 1978)

There are 3364 births, 3920 deaths, 1121 murders, 495 disasters and 2076 other events about 5719 people in 6424 places until today.
Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-)Calendar is an ongoing project since 1985 by DDV.
There are 5952 names in the database. Not all of them are available on the website yet.
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- Benedictus XVI, 265th Pope
- Georgette, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Abbott, Bud, comedian and actor
- Abbott, Burton, kidnapper and murderer
- Abbott, Darrell aka Dimebag Darrell, guitarist and songwriter
- Abbott, Jack Henry, murderer and literary talent
- Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk aka Omar Farooq al-Nigeri aka The Underwear Bomber, terrorist
- Abe, Sada, Geisha, prostitute, actress and murderess
- Abel, Ellen, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Abeling, Friedrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Aben, Catharina, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Abeyta, Roderick, murderer
- Abowath, Elyas, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Acconci, Vito, performance artist
- Acker, Kathy, feminist punk poet
- Action Directe,
- Adam, Therèse, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Adams, Agnes, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Adams, Alan, murderer
- Adams, Caleb, child killer
- Adams, John, 2nd President of the United States
- Adams, John Bodkin, general practitioner and suspected serial killer
- Adams, John Quincy, 6th President of the United States
- Adamson, Joy, naturalist, artist and writer
- Adan, Richard, victim of Jack Henry Abbott known for The Belly of the Beast
- Adanandus, Dwight, murderer
- Adenauer, Konrad, first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Ader, Bas Jan, artist
- Adkins, Orville, kidnapper and murderer
- Adodo, Tessy, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Adorno, Theodor, philosopher
- Africa, John, founder of MOVE black liberation group
- Ağa, Zaro aka The Longest Living Human Ever,
- Agan, Steven, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Ağca, Mehmet Ali, assassin and Grey Wolves member
- Agisheff, Amina, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Agnew, Spiro, Vice-President under Richard Nixon
- Aguilar, Jesus, double murderer
- Aguirre, Frank, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Aime, Laura Ann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Aimée, Anouk, actress
- Akiyama, Yoshimitsu, murderer
- al-Balawi, Humam aka Abu Dujana al-Khurasani, doctor and a double agent suicide bomber
- al-Ghamdi, Saeed, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Hakīm, Tawfīq aka The Enemy of Woman, writer and playwright
- al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Hazmi, Salem, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Haznawi, Ahmed, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Hubal, Abdallah, serial killer
- al-Majid, Ali Hassan aka Chemical Ali, military commander and chief of the Iraqi Intelligence Service
- al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Nami, Ahmed aka Abu Hashim, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Nazari, Mohammad, mass murderer
- al-Rashid, Harun aka Aaron the Upright, Aaron the Just or Aaron the Rightly Guided, fifth Arab Abbasid Caliph
- al-Shehhi, Marwan, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Shehri, Mohand, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Suqami, Satam, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, Emir of Al Qaeda in the Country of Two Rivers
- al-Zawahiri, Ayman, al-Qaeda leader and Emir of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad
- Alaise, Aline, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Albermann, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Albers, Josef, artist
- Albert I, King of Belgium
- Albert II, 6th King of Belgium
- Albini, Steve, musician, record producer and audio engineer
- Albinoni, Tomaso, composer
- Albrecht, Susanne, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Albrecht, Theodor, entrepreneur
- Alda, Alan aka Hawkeye Pierce, actor
- Aldrich, Donald, murderer
- Aldrich, Robert, film director
- Aldrin, Edwin aka Buzz, astronaut
- Alekseyeva, Lyudmila, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Alexander, Frank, multiple murderer
- Alexander, Ross, actor
- Alexander I, King of Serbia
- Alexander III aka Alaxandair mac Alaxandair, King of Scots
- Alexander IV, 181st Pope
- Alexander the Great,
- Alexander VI, 214th Pope
- Alexander VII, 237th Pope
- Alexander VIII, 241st Pope
- Ali, Muhammad, boxer
- Allaway, Thomas, rapist and murderer
- Allen, Clarence Ray, triple murderer
- Allen, George, triple murderer
- Allen, Graham aka Puggy, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Allen, Harry, chief executioner
- Allen, Margaret aka Bill, murderess
- Allen, Peter, murderer
- Allen, Walter, black
- Allen, Woody, actor and film director
- Allende, Salvador, 28th President of Chile
- Allitt, Beverley aka The Angel of Death, serial killer
- Allridge, James, murderer
- Allridge, Ronald, multiple murderer
- Alpert, Herb, musician
- Altiery, Andrea aka Enchantment aka Fish, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Altman, Robert, film director
- Alvarado, Lorenzo, mass murderer
- Alzheimer, Aloysius, psychiatrist and neuropathologist
- Amadeus I, Duke of Aosta
- Amala, feral girl
- Amer, Abdel Hakim, war leader
- Amin, Idi aka the Butcher of Uganda, 3rd President of Uganda
- Amis, Kingsley, writer
- Amos, Bernard, murderer
- Ampère, André-Marie, physicist and mathematician
- Amrani, Nordine, mass murderer
- Amundsen, Roald, explorer
- Amurao, Corazon, sole survivor of the Richard Speck-massacre in Chicago
- An unidentified man,
- An unidentified woman,
- Anastasia, Albert aka The One-Man Army, mobster and hitman
- Anastasius II, 50th Pope
- Ander, Johan, murderer
- Andersen, Hans Christian, writer of fairy tales
- Andersen, Stephen, mass murderer
- Anderson, Burt, murderer
- Anderson, Johnny, murderer
- Anderson, Joseph, murderer
- Anderson, Larry, murderer
- Anderson, Laurie, performance artist, composer and musician
- Anderson, Lindsay, film director
- Anderson, Newton, double murderer
- Anderson, Robert, child killer
- Anderson, Stephen Wayne, multiple murderer
- Andō, Momofuku, inventor of instant noodles
- Andrade, Richard, murderer
- Andrassy, Edward, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- Andre, Carl, minimal artist
- Andre, Gwili aka Gurlie, model and actress
- Andreas-Salomé, Lou, psychoanalyst and writer
- Andress, Ursula, actress
- Andrews, Julie, actress and singer
- Andrews, Lee Lowell aka The Nicest Boy in Wolcott, triple murderer
- Andrews, Norman, murderer
- Andrews, William aka The Hi-Fi Murderer, triple murderer
- Andropov, Yuri, Soviet leader
- Angeli, Pier, actress
- Anger, Kenneth, film director
- Angerstein, Fritz, mass murderer
- Anka, Paul, singer-songwriter
- Ant, Adam, musician
- Antonioni, Michelangelo, film director
- Apel, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Apollinaire, Guillaume, surrealist writer
- Appel, Karel, artist
- Applegate, Everett, murderer
- Applegate, Glenn, cop killer
- Applewhite, Marshall Herff aka Bo and Do, founder of Heaven's Gate religious cult
- Aquino, Benigno Jr. aka Ninoy, leader of the opposition
- Arafat, Yasser, Palestinian leader
- Aragon, Louis, poet and writer
- Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio, President of Argentina
- Arbuckle, Roscoe aka The Heavy-Weight Rapist, actor
- Arbus, Diane, photographer
- Arceneaux, Ann, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Archambault, Marielle, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Brown, Archibald, crippled bully
- Archipenko, Alexander, artist
- Arcuri, Sam, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Arinaitwe, Richard, serial killer
- Armani, Giorgio, fashion designer
- Armendáriz, Pedro, actor
- Armstrong, Edwin, electrical engineer and inventor
- Armstrong, Herbert Rowse, solicitor and murderer
- Armstrong, Louis aka Satchmo, Jazz trumpeter, composer and vocalist
- Armstrong, Neil, astronaut
- Arnd, Sigrun, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Arne, Peter, actor
- Arnold, Jermarr, murderer
- Arp, Jean / Hans, artist
- Arrabal, Fernando, film director and writer
- Arregui, Jose Ignacio, member of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
- Artaud, Antonin, playwright, poet, actor and theatre director
- Arthur, Chester, 21st President of the United States
- Asahara, Shoko, doomsday cult leader
- Ashley, Laura, fashion designer
- Asimov, Isaac, science fiction writer and professor of biochemistry
- Askins, Jacqueline, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Asperger, Hans, pediatrician
- Astaire, Fred, stage dancer, singer and actor
- Astin, Derek, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Astrid of Sweden, Queen consort of the Belgians
- Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal aka Father of the Turks, army officer, revolutionary and first President of Turkey
- Atherton, Abel, murderer
- Atkins, Robin, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Atkins, Susan aka Sadie Mae Glutz, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Atkinson, Patricia, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Atkinson, Rowan, actor
- Atta, Mohamed, 9/11 terrorist
- Attenborough, Richard, actor
- Atwood, Angela aka General Gelina, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Atwood, Frank, child killer
- Atworth, Robert, murderer
- Audette, Shirley, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Audran, René, senior official of the Ministry of Defence
- Austen, Jane, writer
- Austin, John, highwayman
- Autry, James David aka Cowboy, double murderer
- Auvinen, Pekka-Eric, school shooter
- Avalon, Frankie, teen idol
- Avedon, Richard, photographer
- Avery, Tex, animator, cartoonist, voice actor and director
- Axell, Evelyne, pop artist
- Ayers, Cherie, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Aznavour, Charles, singer-songwriter
- Baader, Andreas, leader of the Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe aka Rote Armee Fraktion
- Baba, Meher aka Avatar, spiritual master
- Babbitt, Manuel, murderer
- Babelay, Andrée-Anne, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Baby Fae,
- Bacall, Lauren, actress
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, composer
- Bach, Suzanne,
- Bacharach, Burt, singer-songwriter and composer
- Bachmann, Josef, assassin
- Bachmeier, Anna, victim of sex offender Klaus Grabowski
- Bachmeier, Marianne aka The Revenge Mother, vigilante
- Bacon, Francis, artist
- Badalamenti, Angelo, composer
- Baekeland, Leo aka The Father of the Plastics Industry, chemist
- Baer, Richard, SS Sturmbannführer and commander of Auschwitz KZ
- Baez, Joan, singer, songwriter, musician and activist
- Baghlani, Farid, serial killer
- Baglin, Carol Anne,
- Bagwell, Dennis, mass murderer
- Bailey, Billy, double murderer
- Bailey, Francis Lee, criminal defense attorney
- Bailey, James, black
- Bailey, Kenneth, murderer
- Baird, Nancy, possible victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Bakari, Bahia, plane crash survivor
- Baker, Josephine aka The Bronze Venus or The Black Pearl, dancer, singer and actress
- Baker, Lena, murderess
- Baker, Stanley, murderer
- Baker, Stanley Dean, murderer and cannibal
- Baker, Wimberly, FBI Special Agent
- Bakunin, Mikhail, revolutionary anarchist
- Balance, John, musician
- Baldree, Ernest, double murderer
- Baldwin, James, writer, poet and activist
- Ball, Brenda, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Ball, George aka George Sumner aka The Sack Murderer, murderer
- Ball, Ian, psychotic
- Ball, Joe Joseph D. aka The Alligator Man aka The Butcher of Elmendorf, serial killer
- Ball, John, Lollard priest
- Ball, Lucille, actress, comedian, model and producer
- Balla, Giacomo, artist
- Ballard, James Graham, writer
- Baltazar, John, murderer
- Bamber, Jeremy aka The White House Farm Murderer, mass murderer
- Banana, Anna, Mail and Performance artist
- Bancroft, Anne, actress
- Bancroft, Emmet, cop killer
- Banda, Esequel, murderer
- Bandara, Upadhya, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Baniszewski, Gertrude aka Gertrude Wright, murderess
- Banks, George, spree killer
- Banks, Parks, black
- Bannister, Alan, contract killer
- Baoshan, Bai, serial killer
- Bara, Theda aka The Vamp, actress and sex symbol
- Barbaro, Anthony, school shooter
- Barbeault, Marcel aka Le Tueur de L'Ombre, serial killer
- Barbee, Stephen, double murderer
- Barber, Danny Lee, multiple murderer
- Barber, James, murderer
- Barbie, Klaus aka The Butcher of Lyon, SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Barbier-Ponthus, Anna, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Barbosa, Daniel Camargo aka The Beast of Ecuador aka The Monster of Charquito, serial killer
- Barbusse, Henri, writer
- Bardot, Brigitte, actress
- Barefield, John, murderer
- Barefoot, Thomas, cop killer
- Barela, Rafael, murderer
- Barfield, Velma, serial killer
- Baribeault, Wendy, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Barichievich, Antonio aka The Great Antonio, strongman and eccentric
- Barker, Ma, crime matriarch
- Barlow, Malcolm, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Barnard, Christian Neethling, cardiac surgeon
- Barnard, Harold, murderer
- Barnes, John, murderer
- Barnes, Willis, rapist and murderer
- Barney, Jeffery, murderer
- Barret, George W. aka Diamond King, cop killer
- Barrett, Syd, musician
- Barrow, Clyde Chestnut, gangster
- Barthel, Regina, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Barthelemy, Helen, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Barthes, Roland, literary theorist, philosopher, linguist and semiotician
- Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste, sculptor
- Bartholomew, Clifford, mass murderer
- Bartholomew, Lester, mass murderer
- Bartlett, John, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Bartók, Béla, composer
- Barton, Mark, mass murderer
- Bartsch, Jürgen aka Der Kirmesmörder, serial killer
- Basden, Ernest, murderer
- Basie, Count, musician and bandleader
- Basinger, Kim, actress
- Baskerville, John, printer and type designer
- Basom, Dawn, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Bass, Charles, cop killer
- Bassey, Shirley, singer
- Basso, Suzanne, murderess
- Bastianelli, Giannotto, composer
- Bastien-Thiry, Jean-Marie, lieutenant-colonel and military air weaponry engineer
- Bataille, Georges, writer and philosopher
- Bates, Cheri Jo, possible victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Bates, Joseph, murderer
- Bates, Martin, murderer
- Bates, William, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Báthory, Erzsébet aka Die Blutfrau, countess and serial killer
- Baudelaire, Charles, poet and art critic
- Baudrillard, Jean, sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist
- Bauer, Barbara, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Baughn, Melvin, horse thief and murderer
- Baulch, Billy Gene, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Baulch, Michael, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Baum, Carter W., FBI Special Agent
- Baumeister, Herb aka The I-70 Strangler, serial killer
- Bavouzet, Auguste, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Bayly, Alfred, murderer
- Beach, Gary, mass murderer
- Beadle, William, mass murderer
- Beale, Laura Ernestine, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Beard, Elizabeth, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Bearden, Leonard, hijacker
- Beardsley, Aubrey, artist
- Beathard, James, triple murderer
- Beatty, Tracy, murderer
- Beatty, Warren, actor
- Beaumont, Florence, Unitarian peace activist
- Beaupied, Claudius, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Beausoleil, Bobby aka Cupid aka Bummer Bob aka Tophat aka Bobby Snofox, musician, actor and murderer
- Beavers, Richard, murderer
- Beazley, Napoleon, murderer
- Bécaud, Gilbert aka Monsieur 100.000 Volts, singer and actor
- Bechet, Sidney, musician
- Beck, Frank, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Beck, Konrad, mass murderer
- Beck, Martha aka The Lonely Hearts Killers (with Raymond Fernandez), serial killer
- Becker, Charles, lieutenant in the New York City Police Department, racketeer and murderer
- Becker, Verena, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Beckett, Samuel, writer and playwright
- Beckmann, Max, painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor and writer
- Beckurtz, Karl Heinz, physicist and research manager
- Beets, Betty Lou, murderess
- Behringer, Earl, double murderer
- Bei, Wang, pop star
- Beilke, Max, Master Sergeant
- Beineman, Karen, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Béjart, Maurice, dancer and choreographer
- Belafonte, Harry, singer, songwriter, musician and activist
- Belknap, Daniel, farmer, mechanic, militia captain, poet and singer-songwriter
- Belknap, Raymond, Heavy Metal fan
- Bell, Alexander Graham, scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator
- Bell, Edwin, mass murderer
- Bell, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Bell, Gertrude aka The Uncrowned Queen of Iraq, writer, traveller, political officer, administrator, spy and archaeologist
- Bell, John, rapist
- Bell, Larry, kidnapper and multiple murderer
- Bell, Mabel, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Bell, Mary aka Child of Hell, child killer
- Bellen, Michel aka The Strangler of the Left Bank, serial killer
- Bellingham, John, assassin
- Bellow, Saul, writer
- Belmondo, Jean-Paul, actor
- Belushi, John, comedian and actor
- Belyayev, Pavel, cosmonaut
- Belyeu, Clifton, murderer
- Bembenek, Laurie aka Run, Bambi, Run, murderess
- Ben-Gurion, David aka Israel's Founding Father, first Prime Minister of Israel
- Bénady, Elsa, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Benaim, Alice, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Benchley, Peter, writer
- Benedictus V, 132nd Pope
- Benedictus XI, 194th Pope
- Benedictus XIII, 245th Pope
- Benedictus XIV, 247th Pope
- Benedictus XV, 258th Pope
- Benjamin, Walter, philosopher
- Bennen, Hermann, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Bennett, Whitney, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Bennett, David, heart patient
- Bennett, John, rapist
- Bennett, John Herbert, murderer
- Bennett, Keith, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Bennett, Taunja, victim of Keith Jesperson aka The Happy Face Killer
- Bentley, Derek, cop killer
- Bentley, John Irving, physician
- Benz, Carl, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Berdella, Robert aka The Kansas City Butcher, serial killer
- Berg, Alban, composer
- Bergkotte, Levent, planespotter and journalist
- Bergman, Ingmar, film director
- Bergman, Ingrid, actress
- Bergwall, Sture aka Thomas Quick aka Sätermannen, imaginary serial killer
- Berio, Luciano, composer
- Berkman, Patricia Vinico aka Pnina, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Berkowitz, David aka Son of Sam, serial killer
- Berlin, Irving, composer
- Berliner, Emile, inventor
- Berlioz, Hector, romantic composer
- Bern, Paul, film director and Jean Harlow’s husband
- Bernardo, Paul aka The Scarborough Rapist aka The Schoolgirl Killer, serial killer
- Bernhard, Thomas, writer
- Bernhardt, Sarah aka The Divine Sarah, actress
- Bernstein, Leonard, composer
- Berry, Andrew, murderer
- Berry, Chuck, singer-songwriter and musician
- Berry, Wilford aka The Volunteer, murderer
- Bertillon, Alphonse, law enforcement officer and biometrics researcher
- Bertolucci, Bernardo, film director
- Bertrand, Pascal aka The Back-Packer Murderer, serial killer
- Besant, Annie, theosophist, writer and women's rights activist
- Bessener, Sigurd, victim of Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer
- Besumer, Louis, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Bethea, Rainey, murderer
- Bettelheim, Bruno, psychologist and writer
- Beuys, Joseph, artist and pedagogue
- Beverly, Chastine, murderer
- Bhutto, Benazir,
- Bianchi, Kenneth aka The Hillside Strangler, serial killer
- Bianchi, Maurizio aka MB, musician
- Bich, Marcel, manufacturer of the 'Bic'
- Bickrest, Susan, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Biegenwald, Richard aka The Jersey Shore Thrill Killer, serial killer
- Biermann, Wolf, singer-songwriter
- Biggs, Ronnie, Great Train Robber
- Bijak, Genowefa, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Bikila, Abebe, Olympic marathon champion
- Biko, Steve, anti-apartheid activist
- Bilancia, Donato aka Il Mostro della Liguria, serial killer
- Bilansky, Ann, poisoner
- Billings, Jewry, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Billy the Kid aka William H. Bonney aka Kid Antrim, outlaw, gunfighter and folk icon
- Bilovetsky, Ivan, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia
- bin Laden, Osama, founder of al-Qaeda
- Binder, Gustav, SS-Unterscharführer
- Bintanja, Henk, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Binz, Dorothea, Aufseherin in Ravensbrück KZ
- Bird, Derrick, spree killer
- Bird, Jerry, murderer
- Birger, Charles, bootlegger and murderer
- Birkin, Jane, actress and singer
- Biryuk, Lyubov, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Bishop, Arthur Gary aka The Mormon Murderer, child molester and serial killer
- Bishop, Arthur Henry, murderer
- Bishop, Bridget,
- Bisset, Jacqueline, actress
- Bissette, Patricia, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Bixby, Bill, actor
- Bizet, Georges, composer
- Bjorkland, Penny, murderess
- Black, Christopher, triple murderer
- Black, Edward, murderer
- Black, Robert, murder plotter
- Black September Organization, Palestinian militant organization
- Blackburn, Charles, murderer
- Blackburn, Dorothy, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Blackburn, Raymond, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Blackmon, Ricky, murderer
- Blackwell, Renee, victim of Hubert Geralds aka The Englewood Rapist
- Blades, Albert, black
- Blaiberg, Philip, dentist
- Blair, Tony, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- Blake, Helen, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Blake, Jack, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Blake, Joseph aka Blueskin, highwayman
- Blake, Robert, actor
- Blake, William, poet and painter
- Blanco, Luis Carrero, 1st Duke of Carrero Blanco and Grandee of Spain
- Blank, Daniel aka The Parish River Killer, serial killer
- Blavatsky, Helena aka Madame Blavatsky, theosophist, occultist and spirit medium
- Blériot, Louis, aviation pioneer
- Bloch, Robert, writer
- Block, David, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Block, Lynda, cop killer
- Blomqvist, Tilda, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Blumenthaler, Ilse, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Bobet, Louis aka Zonzon, cyclist
- Boca, Steve, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Boccioni, Umberto, artist
- Bock, Hermann, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Bočková, Blanka, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Boden, Wayne aka The Vampire Rapist, serial killer
- Boeing, William, aviation pioneer
- Boersig, Louis, double murderer
- Bogarde, Dirk, actor
- Bogart, Humphrey, actor
- Bogdanovich, Peter, film director
- Boggess, Clifford, double murderer
- Bohlmann, Hans-Joachim, serial art vandal
- Bohn, Gabriella, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Bohn, Martine, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Bohr, Niels, physicist
- Bokassa, Jean-Bédel, self-proclaimed Emperor of Central Africa
- Bolan, Marc, singer-songwriter and musician
- Boleyn, Anne, second wife of King Henry VIII
- Bolin, Patty, triple murderess
- Boling, Tommy, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Böll, Heinrich, writer
- Boltanski, Christian, artist
- Bolton, Daren, child killer
- Bolton, Mildred, murderess
- Bombas, Emmanuel, mutineer and murderer
- Bonaparte, Napoléon, war leader
- Bonaventura, Sheryl, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Bonham, Antonio, rapist and murderer
- Bonifatius IX, 203rd Pope
- Bonifatius VII, antipope
- Bonin, William aka The Freeway Killer, serial killer
- Bonnard, Pierre, artist
- Bonner, Debra, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Bonnin, Michael, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Bonnot, Jules aka Le Bourgeois, illegalist
- Bono, Sonny, musician and born-again politician
- Bontems, Roger, criminal
- Boock, Peter-Jürgen, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Booher, Vernon, mass murderer
- Boole, George, mathematician, philosopher and logician
- Boone, Pat, singer and actor
- Booth, Arnett, kidnapper and murderer
- Booth, John Wilkes aka The Man Who Shot President Abraham Lincoln, actor and assassin
- Booth, William, founder of the Salvation Army
- Bopp, Bernd aka Der Hammermörder, serial killer
- Borchardt, Ludwig, Egyptologist
- Borden, Andrew, victim of axe murderess Lizzie Borden
- Borden, Lizzie, presumed axe murderess
- Borel, Éric, spree killer
- Borgia, Cesare, Duke of Valentinois
- Borgia, Giovanni, 2nd Duke of Gandia
- Borgia, Lucrezia, Duchess of Bisceglie, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio, Princess of Salerno and femme fatale
- Bormann, Johanna aka Wiesel, KZ-Aufseherin in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen
- Bormann, Martin, Nazi official and private secretary to Adolf Hitler
- Borms, August, Flemish nationalist leader
- Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich, composer
- Bosch, Hieronymus, painter
- Bösel, Greta, Arbeitseinsatzführerin in Ravensbrück KZ
- Boston, Patience, murderess
- Botticelli, Sandro, Renaissance painter
- Boudewijn, 5th King of Belgium
- Bouglione, Joseph aka The King of Circus, circus acrobat and director
- Boulez, Pierre, composer
- Boulin, Robert, Minister of Labour
- Boulle, Pierre, writer
- Bourdieu, Pierre, sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher
- Bourgeois, Barbara, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Bourgeois, Louise aka Spiderwoman, artist
- Bourvil, André, actor
- Bouvier, Jacqueline aka Jackie Kennedy, First Lady of the United States
- Bow, Clara aka The It Girl, actress and sex symbol
- Bower, Robert, victim of Sean Sellers aka Web of Darkness
- Bowers, John, actor
- Bowers, Robert, mass murderer
- Bowie, David, musician and actor
- Bowles, Paul, composer and writer
- Bowman, James, rapist and murderer
- Bowman, Margaret, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Bowman, Matthew, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Boy George, musician
- Boyce, Albert, murderer
- Boyd, Arthur, murderer
- Boyd, Charles aka The Bathroom Slayer, triple murderer
- Boyd, Kenneth, double murderer
- Boyer, Charles, actor
- Boyle, Benjamin, double murderer
- Bradbury, Ray, science fiction writer
- Bradehoft, Joseph, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Bradley, Omar aka The G.I. 's General, war leader
- Bradley, Perry, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Brady, Fred, murderer
- Brady, Ian aka The Moors Murderers (with Myra Hindley), serial killer
- Brahms, Johannes, romantic composer
- Braille, Louis, inventor
- Brain, George, murderer
- Brakhage, Stan, experimental filmmaker
- Branca, Glenn, avant-garde composer and guitarist
- Brâncuși, Constantin, sculptor
- Brandes, Bernd, victim of Armin Meiwes aka Der Metzgermeister
- Brando, Cheyenne, daughter of actor Marlon Brando
- Brando, Christian, only child of actor Marlon Brando and Anna Kashfi
- Brando, Marlon, actor and film director
- Brandt, Karl, SS-Gruppenführer and leader of the Aktion T4 euthanasia program
- Branson, Olive, eccentric painter
- Brant, Isabella, artist's model and first wife of Peter Paul Rubens
- Braque, Georges, artist
- Brasillach, Robert, writer and journalist
- Braun, Eva, wife of Adolf Hitler for one day
- Braunberger, Paul, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Bray, Peter, murderer
- Brayton, Georgina aka Soror Capricornus, founder of the Solar Lodge secret society
- Brearley, Harry, metallurgist
- Brecht, Bertolt, poet, playwright and theatre director
- Breker, Arno, sculptor
- Brel, Jacques, singer-songwriter
- Bremer, Arthur, would-be assassin
- Breslin, Jimmy, journalist and writer
- Breton, André aka The Father of Surrealism, surrealist writer
- Breugnot, André, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Brewer, David, murderer
- Brewer, Jillian, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Brewer, John, murderer and necrophiliac
- Brezhnev, Leonid, Soviet statesman
- Briddle, James, double murderer
- Bridge, Warren, murderer
- Bridgeford, Shirley, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Bridges, Beau, actor
- Bridges, Daniel, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Briley, James, spree killer
- Briley, Linwood, spree killer
- Brimage, Richard, murderer
- Brinkley, Richard, murderer
- Brinkmann, Heinz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Britten, Benjamin, composer
- Broadwater, Emma, the longest ever living woman in the USA
- Broadway, Brenda, victim of Michael Sharp
- Brock, Albert, murderer
- Brock, Joan, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Brock, Leslie, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Brodsky, Joseph, poet
- Bronichewski, Paul, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Bronson, Charles, actor
- Brontë, Charlotte aka Currer Bell, poet and writer
- Brontë, Emily aka Ellis Bell, poet and writer
- Bronzich, Connie, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Brood, Herman, musician and painter
- Broodthaers, Marcel, poet and artist
- Brook, Laura, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Brooke, Tyler, actor
- Brooks, Charles aka Shareef Ahmad Abdul-Rahim, murderer
- Brooks, Mel, film director, actor and comedian
- Broussard, Windell, double murderer
- Brown, Arthur aka The God of Hellfire, musician
- Brown, Arthur Ross, murderer
- Brown, Carl Robert, mass murderer
- Brown, David aka Dawud Abdullah Muhammad, double murderer
- Brown, Ernest, murderer
- Brown, Frances, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Brown, Frances, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Brown, Gary, murderer
- Brown, James aka The Godfather of Soul, singer-songwriter, dancer and bandleader
- Brown, Jeff, black
- Brown, John, murderer
- Brown, Joseph, murderer
- Brown, Louise Joy, first in-vitro baby
- Brown, Martin, victim of Mary Bell aka Child of Hell
- Brown, Mary, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Brown, Mauriceo, murderer
- Browne, Frederick, cop killer
- Browne, Tracy, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Browning, John, firearms designer
- Browning, Tod, film director
- Brownlee, Albert, cop killer
- Bruce, Jean aka Jean Alexandre, Jean Alexandre Brochet, Jean-Martin Rouan or Joyce Lindsay, writer
- Bruce, Kenneth, murderer
- Bruce, Lenny, stand-up comedian, social critic and satirist
- Bruckner, Anton, composer
- Bruder, Barbara, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Brudos, Jerry aka The Lust Killer, foot fetishist and serial killer
- Brummell, Beau, men’s fashion pioneer
- Brunais, April, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Bruneau, Albert aka The Murderous Priest, murderer
- Brunner, Mary aka Marioche aka Mother Mary, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Bruno, Giordano, philosopher, mathematician and astrologer
- Brus, Günter, Wiener Aktionist
- Brüsewitz, Oskar, Lutheran pastor
- Brust, Albert, murderer
- Bryant, Anita, singer and anti-gay rights activist
- Bryant, Charlotte, murderess
- Bryant, Martin, mass murderer
- Brynner, Yul, actor
- Buback, Siegfried, Attorney General of Germany
- Buchalter, Louis, mobster and head of the Mafia hit squad Murder, Inc
- Buchanan, James, 15th President of the United States
- Buck, Pearl S. aka Sai Zhenzhu, writer
- Bucklew, Russell, murderer
- Buckley, Homer, murderer
- Buckley, Tim, musician
- Budd, Grace, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- Budlick, Maria aka Maria Butlies, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Budzinski, Frau, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Buell, Robert Anthony, multiple child murderer
- Buenoano, Judy aka Florida's Black Widow, presumed multiple murderess
- Buffet, Claude, murderer
- Bugatti, Ettore, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Bugdalle, Richard aka Bruttalle, SS-Oberscharführer and guard at Mauthausen KZ
- Bugliosi, Vincent, attorney and writer
- Buisson, Célestine, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Buisson, Émile aka Mimile, gangster and French public enemy No. 1 for 1950
- Buisson, Olympe, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Bükow, Hedda, victim of Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer
- Bukowski, Charles aka Hank, poet and writer
- Bulger, James, victim of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables
- Bulubili, Ayub, mass murderer
- Bum-kon, Woo, spree killer
- Bunckley, Homer, murderer
- Bundy, Ted aka The Only Living Witness, serial killer
- Bunker, Chang and Eng, Siamese twins
- Bunsen, Robert, chemist
- Buñuel, Luis aka Le Chien Andalou, surrealist filmmaker
- Buono, Angelo aka The Hillside Strangler, serial killer
- Burchfield, Ben aka The Bristol Axe Murderer, mass murderer
- Burda, Aenne, women's magazine publisher
- Burden, Chris, performance and installation artist
- Bureau, Laurent, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Burgess, Anthony, writer
- Burgunder, Robert, double murderer
- Burke, Charles, murderer
- Burke, David, mass murderer
- Burke, Elmer aka Trigger, hit man
- Burke, William aka The Body Snatchers (with William Hare), serial killer
- Burks, John, murderer
- Burnett, Chester Arthur aka Howlin' Wolf, musician
- Burnett, Henry John, murderer
- Burnham, Alice, victim of George Joseph Smith aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer
- Burns, George, comedian, actor and singer
- Burns, William, murderer
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice, writer
- Burroughs, William S., writer, painter and spoken word performer
- Burroughs, William Seward, inventor of the calculating machine
- Burrows, Albert, multiple murderer
- Burrus, Joseph aka Amazing Joe, escape artist
- Burton, Arthur, murderer
- Burton, Gwen, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Burton, Richard, actor
- Burton, Willis, murderer
- Busby, Jasen, double murderer
- Buse, William, murderer
- Bush, Edwin, murderer
- Bush, George H. W., 41st President of the United States
- Bushnell, Bennie, victim of Gary Gilmore aka The Executioner's Song
- Butchek, John, murderer
- Butkovich, John, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Butler, Jerome, double murderer
- Butterfield, Paul, musician
- Butterworth, Charles, actor
- Buttho, Zulfikar Ali, founder of the Pakistan People's Party
- Buxton, Lawrence, murderer
- Buysse, Cyriel, naturalist writer
- Byars, James Lee, artist
- Byck, Samuel, tire salesman and would-be assassin
- Byrd, John William, murderer
- Byrne, David, musician
- Byrne, Edward, murderer
- Byron, George aka Lord Byron, poet
- Bywaters, Frederick, murderer
- Błaszczyk, Maria, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- C., Vrouw, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Caballé, Montserrat, soprano
- Cabie, Rudy, Simpletone
- Cabot, Susan, actress
- Cadman, Josiah, forger
- Caesar, Julius, dictator of the Roman Empire
- Caffrey, Raymond, FBI Special Agent
- Cage, John, composer, music theorist and artist
- Cagney, James, actor
- Cain, James, writer
- Calder, Alexander, sculptor
- Caldwell, Erskine, writer
- Caldwell, Jeffery, triple murderer
- Cale, John, musician
- Caligula, Roman Emperor
- Calise, Ralph, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Callas, Maria aka La Divina, soprano
- Calley, William, American hero and mass murderer
- Callins, Bruce, murderer
- Callixtus III, 209th Pope
- Calvert, Louie, double murderess
- Colvert, Robert, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Camacho, Genaro Ruiz, gang leader and multiple murderer
- Cambi, Susanna, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Campbell, Caryn, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Campbell, Charles, triple murderer
- Campbell, Henry Colin aka The Torch Murderer, presumed multiple murderer
- Campbell, Naomi, fashion model, actress and businesswoman
- Camus, Albert, writer
- Canary, Martha Jane aka Calamity Jane, frontierswoman and professional scout
- Canetti, Elias, writer
- Cannon, Joseph, murderer
- Cannon, Mary, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Cannon, Robert, multiple murderer
- Cannon, Ross, hair stylist and experimental filmmaker
- Cantu, Andrew, triple murderer
- Cantu, Domingo, rapist and murderer
- Cantu, Ivan, double murderer
- Cantu, Ruben, murderer
- Canu, Giangiorgio, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Capone, Al aka Scarface, gangster, bootlegger and racketeer
- Capote, Truman, writer and playwright
- Capra, Frank, film director
- Caracalla aka Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus, Roman Emperor
- Caracciolo, Francesco, saint and founder of the Congregation of the Clerics Regular Minor
- Caravaggio, Michelangelo, artist
- Cardin, Pierre, fashion designer
- Cardinale, Claudia, actress
- Carette, Pierre, leader of Les Cellules Communistes Combattantes
- Carignan, Harvey aka The Want-Ad Killer aka Harv the Hammer, serial killer
- Caritativo, Bart, double murderer
- Carlier, Peter, murderer
- Carlisle, John, murderer
- Carlos I of Portugal aka o Diplomata aka o Martirizado, king
- Carmen, William, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Carmichael, Stokely aka Kwame Ture, Honorary Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party
- Carnot, Sadi, 4th President of France
- Carol, Martine, actress
- Carpenter, David aka The Trailside Killer, serial killer
- Carpenter, John, film director
- Carpenter, Karen, musician
- Carpenter, Mary,
- Carpenter, Richard, musician
- Carpenter, Scott, murderer
- Carr, Amanda, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Carr, Carswell, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Carr, John aka Wheaties, neighbour to David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Carr, Maryann, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Carr, Michael, neighbour to David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Carr, Royal, murderer
- Carr, William, black meat thief
- Carradine, David aka The Barefoot Legend, actor
- Carraher, Patrick aka The Fiend of the Gorbals, murderer
- Carrein, Jérôme, child killer
- Carrol, William, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Carroll, Jessie, murderer
- Carroll, Lewis, writer, mathematician and photographer
- Carson, Johnny, television host
- Carson, Kit, frontiersman, fur trapper and wilderness guide
- Carter, Desmond, murderer
- Carter, Howard, archaeologist and Egyptologist
- Carter, Jimmy, 39th President of the United States
- Carter, Robert, murderer
- Carter, Robert Earl, mass murderer
- Cartier-Bresson, Henri aka The Master of Candid Photography, photographer
- Cartwright, Richard, murderer
- Caruso, Enrico, tenor
- Caruthers, Alexander aka Gus, murderer
- Casanova, Giacomo, adventurer, writer and sexual athlete
- Caserio, Sante Geronimo, anarchist and assassin
- Casey, Gerald, murderer
- Cash, Johnny aka The Man in Black, singer-songwriter
- Cassavetes, John, actor and film director
- Cassel, Joyce, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Cassidy, David, actor and singer
- Castaneda, Carlos, writer
- Castillo, David, murderer
- Castro, Fidel, 15th President of Cuba
- Castro, John, double murderer
- Catalina de Aragón, Princess of Wales and first wife of Henry VIII
- Catherine the Great, Russian monarch
- Cavaness, John aka Doc, double murderer
- Cavell, Edith, nurse
- Caven, Ingrid, actress and singer
- Cazazza, Monte, electronic music pioneer
- Ceaușescu, Nicolae aka The Genius of the Carpathians, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party
- Ceja, Jose, double murderer
- Celentano, Adriano, singer and actor
- Celestinus IV, 179th Pope
- Celestinus V, 192nd Pope
- Celine, Louis-Ferdinand, writer
- Celsius, Anders, astronomer, physicist and mathematician
- Cendrars, Blaise, writer
- Centanaro, Giorgio, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Cepeda, Dolores, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Cermak, Anton,
- Cézanne, Paul, artist
- Chabanceau de La Barre, Joseph, composer
- Chabrol, Claude, film director
- Chadwick, Nancy,
- Chagall, Marc, artist
- Chako, Stephen, victim of Louis Peoples
- Chamberlain, Azaria aka The Dingo Baby,
- Chamberlain, Richard, actor
- Chambers, Marilyn, porn actress
- Chambers, Tony, child killer
- Chan, Ting Chon aka Steven Chan, drug trafficker
- Chance, James aka James White, musician
- Chandler, Raymond, writer
- Chanel, Coco, fashion designer
- Chaney, Anthony, cop killer
- Chang, Iris, journalist, writer and political activist
- Change, Kathy, performance artist and political activist
- Chantrelle, Eugène-Marie, murderer
- Chapin, Charles aka The Rose Man of Sing Sing, murderer
- Chaplin, Charles, actor and film director
- Chaplin, Geraldine, actress
- Chapman, Annie aka Dark Annie, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Chapman, George aka The Borough Poisoner, serial poisoner
- Chapman, Marcia, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Chapman, Mark David aka The Man Who Shot John Lennon, murderer
- Chappell, William, triple murderer
- Charles, Prince of Wales
- Charles, Ray aka The Genius, singer-songwriter and composer
- Charteris, Francis aka The Rape-Master General, soldier and adventurer
- Charters, Spencer, actor
- Chartrand, Louise, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Chase, Richard aka The Vampire of Sacramento, serial killer and cannibal
- Chatterton, Thomas, poet and forger of pseudo-medieval poetry
- Chavez, Juan aka The Thrill Killer, multiple murderer
- Chavez, N. B., cop killer
- Che Guevara, Ernesto, Marxist revolutionary, guerrilla leader and military theorist
- Cheetah-Mike aka Org, chimpanzee
- Chekhov, Anton, writer
- Chenault, Marcus, deranged gunman
- Chengyong, Gao aka The Chinese Jack the Ripper, serial killer
- Chepel, Alexander, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Cher aka The Goddess of Pop, singer and actress
- Chernenko, Konstantin, Soviet leader
- Chernozemski, Vlado aka Vlado the Chauffeur, anarchist and assassin
- Chessman, Caryl aka The Red Light Bandit, robber and rapist
- Cheung, Leslie aka Gor-Gor (Elder Brother), singer-songwriter
- Cheung, Maggie, actress
- Chevalier, Maurice, actor, singer and entertainer
- Chevrolet, Arthur, racecar driver and automobile manufacturer
- Chevrolet, Louis-Joseph, racer and automobile manufacterer
- Chi, Yulian, Falun Gong practicer
- Chichester, Francis, aviator and solo sailor pioneer
- Chikatilo, Andrei aka The Rostov Ripper, serial killer
- Chin, Shew, murderer
- Cho, Diane, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Cho, Seung-Hui aka Ismail Ax aka the School Shooter, mass murderer
- Chomsky, Noam aka The Father of Modern Linguistics, linguist, philosopher and cognitive scientist
- Chop-off, Charlie, unidentified serial killer
- Chopin, Frédéric, composer
- Choy, Marise, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Christgen, Eric, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Christian, Virginia, murderess
- Christie, Agatha, writer
- Christie, John aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place, serial killer
- Christo, Javacheff, artist
- Christofi, Styllou, murderess
- Christopherson, Peter aka Sleazy, musician
- Chubbuck, Christine, news reporter
- Chubby Checker, rock 'n roll singer and dancer
- Churchill, Christopher, mass murderer
- Churchill, James, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Churchill, Winston, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- Cibulka, Heinz, photographer and Wiener Aktionist model
- Ciccone, Madonna aka Madonna, singer-songwriter and actress
- Cicero, June, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius, philosopher
- Cigrand, Emeline, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Cioran, Emil, philosopher
- Citroën, André, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Ciucci, Vincent, mass murderer
- Clanton, Earl, murderer
- Clapton, Eric aka Slowhand, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Clarence 13X aka The Father, Founder of the Five-Percent Nation
- Clark, Barney, artificial-heart patient
- Clark, David, double murderer
- Clark, Elijah, black child rapist
- Clark, Henry, murderer
- Clark, Jack, murderer
- Clark, James Dean, mass murderer
- Clark, James Lee, double murderer
- Clark, Jim, Formula One racer
- Clark, John, murderer
- Clark, Mark, Black Panther
- Clark, Petula, singer and actress
- Clark, Robert, serial rapist and murderer
- Clark, Sophie, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Clarke, Arthur C., science fiction writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer and television series host
- Clarke, Bob Carlos, photographer
- Clarkson, Lana, actress and fashion model
- Clauberg, Carl, Nazi doctor
- Claudel, Camille, sculptor
- Claus, Emanuel, gang leader and multiple murderer
- Claxton, Marcella, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Clay, Keith, murderer
- Clayton, James, murderer
- Clayton, Robert, murderer
- Cleaver, Eldridge, Minister of Information of the Black Panthers
- Cleese, John, actor
- Clemens IV aka Guy le Gros, 183rd Pope
- Clemens IX, 238th Pope
- Clemens V, 195th Pope
- Clemens VII, 219th Pope
- Clemens VIII, 231st Pope
- Clemens X, 239th Pope
- Clemens XI, 243rd Pope
- Clemens XII, 246th Pope
- Clemens XIII, 248th Pope
- Clemens XIV, 249th Pope
- Clement, Jean-Joseph, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Clemm, Virginia Eliza, wife of Edgar Allan Poe
- Cleopatra VII Philopator, last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
- Cleveland, Grover, 22nd and 24th President of the United States
- Clift, Montgomery, actor
- Cline, Claude, double murderer
- Clinton, Bill, 42nd President of the United States
- Cloer, Betty, possible victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Clover, Matilda, victim of Thomas Neill Cream aka The Strychnine Specialist
- Clozza, Albert, murderer
- Club Moral, noise music band
- Clues, Mary,
- Cluverius, Thomas, murderer
- Cobain, Kurt aka The Pope of Grunge, musician
- Cobble, Charles, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Coburn, James, actor
- Cocaign, Nicolas aka Le Cannibale de Rouen, murderer and cannibal
- Cochcrane, Gladys, widow
- Cochran, Eddie, singer-songwriter and musician
- Cochrane, Roland aka Charles E. Stevens, murderer
- Cocker, Joe, singer and musician
- Cockett, Janet, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Cockrum, Johnny, murderer
- Cocteau, Jean, poet, writer, artist and filmmaker
- Coddington, James, murderer
- Cody, Archie, cop killer
- Cody, William Frederick aka Buffalo Bill, bison hunter and showman
- Coe, Kevin aka the South Hill Rapist, serial rapist
- Coe, Robert Glen, child killer
- Coetzee, Samuel aka Kim, transvestite serial killer
- Coey, Leonard, murderer
- Cohen, Leonard, singer-songwriter and poet
- Cohen, Rachel, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Colburn, James, rapist and murderer
- Cole, Carroll aka Silent Rage, serial killer
- Cole, Grady, murderer
- Cole, Nat King, musician
- Coleman, Alton, spree killer
- Coleman, Clydell, murderer
- Coleman, Lindsey, murder suspect
- Coleman, Roger Keith, murderer
- Coleman, Travis, victim of Christine Falling aka The Babysitter Killer
- Coles, Frances, prostitute
- Collier, Andrew, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Collier, James, double murderer
- Collins, George, bank robber and murderer
- Collins, Joan, actress
- Collins, John Norman aka The Ypsilanti Killer, serial killer
- Collins, Phil, musician
- Collison, Merle, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Collomb, Anne, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Colombier, Michel aka Fusion-sama, composer
- Colombo, Joseph, mobster and crime boss
- Colt, Samuel, firearms designer and industrialist
- Columbus, Christophorus, explorer, navigator, cartographer and captain
- Combs, Jessi aka the fastest woman on four wheels, race car driver and TV personality
- Comer, Robert, rapist and murderer
- Como, Perry, singer and television personality
- Compton, Veronica, serial killer groupie
- Confucius aka Kongzi, Chinese teacher and philosopher
- Conley, Darlene aka Sally Spectra, actress
- Connery, Sean, actor
- Conniff, Ray, bandleader and composer
- Connor, Frank, murderer
- Connor, Julia, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Connors, Mike, actor
- Conrad, Joseph, writer
- Conrad, William aka 'Cannon', actor and producer
- Constable, John, painter
- Contaoe, Marciano, rampage killer
- Conté, Nicolas-Jacques, painter, balloonist, army officer and inventor
- Coo, Eva aka Madame aka The Mallet Murderess, murderess
- Cook, Anthony, murderer
- Cook, Billy aka Billy Boy Cockeyed Cook, spree killer
- Cook, Bobby, murderer
- Cook, James, explorer, navigator, cartographer and captain
- Cook, John, victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Cook, Robert, mass murderer
- Cooke, Eric Edgar aka The Australian Nightmare aka The Nedlands Monster, serial killer
- Cooke, Isabelle, victim of Peter Manuel aka The Monster in Human Shape aka The Beast of Birkenshaw
- Cooke, Sam, singer-songwriter
- Cooks, Vincent, cop killer
- Cooley, Melanie, possible victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Coolidge, Calvin, 30th president of the United States
- Cooney, Agnes, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Cooper, Alice aka The Godfather of Shock Rock, musician
- Cooper, D.B., hijacker
- Cooper, Edwin aka Bozo the Clown, actor
- Cooper, Gary, actor
- Cooper, Ronald, child killer and would-be serial killer
- Cooper, Tommy, actor and comedian
- Copernicus, Nicolaus, mathematician and astronomer
- Copland, Aaron, composer
- Copperfield, David, illusionist
- Coppi, Fausto aka Il Campionissimo, cyclist
- Coppola, Francis Ford, film director
- Corbin, Evelyn, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Corbitt, James, murderer
- Corcoran, Joseph, mass murderer
- Corday, Charlotte aka l'Ange de l'Assassinat, assassin
- Corder, Frank, army veteran and suicide pilot
- Corder, William aka The Red Barn Murderer, murderer
- Cordova, Gary, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Cordova, Joe, murderer
- Cordova, Jorge aka Spiderman, murderer
- Corll, Dean aka The Candyman, serial killer
- Corman, Roger aka The Pope of Pop Cinema, film director
- Cornell, George, victim of the Kray Twins aka The Profession of Violence
- Corona, Juan aka The Machete Murderer, serial killer
- Cortázar, Julio aka The Simón Bolívar of the Novel, writer
- Cortimiglia, Mary, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Corwin, Daniel Lee, serial killer
- Costello, Elvis, singer-songwriter
- Costello, Lou, actor and comedian
- Costner, Kevin, actor and film director
- Cotten, Joseph, actor
- Cottingham, Richard aka The Torso Killer, serial killer
- Cotton, Marcus, murderer
- Cotton, Mary Ann, serial poisoner
- Couffy, Joseph, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- Coulson, Catherine,
- Coulson, Robert, mass murderer
- Courbet, Gustave, painter
- Couronne, Yvonne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Courson, Pamela, wife of Jim Morrison
- Court, Ada, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Courths-Mahler, Hedwig, writer
- Courvoisier, François, murderer
- Covell, Arthur, murder plotter
- Cowan, Fred, self-styled Nazi and mass murderer
- Cowan, Lola, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Coward, Noël, playwright, director, actor and singer
- Cox, David, murderer
- Cox, Johnie, triple murderer
- Craft, Lonnie, murderer
- Cranach der Ältere, Lucas, painter
- Crane, Alvin, cop killer
- Craven, Wes, horror film director
- Crawford, Hilton, kidnapper and child murderer
- Crawford, Joan, actress
- Cream, Thomas Neill aka The Strychnine Specialist, serial killer
- Crean, Anthony, Roman Catholic priest and victim of Patrick Mackay aka Franklin Bollvolt the First
- Creffield, Edmund aka Joshua, founder of the Bride of Christ Church
- Creighton, Mary aka The Long Island Borgia, murderess
- Cremer, Jan, writer and painter
- Crété, Dominique, victim of Philippe Pacque aka L'Épervier d'Amiens
- Creuziger, Caspar aka Cruciger the Elder, theologian and church reformer
- Crippen, Hawley Harvey aka Dr. Crippen, physician and poison murderer
- Crisp, Quentin, raconteur
- Croce, Jim, singer-songwriter
- Crockett, Davy aka King of the Wild Frontier, folk hero, frontiersman, soldier and politician
- Crockett, Steven, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Cromwell, Thomas, 1st Earl of Essex
- Cronenberg, David aka Dave Deprave aka The Baron of Blood, film director
- Cronkite, Walter aka The Most Trusted Man in America, CBS anchorman
- Crooks, Thomas Matthew, would-be assassin
- Cropper, Steven, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Crosby, Bing, singer and actor
- Crosby, David, singer-songwriter and musician
- Cross, Philip aka The Coachford Poisoner, murderer
- Crotwell, Keith, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Crowley, Aleister aka The Great Beast, occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter and mountaineer
- Crowley, Astarte, daughter of Aleister Crowley aka The Great Beast
- Cruz, David, rapist and murderer
- Cruz, Javier, double murderer
- Csatáry, László, alleged Nazi war criminal
- Cuevas, Ignacio, murderer and prison rioter
- Cummins, Gordon aka The Blackout Ripper, serial killer
- Cunanan, Andrew aka American Gigolo/American Psycho, serial killer
- Cunningham, Charles, murderer
- Cunningham, Graeme, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Cunningham, Harvey, murderer
- Cunningham, Julie, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Curie, Marie, physicist and chemist
- Curie, Pierre, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity pioneer
- Curry, Alva, murderer
- Curry, Izola, would-be assassin
- Curry, Shirley, mass murderess
- Curtis, Alice, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Curtis, Ian, musician
- Curtis, Jamie Lee, actress
- Curtis, Tony, actor
- Cushing, Peter, actor
- Czolgosz, Leon aka The Man who shot William McKinley, assassin
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele aka Principe di Montenevoso aka The High Priest of Erotica, writer, poet, journalist and soldier
- da Gama, Vasco, explorer
- da Vinci, Leonardo, artist, scientist, engineer, mathematician, inventor and polymath
- Daglis, Andonis aka The Athens Ripper, serial killer
- Dahl, Roald, writer
- Dahlman, Albert Gustaf, executioner
- Dahlstedt, Arthur, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Dahmer, Jeffrey aka The Milwaukee Cannibal, serial killer and cannibal
- Daignault, Colleen, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Daimler, Gottlieb, engineer and automobile developer
- dal Santo, Marianne, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Dale Selby, Pierre, triple murderer
- Dalí, Gala, wife and muse of Salvador Dalí
- Dalí, Salvador, surrealist artist and first Marqués de Dalí de Pubol
- Dalida, singer and actress
- Dalla Chiese, Carlo, general of the Italian carabinieri
- Daltrey, Roger, musician
- Damasus II, 151st Pope
- Dandridge, Dorothy, actress, singer and dancer
- Daniels, Alonzo, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Daniels, Jennifer, victim of Christine Falling aka The Babysitter Killer
- Daniels, John, murderer
- Daniels, Loretta, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Dante Alighieri aka Il Sommo Poeta, poet and writer
- Darden, Willie, murderer
- Dardenne, Sabine, victim of Marc Dutroux
- Darin, Bobby aka The Dream Lover, singer-songwriter
- DaRonch, Carol, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Darrow, Clarence, lawyer
- Darty, Lillie, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Darwin, Charles, naturalist, geologist and evolutionary theorist
- Darwin, John aka The Canoe Man, fraudster
- Darwood, Salney, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Dassault, Marcel, aircraft designer
- Dassin, Joe, singer-songwriter
- Daugherty, Jeffrey, multiple murderer
- Daugherty, John, murderer
- David, Jacques-Louis, painter
- Davidson, Frederick, school shooter
- Davidson, Harold aka The Prostitutes’ Padre, entertainer, priest and womanizer
- Davidson, Muriel aka The Thursday Woman, mystery writer
- Davies, Ray, musician
- Davis, Allen aka Tiny, triple murderer
- Davis, Angela, writer and political activist
- Davis, Bette, actress
- Davis, Danny, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Davis, Debbie, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Davis, Gary Lee, murderer
- Davis, James, triple child killer
- Davis, Miles, musician
- Davis, William, murderer
- Davis Jr., Sammy, actor, singer and entertainer
- Davison, Emily, heroine of the women's suffrage movement
- Davisson, Rollin, cop killer
- Dawson, Ann, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Day, Doris, actress, singer and animal rights activist
- Day, Jack, murderer
- Day, John, murderer
- Dayan, Moshe, Israeli military leader and politician
- de Acosta, Mercedes, poet and Lesbian Rights pioneer
- de Aragón, Catalina, first wife of Henry VIII
- de Balzac, Honoré, writer and playwright
- de Beauharnais, Joséphine, first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte
- de Beauvoir, Simone, philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist
- de Bergerac, Cyrano, writer and duelist
- De Bodt, Richard aka De Beul van Breendonk, SS-Rottenführer
- de Bruijn, Reyer, victim of Hans van Zon
- de Carvajal y Gorosábel, Cristóbal Colón, 18th Duke of Veragua
- de Carvajal y Maroto, Cristóbal Colón, 17th Duke of Veragua
- de Cervantes, Miguel, writer
- de Chateaubriand, François-René aka The Father of Romanticism, writer, politician, diplomat and historian
- de Chirico, Giorgio, surrealist artist
- de Cleyre, Voltairine, anarchist writer and feminist
- de Falla, Manuel, composer
- de Funès, Louis aka FuFu, actor
- De Gaulle, Charles, 18th President of the French Republic
- de Gouges, Olympe, feminist, activist, playwright and abolitionist
- De Gruchy, Michael, victim of the Geoffrey Hammond Gang
- de Havilland, Olivia, actress
- De Hees, Arend, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- De Hees, Willem, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- De Hees - Van Der Linden, Cornelia, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- De Hert, Robbe, film director
- de Kaplany, Geza aka The Acid Doctor, murderer
- de Kaplany, Hajna, fashion model and beauty queen
- de Kooning, Willem, abstract expressionist painter
- de Koven, Jean, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- De La Cruz, Jose, murderer
- de la Cruz, Juana aka The Mexican Phoenix, nun, writer and women's rights activist
- de La Fontaine, Jean, fabulist
- De La Roche jr., Harry, mass murderer
- De La Rosa, Jesse, murderer
- De La Torre, Humberto, mass murderer
- de la Tourette, Gilles, neurologist
- de Lautréamont, Isidore Ducasse, poet
- de Maupassant, Guy, writer
- de Melker, Daisy, trained nurse and triple murderess
- de Molay, Jacques, 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar
- De Niro, Robert, actor
- de Palma, Brian, film director
- De Pillecyn, Filip aka De Prins der Nederlandse Letteren, writer
- De Quincey, Thomas, writer
- de Rais, Gilles aka Gilles de Retz, baron, knight, companion-in-arms of Jeanne D'Arc and serial killer of children
- de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François aka Marquis de Sade, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer
- de Saint Phalle, Niki, artist
- de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine, aristocrat, writer, poet and aviation pioneer
- de Sepulveda, Maria,
- De Sica, Vittorio, neorealist film director
- de Staël, Germaine aka Madame de Staël, writer
- de Staël, Nicolas, artist
- de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, impressionist painter
- de Vries, Erich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- De Winne, Dirk, mass murderer
- de Zwijger, Willem aka William the Silent, Prince of Orange
- Dean, James, actor
- Dearman, Derrick, mass murderer
- DeBardeleben, Mike aka The Lethal Shadow, serial rapist and murderer
- Debonny, Celina, victim of Nestor Pirotte aka Le Tueur Fou
- Debord, Guy, theorist, writer, filmmaker and founding member of the Situationist International
- Debus, Sigurd, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Debussy, Claude, composer
- Deckers, Jeanine aka Sœur Sourire aka The Singing Nun, singer-songwriter
- Dee, John, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and occult philosopher
- Deelder, Jules aka De Nachtburgemeester van Rotterdam, poet and writer
- Deeming, Frederick Bailey aka Albert Williams aka Baron Swanston, mass murderer
- DeFeo, Ronald aka The Amityville Horror Murderer, mass murderer
- Defoe, Daniel, trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy
- DeFreeze, Donald aka Field Marshal Cinque Mtume, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Degas, Edgar, impressionist artist
- Degauque, Muriel aka Maryam, suicide bomber
- Degnan, Suzanne, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Degrelle, Léon, Rexist and Belgian Waffen SS leader
- DeGrimston, Mary Ann, founder of The Process Church of The Final Judgment
- DeGrimston, Robert aka The Teacher aka Robert Moor, founder of The Process Church of The Final Judgment
- Deitsch, Juliette, victim of Etienne Deschamps aka The Magnetic Doctor
- Dekker, Desmond, musician
- Delacroix, Eugène, romantic painter
- Delaunay, Robert, painter
- Deleuze, Gilles, philosopher
- Delhez, Laetitia, victim of Marc Dutroux
- Delisle, Annick, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Delisse, Mr, victim of Nestor Pirotte aka Le Tueur Fou
- Delk, Monty, murderer
- Dellwo, Karl-Heinz, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Delomme, Eugénie, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Delon, Alain, actor
- DeLuca, Mary, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- DeLuna, Carlos, presumed murderer
- Delvaux, André, film director
- Delves Broughton, Jock aka Sir Murder, baronet and murderer
- DeMille, Cecil Blount, film director
- Demjanjuk, John, guard at Sobibór KZ
- Demme, Jonathan, film director
- Demouchette, James aka Doom, triple murderer
- Denaro, Carl, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Deneuve, Catherine, actress
- Denke, Karl aka Papa Denke, serial killer and cannibal
- Dennett, Daniel, philosopher and cognitive scientist
- Dennis, Andrew, murderer
- Denny, Martin aka The Father of Exotica, composer
- Denver, John, singer-songwriter
- Depardieu, Gérard, actor
- Depp, Johnny, actor
- Derek, Bo, model and actress
- Deren, Maya, experimental filmmaker
- Derrick, Mikel, murderer
- Derrida, Jacques aka The Father of Deconstructionism, philosopher
- DeSalvo, Henry aka The Boston Strangler aka The Measuring Man aka The Green Man, serial killer
- Descartes, René, philosopher, mathematician and scientist
- Deschamps, Etienne aka The Magnetic Doctor, sex killer
- Desfourneaux, Jules-Henri aka Monsieur de Paris, chief executioner
- Devereux, Arthur, multiple murderer
- Devine, Michael, Irish republican hunger striker
- DeVito, Danny, actor
- Devos, Danny aka DDV, performance artist
- Dewaere, Patrick, actor
- Dhingra, Madan Lal, assassin
- Diamond, Neil, singer-songwriter
- Dick, Philip K., science fiction writer
- Dickens, Charles aka Boz, writer and social critic
- Dickerson, Roger, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Dickerson-Peay, Joyce, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Dickinson, Angie, actress
- Dickman, John, murderer
- Dickson, Ryan, double murderer
- Dickson, William, murderer
- Diddley, Bo aka The Originator, musician
- Diderot, Denis, writer and philosopher
- die Rote Armee Fraktion aka Baader-Meinhof Gruppe,
- Diesel, Rudolf, inventor and mechanical engineer
- Dietrich, Marlene, actress and singer
- Dietz, Paula, wife of Dennis Rader aka The BTK Killer
- DiGirolamo, Marietta, victim of the Black Zebra Killers
- Dillinger, John, bank robber
- Dillingham, Jeffrey, murderer
- Diltwer, Milton, murderer
- DiMaggio, Joe aka Joltin' Joe aka The Yankee Clipper, baseball player
- Dine, Jim, pop artist
- Ding-Schuler, Erwin, Oberstabsarzt in Buchenwald
- Dinkins, Richard Eugene, double murderer
- Dinsfriend, Karen, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Dior, Christian, fashion designer
- Dipendra of Nepal, king
- Disney, Walt, film director and animator
- Distin, Joseph, murderer
- Dix, Otto, painter and printmaker
- Dixon, Clarence, rapist and murderer
- Djandoubi, Hamida, murderer
- Döblin, Alfred, writer
- Docker, Patricia, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Dodd, Westley aka The Vancouver Child Killer, child molester and serial killer
- Dodge, Horace, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Dodge, John, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Doherty, Denny, singer-songwriter and musician
- Doherty, Kieran, Irish republican hunger striker
- Dohrn, Bernardine, leader of the Weather Underground
- Doi, William, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Dolby, Thomas, musician
- Dolezal, Frank, Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run suspect
- Dollfuss, Engelbert, Chancellor of Austria
- Dolly, the first succesfully cloned sheep
- Domingo, Plácido, tenor
- Dominguez, Pedro, murderer
- Dominici, Gaston, presumed murderer
- Domino, Fats, singer-songwriter and musician
- Donaldson, Ian Stuart, White Power punk rocker
- Donghi, Dianne aka Dianne Marie Spiegel aka Dianne Donghi Oberman, member of Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground
- Dönitz, Karl, Commander of the Kriegsmarine and successor of the Führer
- Donjoux, Estelle, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Donnelly, Edward, murderer
- Donnelly, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Donovan, singer-songwriter
- Donse, Jan aka Oom Cupido, victim of Hans van Zon
- Donworth, Ellen, victim of Thomas Neill Cream aka The Strychnine Specialist
- Doolittle, Hilda aka H. D., poet and writer
- Doppler, Christian, mathematician and physicist
- Dorf, Ernst, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Dornier, Christian, spree killer
- Dorr, William, murderer
- Dörrier, Elisabeth, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, writer
- Doty, Thomas, mass murderer
- Dougal, Samuel aka The Moat Farm Murderer, womanizer and murderer
- Dougherty, Jack, actor
- Dougherty, Jeffrey, serial killer
- Doughtie, Jeffrey, double murderer
- Douglas, Donald, aircraft designer
- Douglas, Donald Wills, aircraft designer and manufacturer
- Douglas, Kirk, actor
- Douglas, Louis, murderer
- Douglas, Michael, actor
- Doumer, Paul, 13th President of the Third Republic and 14th President of France
- Downey, Lesley Ann, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Downs, Rosemary, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Downs, William, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Dowthitt, Dennis, rapist and murderer
- Doxtator, James, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Doyle, Arthur Conan, writer
- Drake, Jessica, porn actress
- Drake, Sir Francis aka el Draque, Sea Captain, slaver and pirate
- Drayton, Leroy aka Ricky, murderer
- Dreesman, Robert, mass murderer
- Dreiser, Theodore, naturalist writer
- Dresch, Lillian, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Drew, Robert, murderer
- Dreyer, Carl Theodor, film director
- Dreyfus, Alfred, artillery officer and presumed traitor
- Dreymala, James, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Drinkard, Richard, triple murderer
- Driscoll, Bridget,
- Driscoll, Daniel, murderer
- Druitt, Montague, Jack the Ripper suspect
- Drumm, Máire, Vice President of Sinn Féin
- Drummond, Jack, biochemist
- du Maurier, Daphne, writer and playwright
- Duarte, Frank, murderer
- Dubuffet, Jean, Art Brut artist
- Duchamp, Marcel aka Rrose Sélavy, Dada artist
- Ducharme, Frederick, rapist and murderer
- Duchovny, David, actor
- Dudley, Deborah, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Dudley, Marion, multiple murderer
- Duell, William, rapist and murderer
- Duff-Smith, Markham, multiple murderer
- Duffey, Martyn, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Dugan, Eva, murderess
- Dukes, James, cop killer
- Dull, Judy, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Dumas, Alexandre, writer
- Dumas, Roy, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Dümlein, Christine, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Dunant, Henri, founder of the Red Cross
- Dunaway, Faye, actress
- Dunbar, Reuben, double murderer
- Duncan, Elizabeth aka Ma Duncan, murderess
- Duncan, Isadora aka The Mother of Modern Dance, dancer
- Duncan, John, artist
- Duncan, Richard, double murderer
- Dunkins, Horace, murderer
- Dunlop, John, inventor
- Dunn, Christopher, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Dunn, Henry Earl, murderer
- Dunn, Kenneth, murderer
- Dunne, Reginald, Irish Republican Army volunteer
- Dupay, Andrew, postman to David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Durand-Deacon, Olive, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- Durante, Jimmy aka The Great Schnozzola, comedian and actor
- Duras, Marguerite, writer and experimental filmmaker
- Dürer, Albrecht, painter and printmaker
- Durrant, Theodore aka The Demon in the Belfry, double murderer
- Dury, Ian, musician
- Duryea, Frank, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Dutronc, Jacques, singer-songwriter and actor
- Dutroux, Marc, kidnapper, serial killer and child molester
- Dutschke, Rudi aka Rote Rudi, student leader
- Duty, John David, murderer
- Duvalier, François aka Papa Doc, President of Haiti
- Duvall, Shelley, actress and singer
- Dvořák, Antonín, composer
- Dwyer, Budd, Treasurer of Pennsylvania
- Dyakonov, Aleksandr, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Dyer, Amelia aka The Ogress of Reading, baby farm murderess
- Dylan, Bob, musician
- Eady, Muriel, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Earhart, Amelia, aviation pioneer
- Earhart, James, murderer
- Easlund, Roxanne, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Eastman, George, innovator and entrepreneur
- Eastwood, Clint, actor and film director
- Eaton, Dennis, multiple murderer
- Ebauer, Hedwig, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Eckard, Donna, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Eckwerth, Edward, murderer
- Eddowes, Catherine, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Eddy, Duane, guitarist
- Edison, Thomas aka The Wizard of Menlo Park, inventor
- Edmunds, Wilhelmina, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Edward III, King of England
- Edward IV, King of England
- Edward VII aka Bertie, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India
- Edward VIII aka The Duke of Windsor, King of the United Kingdom
- Edwards, Buster, Great Train Robber
- Edwards, Edgar, triple murderer
- Edwards, Isaac, murderer
- Edwards, Thomas, murderer
- Egbert, H. D., murderer
- Eggar, Samantha, actress
- Ehlers, Ernst aka der Endlöser von Belgien, SS-Obersturmbannführer
- Ehrenberg, Ernst, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Eichhorn, Johann aka Die Bestie aus Aubing, serial killer and rapist
- Eichmann, Adolf, SS-Obersturmbannführer
- Eicke, Theodor, SS-Obergruppenführer and first commander of Dachau-KZ
- Eid, Hildegard, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Eiffel, Gustave, engineer and architect
- Einstein, Albert, theoretical physicist
- Eisenhower, Dwight aka Ike, 34th President of the United States
- Eisenstein, Sergeï, film director
- Eisler, Hanns, composer
- Ekberg, Anita, actress and sex symbol
- Ekland, Britt, actress and sex symbol
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns aka T. S. Eliot, poet and playwright
- Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
- Elizalde, Jaime, double murderer
- Elkins, Jane, slave and murderess
- Elkins, Michael, murderer
- Ellington, Duke, bandleader and composer
- Elliot, Cass aka Mama Cass, singer-songwriter
- Elliott, John aka Jackie, murderer
- Elliott, Robert, New York State Electrician aka executioner
- Elliott, Vicky, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Ellis, Albert, psychologist
- Ellis, Edward, murderer
- Ellis, Henry Havelock, sexologist
- Ellis, Ruth, murderess
- Elsas, Ferdi, kidnapper and murderer
- Elsschot, Willem, writer
- Éluard, Paul, surrealist poet
- Elwell, Joseph Bowne, bridge player, tutor and womanizer
- Emerick, Megan, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Emerson, Keith, musician
- Emery, Jeff, murderer
- Emms, Nancy, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Endlicher, Stephan, botanist, numismatist and Sinologist
- Engelbrecht, Dieter, kidnapper
- Engelhardt, Alwin, executioner
- Engels, Friedrich, philosopher
- Ennis, William, murderer
- Eno, Brian, musician
- Ensor, James, artist
- Ensslin, Gudrun, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Entress, Friedrich, camp doctor in Auschwitz and Mauthausen
- Entwistle, Peg, stage actress
- Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, writer and poet
- Epstein, Brian aka The Beatle-Making Prince of Pop, music entrepreneur
- Epsztejn, Estera, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Erasmus, Desiderius, humanist and theologian
- Erdner, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Erika, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Eriksson, Sven, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Ernst, Max, surrealist artist
- Eroglu-Sladky, Karin, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Ershov, Vadim aka The Krasnoyrask Beast, serial killer
- Erskine, Kenneth aka The Stockwell Strangler, serial killer
- Escarfail, Pascale, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Escher, Maurits Cornelis aka M. C. Escher, artist
- Escobar, Pablo, drug lord
- Esquivel, Rudy, cop killer
- Essex, Mark, spree killer
- Etheridge, Gary, murderer
- Etxebarrieta, Txabi aka Xabier Etxebarrieta Ortiz, member of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
- Eugenius III aka Bernardo da Pisa, 167th Pope
- Eugenius IV, 207th Pope
- Euskadi Ta Askatasuna aka ETA, Basque nationalist and separatist organization
- Eutychianus, 27th Pope
- Evangelista, Benny, Divine Prophet
- Evans, Beryl, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Evans, Donald Leroy aka The Rest Area Killer, serial killer
- Evans, Edward, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Evans, Gary, serial killer
- Evans, Geraldine, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Evans, Gwynne, murderer
- Evans, John Louis, robber, kidnapper and murderer
- Evans, Michael, double murderer
- Evans, Timothy aka The Innocent Strangler of 10 Rillington Place, Miscarriage of justice victim
- Evans, Wilbert, cop killer
- Everest, George, surveyor and geographer
- Everly, Don, singer-songwriter
- Everly, Phil, musician
- Evers, Medgar, African American civil rights activist
- Exley, Shannon, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Eyler, Larry aka The Leather Boy Killer, serial killer
- Fabiola, Queen of Belgium
- Fabro, Luciano, Arte Povera artist
- Fagan, Michael, intruder
- Fahrenheit, Daniel, physicist, engineer and glass blower
- Fairbanks, Douglas, actor
- Fairchild, Barry Lee, kidnapper, rapist and murderer
- Fairchild, Richard, child killer
- Fairley, Guy, murderer
- Faisal II, Last King of Iraq
- Faithfull, Marianne, singer-songwriter
- Faithfull, Starr aka The Drowned Girl, actress
- Falk, Peter, actor
- Fallaci, Oriana, journalist and writer
- Falling, Christine aka The Babysitter Killer, serial killer
- Fanon, Frantz, revolutionary philosopher and psychiatrist
- Faraday, David, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Faraday, Michael, physicist
- Fare, John aka John Fahey or John Faré, fictional artist
- Farinelli, castrato singer
- Farran, Rex,
- Farrell, John, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Farris, Troy Dale, cop killer
- Farrow, Mia, actress and political activist
- Fasching, Maria, victim of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Fasquel, Marc, sadist murderer
- Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, film director
- Father Damiaan aka The Apostle of the Lepers, Catholic priest and missionary
- Faugeron, Marcel, murderer
- Faulder, Stanley, murderer
- Faulkner, Richard, murderer
- Faulkner, William, writer
- Fauntleroy, Henry, banker and forger
- Faure, Félix, 7th President of France
- Favorito, John, murderer
- Fawcett, Farrah, actress
- Fawcett, Percy, geographer, artillery officer, cartographer, archaeologist and explorer of South America
- Fawkes, Guy, Catholic conspirator
- Fay, Janet, victim of Martha Beck and Raymond Fernandez aka The Lonely Hearts Killers
- Fearance, John, murderer
- Fearn, Donald, murderer
- Fechter, Peter, bricklayer and first victim of the Berlin Wall Border Guard
- Feder, Irmgard, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Fefferman, Steven, victim of Ricky Green
- Feguer, Victor, murderer
- Feigl, Franz, artist and event organiser
- Felder, Sammie, murderer
- Feldman, Andrea aka Whips, Andy Warhol Superstar
- Feldman, Marty, comedian and actor
- Fellini, Federico, film director
- Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo, anarchist publisher and millionaire
- Fender, Leo, guitar amplification pioneer
- Fenton, Robert, murderer
- Ferguson, Colin aka The Long Island Rail Road Shooter, mass murderer
- Ferguson, Terry, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Fern, Donald, murderer
- Fernandel, actor and singer
- Fernández, Florencio aka El Vampiro de la Ventana, vampire and serial killer
- Fernandez, Raymond aka The Lonely Hearts Killers (with Martha Beck), serial killer
- Ferrage, Blaise aka Seyé, cannibal
- Ferranti, Nicholas, murderer
- Ferrari, Lolo, dancer, pornographic actress, actress and singer
- Ferrero, Michele, chocolate maker
- Ferri, Gian Luigi, mass murderer
- Ferrin, Darlene, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Ferris, Andrew, robber
- Ferris, James, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Ferry, Bryan, singer-songwriter and musician
- Fesch, Jacques, cop killer
- Fest, Joachim, historian and journalist
- Field, Frederick, double murderer
- Field, Jack, murderer
- Fields, Barbara, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Fields, W. C., comedian, actor and juggler
- Figg, Elisabeth aka Ann Philips, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Filiaggi, James, murderer
- Fillmore, Millard, 13th President of the United States
- Finalteri, Berthe, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Finch, James, murderer
- Fintor, Andrea, victim of András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard
- Fintor, Edit, second wife and victim of András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard
- Fischer, Bobby, chess grandmaster
- Fish, Albert aka The Cannibal aka The Werewolf of Wysteria aka The Moon Maniac, serial killer, child rapist and cannibal
- Fisher, Willie, murderer
- Fitzgerald, Scott F., writer
- Fix, Darci, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Frau Flake, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Flanagan, Barry, sculptor
- Flaubert, Gustave, writer
- Flavin, Dan, minimal artist
- Flegenheimer, Arthur aka Dutch Schultz, mobster
- Fleischer, Richard, film director
- Fleischer, Willi, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Fleming, Alexander, biologist, pharmacologist and botanist
- Fleming, Ian, writer, journalist and naval intelligence officer
- Flemming, Mary aka Mary Turner, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Fleszar, Mary, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Flink, Mattias, spree killer
- Flint, Keith, musician
- Flores, Andrew, murderer
- Flores, Miguel, kidnapper, rapist and murderer
- Flowers, Sam, murderer
- Floyd, Pretty Boy, bank robber
- Fluke, Mabel, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Flynn, Errol, actor
- Fock, Carin, first wife of Hermann Göring
- Fogleman, Olin, murderer
- Foley, Robert, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Folk, Carl, murderer
- Folkerts, Knut, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Folkes, Robert, murderer
- Fomin, Ivan, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Fonda, Henry, actor
- Fonda, Jane, actress, political activist and fitness guru
- Fonda, Peter, actor
- Ford, Gerald, 38th President of the United States
- Ford, Henry, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Ford, John, film director
- Ford, Priscilla, mass murderess
- Ford, Wayne aka The Breast Severer, serial killer
- Foreman, George aka Big George, boxer
- Forman, Miloš, film director
- Forster, George aka The Galvanised Corpse, murderer
- Forsyth, Francis aka Flossie, murderer
- Forsyth, Frederick, writer, journalist and former spy
- Fosse, Bob, choreographer and film director
- Foster, Emmit aka John Lee, murderer
- Foster, Jodie, actress
- Foster, Richard, murderer
- Foucault, Michel, philosopher
- Foucault, Suzanne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Fourment, Hélène, second wife of Peter Paul Rubens
- Fourniret, Michel aka The Ogre of the Ardennes, serial killer
- Foust, Aaron aka Ace, murderer
- Fowler, Henry, murderer
- Fowles, John, writer
- Fox, Hardy, musician and founder of The Residents
- Fox, Richard, murderer
- Fox, Sidney, murderer
- Fra Angelico, Renaissance painter
- Francis, David, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Franco, Domingo, murderer
- Franco, Francisco, Caudillo de España y de la Cruzada
- François, Claude aka Cloclo, musician
- François II, King of France
- Frank, Anne, diarist
- Frank, Julian, mass murderer
- Frank, Leo aka Max the Jew, alleged child killer
- Franke, Elfriede, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Franke, Fritz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Frankenhuizen-Van Der Linden, Mien, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Frankhuizen, Hendrik, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Franklin, Aretha aka The Queen of Soul, singer and musician
- Franklin, Benjamin aka The First American, Founding Father of the United States
- Franklin, Donald, child rapist and murderer
- Franklin, Joseph Paul aka The Racist Killer, White-supremacist serial killer
- Franks, Bobby, victim of Leopold & Loeb aka The Perfect Murderers
- Frankum, Wade aka The Strathfield Killer, mass murderer
- Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Este and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia
- Frau Jablinski, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Frau Sch., victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Frazier, Derrick, double murderer
- Frazier, John, murderer
- Frazier, John Linley aka The Killer Prophet, mass murderer
- Freed, Alan aka Moondog, disc jockey and radio presenter
- Freedman, Maurice, murderer
- Freeman, John, mass murderer
- Freeman, William, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Frege, Gottlob aka The Father of Analytic Philosophy, philosopher, logician and mathematician
- French, Kristen, victim of Paul Bernardo aka The Scarborough Rapist aka The Schoolgirl Killer and Karla Homolka
- Frese, Peter, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Freud, Sigmund aka The Father of Psychoanalysis, neurologist
- Freund, Christine, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Frias, George, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Friedrich, Caspar David, romantic landscape painter
- Friedrich, Ralf Baptist, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Frinking, Hélène, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Fritsch, Gerhard, writer
- Frizell, Claudius, murderer
- Fromm, Erich, social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist and humanistic philosopher
- Fromme, Lynette aka Squeaky, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Frommer, Fritz, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- Frost, David, television host, media personality and journalist
- Frye, Dwight aka The Man with the Thousand-Watt Stare aka The Man of a Thousand Deaths, actor
- Frye, Ronald, murderer
- Frykowski, Wojciech, victim of The Manson Family
- Fu-zhen, Tang, anti-government protester
- Fuchs, Franz, xenophobic serial bomber
- Fuchs, Peter, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Fuentes, Anthony, murderer
- Fuerst, Ruth, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Fugate, Caril Ann, accomplice of spree killer Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Fujima, Seiha, multiple murderer
- Fujinami, Yoshio, double murderer
- Fujishiro, Yasutaka, mass murderer
- Fukawa, Hiroki, double murderer
- Fukuoka, Michio, multiple murderer
- Fuller, Aaron, murderer
- Fuller, Garfield aka C. R. 'Dad' Davis, murderer
- Fuller, Justin, murderer
- Fuller, Samuel, film director
- Funchess, David, double murderer
- Furney, Charles, pirate
- Futrell, Lisa, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Gabin, Jean, actor
- Gable, Clark aka The King of Hollywood, actor
- Gábor, Zsa Zsa aka Sári Prinzessin von Anhalt, actress
- Gacy, John Wayne aka The Killer Clown, serial killer
- Gaevskaya, Olga, student and unofficial prostitute
- Gaffney, William, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- Gagarin, Yuri, cosmonaut
- Gainsbourg, Serge, singer-songwriter, actor and poet
- Galante, Carmine aka The Cigar aka Lilo, mobster and boss of the Bonanno crime family
- Galazka, Marysa, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Galileo, Galilei aka The Father of Science, astronomer, engineer, philosopher and mathematician
- Gall, France, yé-yé singer
- Gallagher, John, murderer
- Gallamore, Samuel, triple murderer
- Gallego, Alejandro, murderer
- Galtseva, Olga, victim of Alexander Spesivtsev aka The Siberian Tiger
- Gamsakhurdia, Zviad, first democratically elected President of Georgia in the post-Soviet era
- Gandhi, Indira, first female Prime Minister of India
- Gandhi, Mahatma aka The Apostle of Non-violence, Indian nationalist leader
- Ganz, Bruno, actor
- Garbacz, Zofia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Garbo, Greta, actress
- Garcia, Homer, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Garcia, Jerry aka Captain Trips, musician
- Garcia, Joseph, mass murderer
- García Romero, Jesús aka Ríos Romero, cop killer
- Gardner, Ava, actress
- Gardner, Billy, murderer
- Gardner, Erle Stanley, lawyer and writer
- Gardner, John, triple murderer
- Gardner, Margery, victim of Neville Heath aka The Sadistic Romeo
- Gardner, Ronnie, double murderer
- Garfield, James, 20th President of the United States
- Garfunkel, Art, singer-songwriter
- Garland, Judy, actress, singer and vaudevillian
- Garnier, Gilles aka The Werewolf of Dôle, serial killer and cannibal
- Garrett, Johnny, murderer
- Garza, Juan, triple murderer
- Gąsiorowska, Eleonora, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Gaskins, Donald Henry aka Pee Wee Gaskins aka the Meanest Man in America, serial killer
- Gassmann, Florian, composer
- Gates, Bill, business magnate
- Gatlin, Ronald, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Gaudí, Antoni aka God's Architect, architect
- Gaughan, Michael, Irish republican hunger striker
- Gauguin, Paul, painter
- Gautrais, Celestin, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Gautsch, Josef, spree killer
- Gauvette, Joseph, murderer
- Gaye, Marvin aka The Prince of Motown, singer-songwriter and musician
- Gaynor, Alfred aka The Springfield Strangler, serial killer
- Gebbia, Leonardo, kidnapper and child murderer
- Gee, Jon, murderer
- Geiger, Hans, physicist
- Geiger, Susan, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Gein, Ed aka America’s Most Bizarre Murderer, murderer and body snatcher
- Geller, Uri, illusionist, magician, television personality and self-proclaimed psychic
- Gemayel, Bachir, Commander of the Lebanese Forces and President-elect of Lebanon
- Genet, Jean, writer, thief and political activist
- Genovese, Kitty, bar manager
- Genovese, Vito aka Don Vito, mobster and crime boss
- Gentry, Kenneth, murderer
- George V, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India
- Georges, Guy aka Le Tueur de la Bastille, serial killer
- Geórgios II, King of the Hellenes
- Geraghty, Christopher, murderer
- Geralds, Hubert aka The Englewood Rapist, serial killer
- Gere, Richard, actor
- Gerecht, Marion, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Gerekens, Robert, student
- Géricault, Théodore, artist
- Gerlaugh, Darrick, murderer
- Germany, Nathaniel, murderer
- Germond, Geneviève, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Geronimo aka The One Who Yawns, Bedonkohe Apache leader
- Gershwin, George, composer
- Gery, Alexandra, possible victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Getty, Jean Paul aka The Richest Living American, industrialist
- Getty, John Paul, playboy
- Giacometti, Alberto, sculptor
- Gibbs, David, triple murderer
- Gibbs, Tina, victim of Wayne Ford aka The Breast Severer
- Gibson, Elizabeth, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Gibson, Ervin, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Gibson, Mel, actor
- Gibson, Violet, would-be assassin
- Gide, André, writer
- Gielgud, John, actor
- Gierek, Jolanta, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Giese, Petra, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Giffard, Miles, cricketer and murderer
- Gillespie, Dizzy, musician and bandleader
- Gillette, Chester aka An American Tragedy, murderer
- Gillibrand, Meriora aka Mr. Arthur Hawarden, French aristocrat and possible murderess
- Gillies, Jess James, murderer
- Gilmore, Gary aka The Executioner’s Song, double murderer
- Gilmore, George, multiple murderer
- Gilroy, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Gimondi, Felice aka The Phoenix, cyclist
- Ginsberg, Allen, Beat poet
- Giovanni XXIII aka Il Papa Buono,
- Girard, Roger, mass murderer
- Giraud, Marie-Louise, abortionist
- Glass, James, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Glass, Jimmy, double murderer
- Glass, Philip, minimal composer
- Glass, Robert Frederick aka Slowhand, murderer
- Glatman, Harvey aka The Pin-Up Killer, serial killer
- Gleim, Valentine, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Glenn, John, United States Marine Corps aviator, engineer and astronaut
- Glitter, Gary aka Paul Raven, Rubber Bucket, Paul Monday or Paul Russell, singer-songwriter
- Glöde, Gertrud, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Glover, John Wayne aka The Granny Killer aka The Monster of Mosman, serial killer
- Godard, Jean-Luc aka the Father of the Nouvelle Vague film movement, film director
- Godfrey, Elisabeth, murderess
- Godse, Nathuram, assassin of Mahatma Gandhi
- Godzik, Gregory, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Goebbels, Joseph, Nazi leader and Reichspropagandaleiter
- Goetz, Bernhard aka The Subway Vigilante,
- Goetz, Cecilia, victim of Richard Arinaitwe
- Goetz, Ingeborg, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Goeyvaerts, Karel, composer
- Goff, David, murderer
- Goff, Glenda, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Gogol, Nikolai, writer
- Gokkel, Paul, art vandal
- Gold, Abraham, murderer
- Goldberg, Whoopi, actress and television host
- Golden, Andrew aka Drew Douglas Grant, school shooter
- Goldhausen, Anna, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Golding, Paula, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Golding, William, writer
- Goldman, Emma, anarchist, political activist and writer
- Goldstein, Baruch, religious extremist and mass murderer
- Goldthorpe, Norman, murderer
- Goldwyn, Samuel aka Samuel Goldfish, film producer
- Golosovskaya, Natalya, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Gomółka, Maria, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Gomułka, Władysław, communist activist and politician
- Goncalves, Julia, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Gonzales, Francisco, hijacker and mass murderer
- Gonzales, Joe, murderer
- Gonzales, Rosario aka Chary, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Gonzalez, Daniel aka The Freddy Krueger Killer, spree killer
- Gooch, Arthur, kidnapper
- Goodale, Robert, murderer
- Goodarzi, Deedeh, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Goode, Arthur Frederick, child molester and killer
- Goodman, Benny aka The King of Swing, musician and bandleader
- Goodman, Spencer, murderer
- Goodwin, Alvin, murderer
- Goodyear, Charles, engineer and chemist
- Goold, Vere St. Leger, tennis player and murderer
- Gorbachev, Mikhail, 8th and last President of the Soviet Union
- Gorbachova, Raisa,
- Gordon, William, highwayman
- Gore, Lesley, singer
- Gore-Graham, James, furniture designer, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament sympathiser and art vandal
- Gorguloff, Paul, assassin
- Göring, Hermann, Reichsmarschall and Nazi leader
- Gorky, Arshile, painter
- Gorky, Maxim, writer and political activist
- Gorni, Enzo,
- Gosch, Lesley, murderer
- Goslett, Arthur, murderer
- Gosmann, Klaus aka Der Mittagsmörder, serial killer
- Goss, Cornelius, murderer
- Gottfried, Gesche aka Der Engel von Bremen, serial poisoner
- Gottfried, Michael, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Gough, Alfred, child killer
- Gould, Glenn, pianist
- Gowdie, Isobel,
- Goya, Francisco, painter and printmaker
- Grable, Betty aka The Girl with the Million Dollar Legs, actress, dancer, singer and sex symbol
- Grabowski, Klaus, child rapist and murderer
- Grabs, Marcus, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Gracián, Baltasar, writer and philosopher
- Gräf, Richard, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Graff, Joann, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Graham, Barbara aka Bloody Babs, murderess
- Graham, Billy aka America's Pastor, evangelist
- Graham, Harrison, serial killer
- Graham, Jack, mass murderer
- Graham, Stanley, spree killer
- Grammer, George, murderer
- Grams, Wolfgang, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Granados, Carlos, child killer
- Grandier, Urbain aka The Devil of Loudun, priest and philanderer
- Grans, Hans, accomplice of serial killer Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Grant, Cary, actor
- Grant, Donald, double murderer
- Grant, John, murderer
- Grant, Shauna aka Callie Aimes, nude model and pornographic performer
- Grant, Ulysses, 18th President of the United States
- Grant, Virginia, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Granviel, Kenneth, mass murderer
- Graßmann, Manfred, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Grass, Günter, writer and playwright
- Gravlin, William, mass murderer
- Gray, David, spree killer
- Gray, Eileen, architect and furniture designer
- Gray, Henry Judd aka The Putty Man, murderer
- Gray, Jimmy Lee, child killer
- Gray, Spalding, writer
- Gray, William, murderer
- Graziano, Rocky, boxer
- Green, Dominique, murderer
- Green, Edward aka Peanut, double murderer
- Green, G. W., murderer
- Green, Harvey, double murderer
- Green, Larry Craig aka The Zebra Killer, serial killer
- Green, Leslie, murderer
- Green, Norman, murderer
- Green, Ricky, multiple murderer
- Greenawalt, Randy, serial killer
- Greene, Graham, writer
- Greenglass, Ethel, American Communist and wife of Soviet spy Julius Rosenberg
- Greenlee, Karen, necrophiliac
- Greenwood, Vaughn aka The Skid Row Slasher, serial killer
- Greer, Germaine, feminist theorist and writer
- Gregorius III, 90th Pope
- Gregorius IX, 178th Pope
- Gregorius V, 138th Pope
- Gregorius VII, 157th Pope
- Gregorius XI, 201st Pope
- Gregorius XII,
- Gregorius XIII, 226th Pope
- Gregorius XIV, 229th Pope
- Gregorius XV, 234th Pope
- Gregorius XVI aka Mauro, 254th Pope
- Gregsten, Michael, victim of James Hanratty aka The A6 Lay-By Murderer
- Grese, Irma aka Die Hyäne von Auschwitz, KZ-Aufseherin in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen
- Gresnick, Antoine-Frédéric, composer
- Gretzler, Douglas, serial killer
- Grey, Lita, actress
- Gribble, Timothy, double murderer
- Grieg, Edvard, composer
- Griffin, Ambrose, victim of Richard Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento
- Griffin, Jeffery, triple murderer
- Griffin, Jim, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Griffin, John Howard, journalist and writer
- Griffin, Robert, double murderer
- Griffith, D. W. aka The Inventor of Hollywood, film director and Hollywood pioneer
- Griffiths, Eric, guitarist
- Griffiths, Isabella, victim of Patrick Mackay aka Franklin Bollvolt the First
- Griffiths, Peter, child killer
- Griffiths, Stephen aka The Crossbow Cannibal, serial killer
- Grimm, Jacob, philologist, folklorist and mythologist
- Grimm, Wilhelm, folklorist and mythologist
- Grinder, Martha aka The Pittsburgh Poisoner, serial killer
- Grissom, William, victim of Danny Rolling aka The Gainesville Ripper
- Groesbeek, Maria, murderess
- Gromov, Vadim, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Gromyko, Andrei, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
- Gröning, Bruno, Heilstrom mystic
- Gropius, Walter, architect
- Gröpler, Carl aka Der Rote Richter, executioner
- Gros, Antoine-Jean, painter
- Großmann, Karl aka Die Bestie vom Schlesischen Bahnhof, serial killer and cannibal
- Gross, Hans, criminologist
- Grotowski, Jerzy, theatre director
- Grover, Linda, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Gruen, Gertrude, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Grunert, Ruth, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Grynszpan, Herschel, assassin of Ernst vom Rath
- Guattari, Félix, psychotherapist, philosopher and semiologist
- Guay, Albert, mass murderer
- Gudkov, Igor, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Guerrero, Richard, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Guggenheim, Peggy, art collector, bohemian and socialite
- Guglielmo, Frank, murderer
- Guilfoyle, Mary, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- Guillaume, Laurence, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Guillin, Marie-Angélique, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace, physician
- Guinnes, Alec, actor
- Guinness, Arthur, brewer, visionary and philantropist
- Guiteau, Charles, writer, lawyer and assassin
- Gulyaeva, Irina, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Gumtow, George, double murderer
- Güney, Yılmaz, film director and murderer
- Ewen, Günter, mass murderer
- Günther, Rolf, Evangelical priest
- Gurdjieff, George, occult teacher
- Guschinow, Joachim, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Gutenberg, Johannes, blacksmith, goldsmith, inventor, printer and publisher
- Guthrie, Arlo, singer-songwriter
- Guthrie, Woody, singer-songwriter
- Gutierrez, Jessie, murderer
- Gutierrez, Vincent aka Flako, murderer
- Guttierrez, Jose, murderer
- Gyatso, Tenzin, 14th Dalai Lama
- Gysin, Brion aka The Father of Cut-up, artist, writer and sound poet
- H., Inge, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Ha-ra, Goo, K-pop star
- Haarmann, Fritz aka Der Hannover Werwolf, serial killer
- Habel, Gerhard, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Hackman, Gene, actor
- Hadid, Zaha, architect
- Hadley, Paul aka Dr. William E. Estaver aka The Claw, double murderer
- Hadrianus, Roman Emperor
- Hadrianus I, 95th Pope
- Hadrianus V, 186th Pope
- Hadrianus VI, 218th Pope
- Haemers, Patrick aka Le Grand Blond, gangster and gang leader
- Hafdahl, Randall aka Jack Douglas Cone, cop killer
- Hager-Segov, Elly, victim of Hans van Zon
- Hagger, Harold aka Sidney Sinclair, murderer
- Haggerty, Owen, murderer
- Hagman, Larry, actor
- Hague, Quita, victim of the Black Zebra Killers
- Hahn, Anna Marie aka Arsenic Anna aka The Blonde Borgia, serial poisoner
- Hahn, Maria, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Haiden, Hans Christoph, composer
- Haigh, John George aka The Acid Bath Murderer, serial killer
- Hailey, Arthur, writer
- Haisman, Robert, philatelist and forger
- Hakamada, Iwao, boxer and presumed mass murderer
- Hakim, Vitali, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Hakim Bey, anarchist author and poet
- Hale, Audrey, school shooter
- Hale, Nathan, America's first spy
- Haley, Bill, musician
- Hall, Archibald aka The Monster Butler aka Roy Fontaine, serial killer
- Hall, Camilla aka Gabi, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Hall, Carl aka John James Byrne, kidnapper and murderer
- Hall, Edward, reverend
- Hall, Lee, murderer
- Hallbauer, Erich, victim of Klaus Gosmann aka Der Mittagsmörder
- Hallett, Sara, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Halley, Edmond, astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician and meteorologist
- Hallyday, Johnny aka The French Elvis, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hamacher, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Hamann, Annie, victim of Christa Lehmann aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms
- Hamar, Emanuel, murderer
- Hamilton, David, photographer and film director
- Hamilton, Evelyn, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Hamilton, Richard, pop artist
- Hamilton, Thomas, mass murderer
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, second Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Hammerer, Heidemarie, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Hammett, Samuel Dashiell, writer
- Hammill, Peter, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hammond, Karl, murderer
- Hampton, Fred, deputy chairman of the Black Panthers
- Hampton, Lionel aka Gates aka Hamp, musician and bandleader
- Hampton, Lloyd, murderer
- Hamsun, Knut, writer
- Hancock, Herbie, musician, bandleader and composer
- Hancock, Tony, comedian and actor
- Hand, Eula Jo, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Händel, Georg Friedrich, composer
- Handke, Peter, writer and political activist
- Hanjour, Hani, 9/11 terrorist
- Hanks, Tom, actor
- Hannappel, Adolf, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hannwacker, Carola, victim of Klaus Gosmann aka Der Mittagsmörder
- Hanratty, James aka The A6 Lay-By Murderer, murderer
- Hansel, Oswald, murderer
- Hansen, Beck, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hansen, Derrick, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Hansen, Robert aka The Aviation Hunter, serial killer
- Har, Jew, murderer
- Harden, Glenda, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Hardin, John Wesley aka Little Arkansaw, outlaw, gunfighter and folk icon
- Hardin, Tim, musician
- Harding, Donald, multiple murderer
- Harding, Warren, 29th President of the United States
- Hardy, Françoise, singer-songwriter
- Hardy, Oliver, actor
- Hardy, Thomas, poet
- Harke, Ilona, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Harlow, Jean aka The Blonde Bombshell, actress and sex symbol
- Harold, Margaret, victim of Melvin Rees aka The Sex Beast
- Harper, George, ship's captain
- Harpin, Germania, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Harrell, Isaac, double murderer
- Harrell, Tyrie, murderer
- Harris, Addie aka Micki Harris, singer
- Harris, Carlyle, medical student and murderer
- Harris, Curtis, murderer
- Harris, Danny, murderer
- Harris, David, murderer
- Harris, Emily aka Yolanda, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Harris, Emmylou, singer-songwriter
- Harris, Eric aka The Columbine High School Killer, mass murderer
- Harris, Kenneth, murderer
- Harris, Norman aka Flash, murderer
- Harris, Robert Alton, double murderer
- Harris, Thomas, murderer
- Harrison, Benjamin, 23rd President of the United States
- Harrison, George, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Harrison, Rex, film and stage actor
- Harrison, William Henry, 9th President of the United States
- Harry, Debbie aka Blondie, singer-songwriter
- Hart, Fred, murderer
- Hartevelt, Renee, victim of Issei Sagawa aka The Loving Cannibal
- Hartigan, Edward, murderer
- Hartman, Edward, murderer
- Hassel, William, murderer
- Hatcher, Charles Ray aka Evil Incarnate, serial killer
- Hathaway, Henry, film director
- Hau, Frau, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Haught, John aka Christopher Jesus aka Zero, victim of The Manson Family
- Haule-Frimpong, Eva, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Hauptfleisch, Petrus, murderer
- Hauptmann, Bruno, kidnapper
- Hauser, Kaspar aka The Wild Child, foundling
- Hausner, Siegfried, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Havel, Václav, 1st President of the Czech Republic
- Hawking, Stephen, theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author
- Hawkins, Don, murderer
- Hawkins, Georgann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Hawkins, Jalacy aka Screamin' Jay Hawkins, musician
- Hawkins, Robert aka The Omaha Mall Gunman, mass murderer
- Hawkins, Samuel, double murderer
- Haydn, Franz Joseph aka The Father of the Symphony, composer
- Hayes, Christie, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Hayes, Larry, double murderer
- Hayes, Rutherford, 19th President of the United States
- Hays, Clyde, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Hays, Henry, Ku-Klux-Klan member and murderer
- Hayward, Greta, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Hayworth, Rita aka The Love Goddess, actress and pin-up model
- Hazlewood, Lee, singer-songwriter
- Heady, Bonnie, kidnapper and murderess
- Healy, Ed, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Healy, Linda Ann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Hearst, Patty, newspaper heiress, kidnap victim and member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Hearst, William Randolph, newspaper publisher
- Heartfield, John, collage artist
- Heath, Neville aka The Sadistic Romeo, sex killer
- Heaulme, Francis aka The Emmaus Murderer aka Le Routard du Crime, serial killer
- Hedden, William, triple murderer
- Hedren, Tippi, actress and animal rights activist
- Hefner, Hugh, adult magazine publisher
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, philosopher
- Heidegger, Martin, philosopher
- Heidemann, Hannelore, victim of Ludwig Tessnow aka The Mad Carpenter
- Heidnik, Gary aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer, serial killer
- Heijn, Gerrit Jan, businessman
- Heine, Heinrich, poet
- Heinlein, Robert A. aka The Dean of Science Fiction Writers, writer
- Heirens, William aka Catch Me Before I Kill More, serial killer
- Heiselbetz, Earl, double murderer
- Helbing, Monika, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Hell, Richard, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hellams, Susan, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Heller, Joseph, writer and playwright
- Hellmann, Ulrike, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Hembree, Richard, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Hemingway, Ernest, writer
- Hemker, Cornelia aka Cocky, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Henderson, Archibald, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- Henderson, John, murder suspect
- Henderson, Wardell, murderer
- Hendrix, Jimi, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Henlein, Konrad, Gauleiter of Sudetengau
- Henley, Elmer Wayne, serial killer
- Henley, John, robber
- Hennard, George, mass murderer
- Hennies, Adolf, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hennig, Curt aka Mr. Perfect, wrestler
- Henry, Mark, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Henry, Palmira aka Pal, fashion model
- Henry, Pierre, composer and electronic music pioneer
- Henry, Robert, double murderer
- Henry, Toni Jo, murderess
- Henry VI of England, King of England
- Henry VIII of England, King of England
- Hensley, Donna, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Henson, Jim, puppeteer, cartoonist, screenwriter and film director
- Héon, Berthe-Anna, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Hepburn, Audrey, actress
- Hepburn, Katharine, actress
- Heppeard, Susie, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Hepper, William Sanchez de Pina, painter and child murderer
- Herbert, Frank, science fiction writer
- Herman, David Lee, murderer
- Hermans, Willem Frederik, writer
- Hernandez, Adolph, murderer
- Hernandez, Fred, murderer
- Hernandez, Ramon, murderer
- Hernandez, Rodolfo, multiple murderer
- Herreman, Christiane, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Herrera, Gustavo, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Herrera, Leonel, cop killer
- Herrhausen, Alfred, Vorstandssprecher der Deutschen Bank
- Herrmann, Bernard, composer
- Herron, Jermaine, double murderer
- Herz, Alice, anti-war protester
- Herzl, Theodor, journalist, playwright, political activist and writer
- Herzog, Werner, film director
- Hess, Rudolf, Nazi leader and Stellvertreter des Führers
- Hesse, Eva, postminimal sculptor
- Hesse, Hermann aka Emil Sinclair, writer
- Heston, Charlton, actor and political activist
- Hettgen, Maria, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Heyde, Werner aka Fritz Sawade, Nazi psychiatrist
- Heydrich, Reinhard, Nazi leader and SS-Gruppenführer
- Heyerdahl, Thor, adventurer and ethnographer
- Hickman, William aka The Fox, kidnapper and child murderer
- Hickock, Richard aka In Cold Blood, mass murderer
- Hickok, Bill, lawman, gunfighter and gambler
- Hicks, Charlynn, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Hicks, David, rapist and murderer
- Hicks, Steven, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Hidaka, Hiroaki, serial killer
- Hidde, Caecili, victim of Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer
- Higgins, Alex aka Hurricane, snooker player
- Higgins, Patrick, double murderer
- Higgins, Patty, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Higgs, Dustin, murder plotter
- Highsmith, Patricia, writer
- Hilarius, 46th Pope
- Hill, Benny, comedian and actor
- Hill, Betty & Barney,
- Hill, Graham, racecar driver
- Hill, Jacqueline, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Hill, Joe, songwriter and labor activist
- Hill, Karen, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Hill, Mack, double murderer
- Hill, Terence, actor and film director
- Hill, Walter, multiple murderer
- Hill, Zane, murderer
- Hillary, Edmund, mountaineer, explorer and philanthropist
- Hilley, Audrey, serial poisoner
- Hilliard, Edward, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Hilligiest, David, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Hilton, Conrad, hotelier
- Hilton, Paris, heiress and media personality
- Himmler, Heinrich, Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS)
- Hinckley, John, would-be assassin
- Hindemith, Paul, composer
- Hindley, Myra aka The Moors Murderers (with Ian Brady), serial killer
- Hinds, Cynthia, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Hinks, Reginald, murderer
- Hinman, Gary, music teacher and victim of the Manson Family
- Hinojosa, Richard, rapist and murderer
- Hirano, Isamu, double murderer
- Hirasawa, Sadamichi, tempera painter and presumed mass poisoner
- Hirohito aka Emperor Shōwa, Emperor of Japan
- Hirschfeld, Magnus, physician and sexologist
- Hirst, Damien, artist
- Hiss, Alger, government official and presumed Soviet spy
- Hitchcock, Alfred aka The Master of Suspense, film director
- Hitchen, John, carpenter
- Hite, Shere, sex researcher
- Hitler, Adolf, Führer and Reichskanzler of Germany
- Hitler, Paula aka Paula Wolf, younger sister of Reichsführer Adolf Hitler
- Hittle, Daniel, multiple murderer and cop killer
- Ho Chi Minh aka Nguyễn Tất Thành aka Nguyễn Ái Quốc, Vietnamese Communist revolutionary leader
- Hoch, Johann Otto aka The Bluebeard Murderer, bigamist and multiple murderer
- Hoch, Roland, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hockney, David, painter
- Hodge, Arthur William, plantation farmer and slave owner
- Hodler, Ferdinand, artist
- Hoefgen, Ernest, murderer
- Hoeoek, Tuula, victim of Edward Paisnel aka The Beast of Jersey
- Hoffa, Jimmy, labour union leader
- Hoffman, Abbie, political and social activist and anarchist
- Hoffman, Dustin, actor
- Hoffman, Henriette, writer and wife of Baldur von Schirach
- Hogan, Mary, victim of Ed Gein aka America’s Most Bizarre Murderer
- Hogefeld, Birgit, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Hogrefe, Alfred, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hogue, Jerry, murderer
- Höhler, Albrecht aka Ali, assassin of SA-leader Horst Wessel
- Holbert, Luther, sharecropper and murderer
- Holden, George, black
- Holden, William, actor
- Hölderlin, Friedrich, poet
- Holderman, Scott, murderer
- Holiday, Billie aka Lady Day, singer-songwriter
- Holland, Arthur aka Bud, B-52 pilot
- Holland, David, double murderer
- Holland, John, sodomite
- Holland, Mary, victim of Leslie Irvin aka The Mad Dog Killer
- Hollander, Xaviera aka The Happy Hooker, call girl
- Holley, U.L., murderer
- Holloman, Maryann, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Holloway, John, murderer
- Holly, Buddy, singer-songwriter and musician
- Holmes, Henry Howard aka The Torture Doctor, serial killer
- Holmes, John aka Johnny Wadd, pornographic actor
- Holmes, Stephen, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Holt, Frederick, murderer
- Honda, Soichiro, engineer and industrialist
- Honecker, Erich, General Secretary of the East German Socialist Unity Party
- Honegger, Arthur, composer
- Honka, Fritz aka Der Frauen-Schlächter von St. Pauli, serial killer
- Honken, Dustin, multiple murderer
- Hood, Wade, murderer
- Hooijmaijers, Frans aka Dikke Frans De Spuitreus, serial killer
- Hoolhouse, Robert, murderer
- Hooper, John aka Johan Hoperis, churchman, Anglican Bishop, Protestant reformer and martyr
- Hooper, Murray, double murderer
- Hooper, Tobe, cult film director
- Hoops, Kimberly aka Sugar, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Hoover, Herbert, 31st President of the United States
- Hoover, John Edgar, 1st Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Hope, Bob, comedian, actor, singer and dancer
- Hopf, Karl, serial killer
- Hopkins, Anthony, actor
- Hopkins, Bobby, double murderer
- Hopper, Dennis, actor and film director
- Hopper, Edward, artist
- Hopper, George, murderer
- Hopper, Hugh, musician
- Horion, Freddy aka De Zonnebril, mass murderer
- Hormisdas, 52nd Pope
- Horn, Tom, Old West scout and hired gunman
- Hornberg, Benjamin, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Horowitz, Vladimir, composer
- Hosein, Arthur, kidnapper and murderer
- Hosein, Nizamodeen, kidnapper and murderer
- Hosking, Gladys, victim of Edward Leonski aka The Singing Strangler
- Hößl, Peter aka Der Wochenendmörder, serial killer
- Höss, Rudolf, SS-Obersturmbannführer and longest serving commandant of Auschwitz-KZ
- Hotin, Denise, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Houdini, Harry aka The Handcuff King, illusionist, magician and escapologist
- Houellebecq, Michel, writer
- Houston, Whitney, singer, actress and model
- Hovey, Doris, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Hoveyda, Amir-Abbas, 42nd Prime Minister of Iran
- Howard, Catherine aka The Rose without a Thorn, fifth wife of Henry VIII
- Howard, George, murderer
- Howard, Jackson, murderer
- Howard, Ronald, cop killer
- Howarth, Kay, murderer
- Howe, Brian, victim of Mary Bell aka Child of Hell
- Howell, Jerry, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Hoxha, Enver, First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania
- Huanming, Wu, school attacker
- Hubalek, Kaspar, victim of Karl Denke aka Papa Denke
- Hubbard, Ron, founder of the Church of Scientology
- Hubbard, Wendell, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Hubble, Edwin, astronomer and cosmologist
- Huber, Johann, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Huberty, James aka Hunting Humans, mass murderer
- Hübner, Sieglinde, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Hudson, Rock, actor
- Hudspeth, Cindy, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Hudzinski, Veronica, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Huges, Bart, self-trepanation pioneer
- Hughes, Anthony, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Hughes, Billy, cop killer
- Hughes, Francis, Irish republican hunger striker
- Hughes, Howard, business magnate, aviator, aerospace engineer, film director and eccentric
- Hughes, Mark, founder of Herbalife International Ltd
- Hughes, Robert Earl, the heaviest human being recorded in the history of the world
- Hughes, Tommie, double murderer
- Hugo, Victor, romantic poet and writer
- Hull, Shari, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Hultén, Karl aka The Murderous GI, murderer
- Humbert, Madeleine, victim of Nestor Pirotte aka Le Tueur Fou
- Hummel, John, triple murderer
- Humperdinck, Engelbert, singer
- Hundley, John, murderer
- Hunley, Eileen Marie, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Hunt, Henry Lee, double murderer
- Hunt, Leamon, US-Diplomat
- Hunter, Holly, actress
- Hunter, Meredith aka Murdock, black art student and music fan
- Huppert, Isabelle, actress
- Hurson, Martin, Irish republican hunger striker
- Hurt, John, actor
- Hus, Jan, theologian and church reformer
- Hussein, Saddam, Dictator of Iraq
- Huston, John, film director
- Hutchins, James, triple cop killer
- Hutchinson, John, mass poisoner
- Huxley, Aldous, writer
- Huysmans, Joris-Karl, writer
- Hyden, Donald, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Ibsen, Henrik, poet and playwright
- Idol, Billy, musician
- Iglesias, Julio, singer-songwriter and former professional footballer
- Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits
- Ikemoto, Noboru, triple murderer
- Il Mostro di Firenze, unidentified serial killer
- Illarionov, Dmitriy, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Ilyin, Viktor, would-be assassin
- Ilyushin, Sergey, engineer and aircraft designer
- Immendorff, Jörg, artist
- Inderbieten, Michael, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Ingenito, Ernest, spree killer
- Ingle, Albert, FBI Special Agent
- Ingle, Phillip Lee, multiple murderer
- Inman, John aka Mr. Humphries, actor
- Innocentius IV, 180th Pope
- Innocentius IX, 230th Pope
- Innocentius VI, 199th Pope
- Innocentius VII, 204th Pope
- Innocentius VIII, 213th Pope
- Innocentius X, 236th Pope
- Innocentius XI aka The Blessed,
- Innocentius XII, 242nd Pope
- Innocentius XIII, 244th Pope
- Interior, Lux, musician
- Ioannes Paulus I, 263rd Pope
- Ioannes Paulus II,
- Ioannes XIII, 133rd Pope
- Ioannes XIV, 136th Pope
- Ioannes XXI, 187th Pope
- Ioannes XXIII aka The Blessed, 261st Pope
- Ionesco, Eugène, playwright
- Ionesyan, Vladimir aka Mosgaz aka Iwan the Axeman, serial killer
- Iqbal, Javed, serial killer
- Ireland, Colin aka The Gay Slayer, serial killer
- Irga, Ida, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Irvin, Leslie aka The Mad Dog Killer, serial killer
- Irwin, Robert aka The Mad Sculptor, artist, recurring mental hospital patient and murderer
- Ivan the Terrible, Grand Prince of Moscow and Tsar of Russia
- Ives, Charles, modernist composer
- Ives, Edward, cop killer
- Ives, Patricia, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Iwamoto, Yoshio, murderer
- Jack the Ripper, unidentified serial killer
- Jack the Stripper, unidentified serial killer
- Jacks, Terry,
- Jackson, Andrew aka Old Hickory, 7th President of the United States
- Jackson, Charles, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Jackson, Curtis aka 50 Cent, rapper
- Jackson, Debra aka Orange Socks, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Jackson, Donell, murderer
- Jackson, Emily, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Jackson, George aka Soledad Brother, Black Panther
- Jackson, Henry, murderer
- Jackson, James Lewis aka Big Jack, triple murderer
- Jackson, Janet, singer-songwriter
- Jackson, Leila, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Jackson, Michael aka The King of Pop, singer-songwriter and actor
- Jackson, Tommy, rapist and murderer
- Jacobs, Barbara, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Jacobs, Bruce, murderer
- Jacobs, Jesse DeWayne, murderer
- Jacoby, Henry, murderer
- Jagger, Mick, singer-songwriter and musician
- Jakubowska, Françoise, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Jamal, Syed, murderer
- James, Jesse, outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber and murderer
- James, Johnny, murderer
- Janáček, Leoš, composer
- Janecka, Allen, multiple murderer
- Jansky, Karl Guthe, physicist and radio engineer
- Jarrah, Ziad, 9/11 terrorist
- Jarry, Alfred aka The Father of Pataphysics, symbolist writer
- Jaume, Louise-Joséphine, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Jaurès, Jean, socialist leader
- Jean le Bon, King of France
- Jeanne d'Arc aka La Pucelle d'Orléans, heroine
- Jeffers, Jimmie, murderer
- Jefferson, Thomas, Founding Father and 3rd President of the United States
- Jégado, Hélène, serial poisoner
- Jelinek, Elfriede, writer
- Jenkins, Charles, murderer
- Jenkins, Joshua aka The Teenage Annihilator, mass murderer
- Jenkins, Leo, double murderer
- Jenney, William aka The Father of the American Skyscraper, architect and engineer
- Jennings, Desmond, multiple murderer
- Jensen, Betty Lou, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Jensen, Max, victim of Gary Gilmore aka The Executioner's Song
- Jensen, Robert, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Jernigan, Joseph, murderer
- Jesperson, Keith aka The Happy Face Killer, serial killer
- Jesus Christ,
- Jett, Joan aka Godmother of Punk, singer-songwriter and musician
- Jin-ri, Choi aka Sulli, singer, songwriter, actress and K-pop star
- John, Elton, singer-songwriter and composer
- Moody, John, murderer
- Johns, Jasper, drip artist
- Johnson, Andrew, 17th President of the United States
- Johnson, Carl, murderer
- Johnson, Cassidy aka Muffin, victim of Christine Falling aka The Babysitter Killer
- Johnson, Corey, multiple murderer
- Johnson, Curtis, murderer
- Johnson, David, murderer
- Johnson, Dorsie, murderer
- Johnson, Eddie, triple murderer
- Johnson, Elliot, murderer
- Johnson, Ernest, triple murderer
- Johnson, Frank aka Luther Derril, murderer
- Johnson, Jack aka The Galveston Giant, boxer
- Johnson, John, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Johnson, Kia, murderer
- Johnson, Larry, murderer
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 36th President of the United States
- Johnson, Mitchell, school shooter
- Johnson, Virginia, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Joiner, Orien, double murderer
- Jolivet, André, composer
- Jolson, Al aka The World's Greatest Entertainer, singer, actor and comedian
- Jones, Aaron, double murderer
- Jones, Brian, Rolling Stone
- Jones, Cadwallader, murderer
- Jones, Charley, black
- Jones, Claude, murderer
- Jones, Constantia, prostitute
- Jones, Grace aka Grace Mendoza, model, singer-songwriter and actress
- Jones, Harold aka Desire to Kill, double murderer
- Jones, Jack, murderer
- Jones, Jim, founder and leader of the Peoples Temple
- Jones, Judge, black
- Jones, Marty, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Jones, Millicent, victim of Hubert Geralds aka The Englewood Rapist
- Jones, Quintin, murderer
- Jones, Raymond, murderer
- Jones, Richard, murderer
- Jones, T. J., murderer
- Jones, Tom, singer
- Jones, William, murderer
- Jones, Willie, double murderer
- Jong, Erica, writer
- Joplin, Janis, singer-songwriter
- Jordan, Chester, murderer
- Jordan, Jean, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Jordan, John, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Jordan, Richard, murderer
- Jordan, Robert, mass murderer
- Jouannet, Doris aka Doris Robson, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Jouret, Luc, leader of the l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire cult
- Jouret, Roger aka Plastic Bertrand, musician and songwriter
- Joyce, James, poet and writer
- Judd, Donald, minimal artist
- Judd, Winnie Ruth aka The Trunk Murderess, murderess
- Judy, Steven, mass murderer
- Julius II, 216th Pope
- Julius III, 221st Pope
- Jumblatt, Kamal,
- Jung, Carl Gustav, psychiatrist and psychotherapist
- Jung, Klaus, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Junge, Traudl, Adolf Hitler's last private secretary
- Junkers, Hugo, engineer and aircraft designer
- Jünschke, Klaus, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Jurblum, Marjem, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Kaczynski, Theodore aka The Unabomber, mathematician and serial bomber
- Kadyrov, Ramzan, Head of the Chechen Republic
- Kafka, Franz, writer
- Kahlo, Frida, painter
- Kahlweiß, Ulrich, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Kai-shek, Chiang, Chairman of the Nationalist Government of China
- Kalanta, Romas aka The Young Man with the Mesmerizing Eyes, student and hero of the Lithuanian resistance
- Kalashnikov, Mikhail, weapon designer
- Kaliniak, Aniuta, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Kallinger, Joey, son and victim of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Kallinger, Joseph aka The Shoemaker, serial killer
- Kallinger, Michael, son of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Kalom, Alice, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Kamala, feral girl
- Kampusch, Natascha aka The Girl in the Cellar, kidnap victim
- Kandinsky, Wassily, painter and art theorist
- Kane, Bob, comic book artist
- Kant, Immanuel, philosopher
- Kantor, Tadeusz, theatre director, painter, sculptor and set designer
- Kaplan, Fanya aka The Woman Who Tried to Kill Lenin, revolutionary
- Kaplan, Lazare, diamond merchant
- Kappler, Herbert, Sicherheitspolizei commander
- Karabelnikova, Irina, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor
- Karloff, Boris, actor
- Karnes, Albert, murderer
- Kasab, Ajmal, Lashkar-e-Taiba Islamist terrorist
- Kasabian, Linda, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Kasteleyn, Charles-Louis, multiple murderer
- Kastin, Lissa, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Katagiri, Misao, cop killer
- Katō, Tomohiro, mass murderer
- Kaurismäki, Aki, film director
- Kawalerowicz, Jerzy, film director
- Kawara, On, conceptual artist
- Kawka, Zofia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Kaye, Danny, actor, singer, dancer, comedian and musician
- Kazan, Elia, film director
- Kearney, Patrick aka The Freeway Killer aka The Trash Bag Killer, serial killer
- Keaton, Buster aka The Great Stone Face, actor, film director and stunt performer
- Keaton, Diane, actress
- Keaton, John, highwayman
- Kecinski, Harry, mass murderer
- Keel, Joseph, murderer
- Keeler, Christine, model and topless showgirl
- Keeler, Dorothy, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Kehoe, Andrew, mass murderer
- Keimes, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Keitel, Harvey, actor
- Kellerman, Mary, Tylenol poisoning victim
- Kelley, Ellsworth, murderer
- Kelley, Levi, murderer
- Kelley, Mike, artist
- Kellogg, John, advocate of dietary reform
- Kellogg, Will, industrialist in food manufacturing
- Kelly, Carl, double murderer
- Kelly, Gene, dancer, actor, singer, film director and choreographer
- Kelly, George aka Machine Gun Kelly, gangster
- Kelly, Grace, actress and Princess of Monaco
- Kelly, James, murderer
- Kelly, Mary Jane aka Marie Jeanette Kelly, Fair Emma, Ginger or Black Mary, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Kelly, Ned, bushranger, outlaw and gang leader
- Kelly, Petra, activist and founder of Die Grünen
- Kemmler, William aka John Hart, murderer
- Kemper, Edmund aka The Co-ed Killer, serial killer
- Kendrick, Darin, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Kennedy, John Fitzgerald aka JFK, 35th President of the United States
- Kennedy, Robert, politician
- Kennedy, William, cop killer
- Kenny, Anna, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Kensit, John, Founder of the Protestant Truth Society
- Kent, Debra, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Kenyon, Elizabeth, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Kepler, Johannes, astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, philosopher and writer on music
- Kerby, Elvie, cop killer
- Kerouac, Jack, writer, poet and pioneer of the Beat Generation
- Kerr, Isabella, common-law wife and victim of Dr. Buck Ruxton
- Kerr, Wesley, victim of Leslie Irvin aka The Mad Dog Killer
- Kesey, Ken, writer
- Kessel, Albert, multiple murderer
- Kessel, Joseph, writer and journalist
- Ketchum, Tom, outlaw and murderer
- Ketter, Marion, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Kevorkian, Jack aka Doctor Death, pathologist and euthanasia activist
- Khait, Marthe, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Khamrab, Panya, mass murderer
- Khan, Genghis, 1st Khagan of the Mongol Empire
- Khan, Gul, murderer
- Khobotov, Alexey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Khomeini, Ruhollah, Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Khovananth, Chainarong, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Khrushchev, Nikita, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Kiel, Barbara, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Kienholz, Ed, installation artist
- Kier, Udo, actor
- Kierkegaard, Søren, philosopher, theologian and social critic
- Kieślowski, Krzysztof, film director
- Kilbride, John, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Kilmer, Val, actor
- Kilroy, Mark, human sacrifice
- Kim, Daul, fashion model
- Kim, Hyun-Hui aka Ok Hwa, North Korean Agent
- Kim, Il-sung, first Supreme Leader of North Korea
- Kim, Jong-il, second Supreme Leader of North Korea
- Kim, Jong-un, supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Kim, Seung Il aka Shinichi Hachiya, North Korean Agent
- Kinck, Gustave, victim of Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin
- Kinck, Hortense, victim of Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin
- Kinck, Jean, victim of Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin
- Kincy, Kevin, murderer
- Kindlinger, Matthias aka Der Blaubart von Schrems, multiple murderer
- Kindred, William aka Billy Shotgun, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- King, Alberta, mother of Martin Luther King
- King, B. B. aka The King of the Blues, singer-songwriter and musician
- King, Calvin, murderer
- King, Jane, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- King, Larry, television host
- King, Leon, murderer
- King, Martin Luther, activist and African-American Civil Rights Movement leader
- King, Raymond, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- King, Stephen aka The King of Horror, horror fiction writer
- King, William, sodomite
- King III, Alvin aka The Daingerfield Church Shooter, mass murderer
- Kingsley, Ben, actor
- Kingsley, James, cop killer
- Kinkel, Kip aka The Thurston High School Shooter, school shooter
- Kinnamon, Raymond, murderer
- Kinsey, Alfred, sexologist
- Kinski, Klaus, actor
- Kinski, Nastassja, actress
- Kipling, Rudyard, writer
- Kippenberger, Martin, artist
- Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, expressionist painter
- Kissinger, Henry, politician and diplomat
- Kitaj, R. B., artist
- Kitchens, William aka Red, rapist and murderer
- Kjellberg, Axel, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Klar, Christian, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Klebold, Dylan, school shooter
- Klee, Paul, artist
- Klein, Calvin, underwear designer
- Klein, Christine, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Klein, Yves, artist
- Kleine, Friedrich, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Klimek, Dagmar, victim of Heinrich Pommerenke aka The Beast of the Black Forest
- Klimt, Gustav, symbolist painter
- Kline, Franz, abstract expressionist painter
- Klump, Andrea, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Knef, Hildegard, actress and singer
- Kneiding, Maxson, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Kneller, Greta, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Kneller, Kurt, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Knievel, Evel, daredevil and entertainer
- Knight, David, murderer
- Knight, Gladys, singer-songwriter
- Knight, Julian, mass murderer
- Knight, Madge,
- Knodt, Manuela, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Knowles, Paul John aka The Casanova Killer, serial killer
- Knowlton, Teresa, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Knox, Clark, murderer
- Knox, James Roy, murderer
- Koch, Beate, kidnap victim
- Koch, Erich, Gauleiter in East Prussia
- Koch, Friedrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Koch, Heinrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Koch, Ilse aka Die Hexe von Buchenwald aka Die Buchenwälder Schlampe, wife of camp commandant and human-skin-handywoman
- Koch, Karl-Otto, SS Standartenführer
- Koch, Robert, bacteriologist
- Kochwald, Ulrich, sex researcher
- Kodály, Zoltán, composer
- Koestler, Arthur, journalist and writer
- Köhler, Gundolf, German right-wing extremist
- Kokoraleis, Andrew, serial killer and member of the Ripper Crew or Chicago Rippers
- Kokoschka, Oskar, artist
- Kol, Francis, murderer
- Kollwitz, Käthe, artist
- Komarov, Vladimir, test pilot, aerospace engineer and cosmonaut
- Konen, Jeffrey, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Konno, Mari, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Konsalik, Heinz, writer
- Koo, Aiko, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Kopechne, Mary Jo, political campaign specialist for Robert F. Kennedy
- Kordiyeh, Ali Reza aka The Tehran Vampire, serial killer
- Koresh, David, leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect
- Korfman, Michelle, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Korostik, Svetlana, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Kosecki, Mira, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Kosiński, Jerzy, writer
- Kosygin, Alexei, Soviet statesman
- Kounellis, Jannis, Arte Povera artist
- Kozielska, Janina, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Krabbe, Hanna, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Kraft, Randy aka The Scorecard Killer, serial killer
- Krause, Dagmar, singer
- Kravchenko, Aleksandr, innocent murderer
- Kravchenko, Andrey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Kray, Reginald aka Reggie Kray, gangster
- Kray, Ronald aka Ronnie Kray, gangster
- Kren, Kurt aka Lord of the Frames, experimental filmmaker
- Krenwinkel, Patricia, leading member of the 'Manson Family'
- Kretschmer, Tim, spree killer and mass murderer
- Kreuger, Ivar aka The Match King, civil engineer, financier, entrepreneur and industrialist
- Krishna Venta, founder of the Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith and Love Fountain of the World cult
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu, spiritual leader
- Kristel, Sylvia, actress
- Kristina Augusta, Queen of Sweden
- Kroll, Joachim aka Jockel aka Der Ruhrkannibale, serial killer
- Kropotkin, Pyotr aka The Anarchist Prince, activist, revolutionary, scientist, geographer and philosopher
- Krupp, Friedrich Alfred, arms manufacturer
- Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Alfried, industrialist
- Kubrick, Stanley, film director
- Kucianka, Jadwiga, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Kühn, Apollonia, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Kühnen, Michael, German neo-Nazi leader
- Kulagina, Nina, psychic
- Kulthum, Umm aka The Nightingale of the Nile, singer and actress
- Kuma, Michitoshi, double murderer
- Kunkle, Troy aka The No Remorse killer, murderer
- Kupczyk Duncan, Olga, victim of Elisabeth Duncan
- Kuprina, Olga, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Kurosawa, Akira, film director
- Kürten, Peter aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf, serial killer
- Kutzner, Richard William, double murderer
- Kuzikov, Ilshat, cannibal
- Kyle, Carol, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Kłossowski, Balthasar aka Balthus, artist
- L'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire aka Ordre du Temple Solaire, secret society
- Laak, Aleksander, commander of KZ Jägala
- Laaksonen, Touko aka Tom of Finland, creator of gay pornographic images
- Labbe, Denise, murderess
- LaBelle, Patti aka The Godmother of Soul, singer
- LaBianca, Leno, victim of The Manson Family
- LaBianca, Rosemary, victim of The Manson Family
- Laborde-Line, Thérèse, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Labrette, Virginie, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- LaBruce, Bruce, film director
- Lacan, Jacques, psychoanalist
- Lacenaire, Pierre François, philosopher, poet and murderer
- Lackey, Clarence, rapist and murderer
- Lacy, Oliver aka Birdie, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Ladam, Andrée, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Lagerfeld, Karl, fashion designer
- LaGrand, Karl-Heinz, murderer
- LaGrand, Walter, murderer
- Lagrue, David, murderer
- Lahiff, Mary,
- Lahiri, Bappi, singer, composer and record producer
- Laika aka Barker, Soviet space dog
- Laine, Frankie aka Old Leather Lungs, singer and actor
- Laing, Ronald David, psychiatrist
- Lake, Leonard aka The Eye of Evil, serial killer
- Lake, Nora,
- LaMarca, Angelo, kidnapper and child murderer
- Lamb, John, murderer
- Lamborghini, Ferruccio, industrialist
- Lammers, James, mass murderer
- Lamont, Blanche, victim of Theodore Durrant aka The Demon in the Belfry
- Lamson, George aka The Slight-of-Hand Poisoner, doctor and murderer
- Lancaster, Burt, actor
- Lancaster, Thomas, mass murderer
- Lancaume, Karen, actress
- Lance, Donnie, double murderer
- Landau, Martin, actor
- Landauer, Gustav aka Commissioner of Enlightenment and Public Instruction of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, anarchism theorist
- Landingin, Frank, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Landis, Carole aka The Actress Who Could Have Been but never Was, actress
- Landon, Michael, actor
- Landru, Henri Désiré aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais, serial killer
- Landry, Raymond, murderer
- Lane, Harold, murderer
- Lane, Vanessa, porn actress
- Lang, Fritz, film director
- Lange, Jessica, actress
- Lange, Thomas, art vandal
- Languille, Henri, murderer
- Lanker, Ray, mass murderer
- Lansky, Meyer aka The Mob's Accountant, mobster
- Lantz, Harold, murderer
- Lantz, Walter, cartoonist, animator and film director
- Lanza, Adam, school shooter
- Lanza, Mario, tenor and actor
- LaPorte, Roger Allen, anti-war protester
- Larber, Jack,
- LaRette, Anthony, multiple murderer
- Larocque, William, murderer
- Larsson, Arne, heart patient
- Lassiter, Robert, arsonist and mass murderer
- Last, James, bandleader and composer
- Latham, James, spree killer
- Lauda, Niki, Formula One racer
- Lauer, Norene, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Laughner, Peter, musician
- Laumann, Sarah, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Launer, Ida, victim of Karl Denke aka Papa Denke
- Lauper, Cyndi, singer-songwriter
- Laurel, Stan, actor
- Laurent, Jean-Pierre, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Laurent, Jeanne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Lauria, Donna, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Lausche, Frau, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Lauterbach, Sylvia, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Lauterio, Ricardo, murderer
- Lauth, George, murderer
- Lauti, Aua, child killer
- Laval, Pierre, French politician and collaborator
- LaVey, Anton, Founder of the Church of Satan
- LaVey, Zeena, spiritual leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement
- Lavictoire, Emmanuel, murderer
- Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent aka The Father of Modern Chemistry, nobleman and chemist
- Lawrence, D. H., writer and playwright
- Lawrence, Richard, would-be assassin
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward aka Lawrence of Arabia, Man of Action
- Lawrence, William, murderer
- Lawrence, William Ray, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Lawrie, David, mass murderer
- Lawson, David, murderer
- Lawson, Eric, Marlboro Man
- Lawson, Lesley aka Twiggy, fashion model, actress and singer
- Lawton, Stacey, murderer
- Laycock, Joseph, mass murderer
- Laysiepen, Frank Uwe aka Ulay, performance artist
- Layton, Richard, murderer
- le Carré, John, writer
- Le Corbusier, urban planner and pioneer of modern architecture
- Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer, unidentified serial killer
- Le Pen, Jean-Marie, Président d'honneur du Front National
- Lea, Maureen, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Leach, Barbara, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Leach, Kimberly, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Leander, Zarah, actress
- Leary, Timothy, psychologist and writer
- LeBlond, Roger, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- LeBoeuf, Ada, murderess
- Leclerc, Philippe, Maréchal de France
- Leclercq, Jacqueline, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Lecron, Françoise, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Ledger, Heath, actor
- Lee, Bruce, martial artist and actor
- Lee, Christopher, actor
- Lee, Daniel, triple murderer
- Lee, Jean, murderess
- Lee, Joe, murderer
- Lee, John aka Babbacombe Lee aka The Man They Couldn't Hang, murderer
- Lee, John Doyle, perpetrator of the Mountain Meadows massacre
- Lee, Kase, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Lee, Peggy, singer-songwriter
- Lee, Thomas, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Lefebvre, Eugène, aviation pioneer
- Lefley, Mary, murderess
- Léger, Fernand, artist
- Léger, Lucien aka L'étrangleur nº 1, child killer
- Lehár, Franz, composer
- Lehmann, Christa aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms, serial poisoner
- Lehmann, Karl Franz, victim of Christa Lehmann aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms
- Lehmann, Valentin, victim of Christa Lehmann aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms
- Lehmbruck, Wilhelm, sculptor
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, philosopher and polymath
- Leigh, Janet, actress
- Leigh, Vivien, actress
- Lelouche, Claude, film director
- Leloy-Godefroy, Germaine, axe murderess
- Lem, Stanisław, science fiction writer
- Lemesheva, Anna, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Lemmon, Jack, actor
- Leni, Paul aka The Forgotten Master, expressionist film director
- Lenin, Vladimir, political theorist and communist revolutionary
- Lennon, John, musician
- Lennon, Julia, mother of John Lennon
- Lennon, Julian, musician
- Lennon, Sean, musician
- Leno, Jay, television host
- Lenya, Lotte, singer, diseuse and actress
- Lenz, Joni aka Karen Sparks or Sharon Clarke, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Lenzen, Louise, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Leo I aka Saint Leo Magnus, 45th Pope
- Leo III, 96th Pope
- Leo IX, 152nd Pope
- Leo VII, 126th Pope
- Leo X, 217th Pope
- Leo XI aka Papa Lampo, 232nd Pope
- Leo XII, 252nd Pope
- Leo XIII, 256th Pope
- Leonov, Alexei, cosmonaut
- Leonski, Edward aka The Singing Strangler, serial killer
- Leopold, Nathan aka The Perfect Murderer, kidnapper and murderer
- Leopold I, 1st King of Belgium
- Leopold II, 2nd King of Belgium
- Leopold III, King of Belgium
- Lépine, Marc aka The Women-Hating Rambo, mass murderer
- Lerma, Florencio aka Martin Flores, cop killer
- Les Cellules Communistes Combattantes aka CCC, terrorist organisation
- Lesobre, Raymond, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- Lessing, Theodor, philosopher
- Lesurques, Joseph, robber
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude, anthropologist and ethnologist
- Levice, J. C., murderer
- Levin, Ira, writer
- Levy, Lisa, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Lewinsky, Monica aka The Woman with Whom President Bill Clinton Did not Have Sexual Relations, White House intern
- Lewis, Benjamin, murderer
- Lagrone, Edward, triple murderer
- Lewis, Harry, murderer
- Lewis, Herschell Gordon aka The Godfather of Gore, film director
- Lewis, Jerry, actor, comedian, singer and film director
- Lewis, Jerry Lee aka The Killer, singer-songwriter and musician
- Lewis, Teresa, double murderess
- LeWitt, Sol, conceptual artist
- Lhermitte, Geneviève, mass murderess
- Li, Yuhui, multiple murderer
- Lianrong, Zhao, mass murderer
- Liberace aka The Glitter Man aka The King of Bling, pianist and entertainer
- Liberman, Ludmilla, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Lichachevski, Hélène, victim of Freddy Horion aka De Zonnebril
- Lichtenberg, Clemens, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Lichtenstein, Roy, pop artist
- Liebehenschel, Arthur, Lagerkommandant in KZ Auschwitz and Majdanek
- Liebknecht, Karl, revolutionary socialist and founder of the Spartacist Rote Fahne
- Ligeti, György, composer
- Lightbourne, Wendell aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy, serial killer
- Ligotino, Janine, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Likens, Sylvia, victim of Gertrude Baniszewski
- Lilienthal, Otto aka The Glider King, aviation pioneer
- Lincecum, Kavin, double murderer
- Lincoln, Abraham, 16th President of the United States
- Lindbergh, Charles aka The Lone Eagle, aviation pioneer
- Lindbergh Jr, Charles Augustus, kidnap victim
- Lindgren, Astrid, writer
- Lindsay, Sandra, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Lindsey, Errol, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Linus, 2nd Pope
- Lipchitz, Jacques, artist
- Lisenba, Raymond aka Rattlesnake James, multiple murderer
- Lissitzky, El, artist, designer, photographer and architect
- List, John aka The Bogeyman of Westfield, mass murderer
- Liston, Sonny, boxer
- Liszt, Franz, composer
- Lithman, Philip aka Snakefinger, musician
- Little, Ethel,
- Little, Florence, victim of Harold Jones aka Desire to Kill
- Little, Malcolm Eugene, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Little, William, black soldier
- Little, William, murderer and necrophiliac
- Little Richard, musician
- Littlejohn, Emmanuel, murderer
- Liu, Alice, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Livelsberger, Matthew Alan, suicide bomber
- Livingston, Charlie, murderer
- Livingstone, David, explorer and pioneer medical missionary
- Lizène, Jacques aka L’Artiste de la Médiocrité, artist
- Lloyd, Harold, actor, film director and stunt performer
- Lloyd, Margaret, victim of George Joseph Smith aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer
- Lloyd, William, murderer
- Locci, Barbara, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Lockett, Clayton, kidnapper and murderer
- Lockhart, Michael, serial killer
- Lockwood, Irene aka Sandra Russell, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Loeb, Richard aka The Perfect Murderer, kidnapper and murderer
- Loel, Otto, murderer
- Loewy, Raymond, industrial designer
- Logan, Suzanne, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Lollobrigida, Gina, actress
- Lombroso, Cesare, criminologist
- London, Jack, writer, journalist and social activist
- Long, Bobby Joe aka The Adman Rapist, serial killer
- Long, David, multiple murderer
- Long, Gee, murderer
- Long, Maureen, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Long, Ngeun Thi, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Long, Sherri Ann aka Peggy Beth, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Long, Wayne, murderer
- Longet, Claudine, singer, actress and murderess
- Lookingbill, Robert, multiple murderer
- Lopatka, Sharon, consensual victim of Robert Frederick Glass
- Loper, James, victim of Louis Peoples
- Lopez, Jose, murderer
- López, Pedro aka The Monster of the Andes, serial killer
- Lopez, Trini, singer and actor
- Lorber, Jakob aka Der Schreibknecht Gottes, Christian mystic and visionary
- Lorca, Federico García, poet
- Lords, Traci, underage pornographic actress, model and singer
- Loren, Sophia, actress
- Lorenz, Peter, politician candidate for mayor of West Berlin
- Loret, Jean-Marie, presumed illegitimate son of Adolf Hitler
- Lorre, Peter, actor
- Losada, Davis, rapist and murderer
- Losey, Joseph, film director
- Lothaire IV, Carolingian king of West Francia
- Lott, George aka The Fort Worth Courthouse Gunman, double murderer
- Lotze, Werner, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Loudenback, Elizabeth, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Louis IX aka Saint Louis, King of France
- Louis XIV aka Le Roi du Soleil, King of France and Navarre
- Louis XVI, King of France and Navarre
- Louvet, Michèle, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Lovecraft, H. P., horror fiction writer
- Lovelace, Linda, porn actress
- Lowe, Edward, coiner
- Lowe, Margaret aka Pearl, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Lowry, James aka The Captain, pirate
- Lowry, Malcolm, poet and writer
- Lu, Gang, mass murderer
- Lucas, George, film director
- Lucas, Henry Lee aka The Hand of Death, serial killer
- Luchessa, Anita, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Luchinskaya, Irina, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Luciano, Charles aka Lucky Luciano, mobster and father of modern organized crime in the United States
- Lucier, Alvin, composer
- Lüdke, Bruno, serial killer
- Ludlum, Robert, writer
- Ludwig II aka Der Märchenkönig, King of Bavaria
- Luetgert, Adolph aka The Sausage King, murderer and cannibal
- Lugosi, Bela, actor
- Lukács, György, Marxist philosopher
- Lumet, Sidney, film director
- Lumière, Auguste, film pioneer
- Lumière, Louis, film pioneer
- Luna, Sue, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Lunch, Lydia, musician
- Lundgren, Jeffrey aka The Volunteer, self-proclaimed prophet and cult leader
- Lundon, Ruffie, murderer
- Lustig, Victor aka The Count, con artist
- Luther, Helga, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Luther, Martin, theologian and church reformer
- Lutosławski, Witold, composer
- Luttrell, Charles, murderer
- Luxemburg, Rosa aka Rote Rosa, revolutionary socialist and founder of the Spartacist Rote Fahne
- Lydon, John aka Johnny Rotten, musician
- Lynch, David, film director
- Lynch, Kevin, Irish republican hunger striker
- Lynn, Loretta aka The Coal Miner's Daughter aka The Decca Doll aka The Queen of Country Music, singer-songwriter
- Lynn, Vera aka the Forces' Sweetheart, singer and entertainer
- Lyon, Sue, actress
- Lyons, Lewis, murderer
- Lyons, Robbie, murderer
- Lyotard, Jean-François, philosopher, sociologist and literary theorist
- M'Gowan, James, murderer
- M'Naughton, John, murderer
- M., Geneviève, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- M., Margot, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Maas, Maria, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- MacArthur, Douglas, Chief of Staff of the United States Army
- MacDonald, Edna, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- MacDonald, Jayne, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- MacDonald, Jeffrey, presumed murderer
- MacGraw, Ali, actress
- Mach, Ernst, physicist and philosopher
- Machiavelli, Niccolò aka The Prince, political philosopher and poet
- Macias, Elisandro, murderer
- Macias, Refugio, double murderer
- Maciejowicz, Danuta, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Mackay, Patrick aka Franklin Bollvolt the First, serial killer
- MacLaine, Shirley, actress
- MacLennan, Hectorina, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- MacLise, Angus, musician, poet and occultist
- Macnee, Patrick aka John Steed, actor
- MacSwiney, Terence, Irish republican hunger striker
- Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run aka Cleveland Torso Murderer, unidentified serial killer
- Madden, Robert, double murderer
- Madison, James, 4th President of the United States
- Madrill, Constance, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Madson, David, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Maeno, Mitsuyasu, pornographic actor and suicide pilot
- Maeterlinck, Maurice, poet and writer
- Maffay, Peter, musician
- Magd, Estelle, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Magellan, Ferdinand, explorer
- Maggio, Joseph, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Magritte, René, surrealist painter
- Mahaffy, Leslie, victim of Paul Bernardo aka The Scarborough Rapist aka The Schoolgirl Killer and Karla Homolka
- Maher, Mary, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Mahler, Gustav, romantic composer
- Mahler, Horst, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Mahon, Patrick aka the Man of Prey, murderer
- Maier-Witt, Silke, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Maigys, Bronius, art vandal
- Mailer, Norman, writer
- Majer, Marie-Therese, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Major, Ethel, murderess
- Makarenkov, Oleg, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Makarov, Yaroslav, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Makart, Hans, artist
- Malcolm X aka El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, revolutionary black activist
- Malden, Karl, actor
- Malevich, Kazimir, abstract art pioneer
- Mallarmé, Stéphane, symbolist poet
- Malle, Anna aka Anna Hotop, pornographic actress
- Malle, Louis, film director
- Mallon, Mary aka Typhoid Mary, asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever
- Malone, Kelvin Shelby, triple murderer
- Maloney, Kathleen, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Malraux, André, writer, art theorist and Minister of Cultural Affairs
- Malvar, Marie, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Mancini, Henry, composer
- Mandic, Karen, victim of Kenneth Bianchi aka The Hillside Strangler
- Mandl, Maria aka The Beast, SS-Helferin and prison guard
- Manet, Édouard, painter
- Manilow, Barry, singer-songwriter
- Mankiller, Wilma, first female chief of the Cherokee Nation
- Mann, Fletcher, double murderer
- Mann, Thomas, writer, social critic and philanthropist
- Manning, Marie aka The Bermondsey Horror, murderess
- Månsdotter, Anna aka The Yngsjö Murderess, murderess
- Mansfield, Jayne aka The Working Man's Monroe, actress
- Manson, Charles, Family leader
- Manson, Donna, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Manson, Valentine Michael aka Pooh Bear, son of Charles Manson and Mary Therese Brunner
- Mantani, Yoshiyuki, murderer
- Mantel, Olga, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Manuel, Peter aka The Monster in Human Shape aka The Beast of Birkenshaw, serial killer
- Mapleton, Percy, murderer
- Mapplethorpe, Robert, photographer
- Marais, Jean, actor
- Marat, Jean-Paul, activist during the French Revolution
- Marceau, Marcel aka Bip the Clown, mime artist
- Marcel, Louise, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Marcellus II, 222nd Pope
- March, Henry, double murderer
- March, Peggy, pop singer
- Marchadier, Marie-Thérèse aka La Belle Mytèse, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Marchwicki, Zdzisław aka The Zagłębie Vampire, serial killer
- Marconi, Guglielmo, inventor and electrical engineer
- Marcos, Ferdinand, Dictator of the Philippines
- Marcos, Imelda aka The Steel Butterfly,
- Marcus, 34th Pope
- Marcus Antonius, Roman politician
- Marcuse, Herbert aka The Father of the New Left, philosopher, sociologist and political theorist
- Marek, Martha, serial poisoner
- Marie Antoinette, excessive Queen consort of France and Navarre
- Marin, Cheech, stand-up comedian and actor
- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, founder of the Futurist movement
- Markov, Georgi, dissident writer
- Markov, Sergey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Markovčič, Vida, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Marks, Angela, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Marks, Cyrano, mass murderer
- Markus, Edward, murderer
- Marley, Bob, musician
- Marlow, Lotte, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Marquez, Lauren, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Marquez, Mario, double murderer
- Marriott, Steve, musician
- Marro, Luciano, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Marschall, Elisabeth, Oberschwester in Ravensbrück KZ
- Marsh, Maud, victim of George Chapman aka The Borough Poisoner
- Marsh, Ngaio, crime writer
- Marshall, Doreen, victim of Neville Heath aka The Sadistic Romeo
- Marshall, Jim aka The Father of Loud, guitar amplification pioneer
- Martin, Dean aka The King of Cool, singer and actor
- Martin, Ernest, murderer
- Martin, Heinz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Martin, Jill, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Martin, Kimberly, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Martin, Merle, cop killer
- Martin, Nichan, murderer
- Martinez, Alexander, murderer
- Martinez, David, rapist and murderer
- Martinez, Gilbert, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Martinez, Johnny, murderer
- Martinez, Manuel, outlaw and murderer
- Martinović, Aco, spree killer
- Martinus V, 206th Pope
- Marvin, Lee, actor
- Marwood, Ronald, cop killer
- Marx, Groucho, comedian and actor
- Marx, Gummo, vaudeville performer
- Marx, Harpo, comedian and actor
- Marx, Karl, economist and revolutionary communist
- Mary of Teck, Queen
- Maslow, Abraham, psychologist
- Mason, David, serial killer
- Mason, James, actor
- Mason, Morris aka The Killer for the Eastern Shore, psychotic murderer
- Mason, Shirley aka Sybil Isabel Dorsett, psychiatric patient and artist
- Mason, Thomas, double murderer
- Massenet, Jules, composer
- Masser, Brunhilde, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Masset, Louise, murderess
- Masset, Manfred, victim of Louise Masset
- Massey, Jason, double murderer
- Massie, Robert, double murderer
- Masson, André, surrealist artist
- Massot-Pelé, Pierre, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Mastroianni, Marcello, actor
- Mata, Luis, rapist and murderer
- Mătăsăreanu, Emil, bank robber
- Matchett, Farley, double murderer
- Mateen, Omar, mass murderer
- Mathurin, Jean-Thierry, serial killer
- Matisse, Henri, artist
- Matsubara, Masahiko, double murderer
- Matsunaga, Futoshi, serial killer
- Matta-Clark, Gordon, artist
- Matthau, Walter, actor
- Matthews, Ynobe, multiple murderer
- Matuska, Szilveszter aka The Orient-Express Wrecker, mass murderer
- Maude, Patrick, murderer
- Maudsley, Robert aka The Brain Eater, serial killer
- Maugham, William Somerset, writer and playwright
- Mauriac, François, writer, dramatist, critic, poet and journalist
- Mauriot, Nadine, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Mauser, Paul, weapon designer
- Maxwell, Robert aka Captain Bob, media tycoon
- May, Justin, multiple murderer
- May, Karl, writer
- May, Minnie, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Mayakovsky, Vladimir, futurist poet
- Mayer, Johann aka Stumpfarm, serial killer
- Mays, Noble, murderer
- Mays, Rex, double murderer
- McAfee, John, computer programmer and businessman
- McAulay, Hilda, victim of the Bible John Killer
- McAuliffe, Christa, teacher and astronaut
- McBride, Michael, double murderer
- McBride, Preston, murderer
- McCabe, James, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- McCall, Franklin, kidnapper and child murderer
- McCallum, David, actor
- McCann, Joe, Irish Republican Army volunteer
- McCann, Wilma, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- McCarthy, Joseph, anti-Communist and anti-homosexual witch-hunter
- McCarthy, LeRoy, murderer
- McCartney, Paul, singer-songwriter and musician
- McCleskey, Warren, cop killer
- McCollum, John, Ozzy Osbourne fan
- McConaghy, Robert, multiple murderer
- McConnell, Mary, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- McCoy, Stephen, murderer
- McCoy, Timothy Jack, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- McCreesh, Raymond, Irish republican hunger striker
- McCullum, Demarco, murderer
- McDonald, Jemima, victim of the Bible John Killer
- McDonald, John, murderer
- McDonnel, Joe, Irish republican hunger striker
- McDonnell, Francis, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- McDougall, Michael, murderer
- McDowall, Roddy, actor
- McDowell, Malcolm, actor
- McDuff, Kenneth aka The Broomstick Murderer, serial killer
- McElwee, Thomas, Irish republican hunger striker
- McFadden, Jerry aka Animal, serial killer
- McFarland, Frank, murderer
- McGahuey, LeRoy, double murderer
- McGarrigle, Kate, singer-songwriter
- McGee, Patrick, murderer
- McGinn, Ricky, rapist and murderer
- McGinnis, Glen, murderer
- McGowan, Margaret aka Frances Brown aka Ann Sutherland aka Susan Edwards aka Frances Quinn, victim of Jack the Stripper
- McGuire, Dennis, murderer
- McIlherron, Jim, black
- McKay, Muriel, deputy to Rupert Murdoch
- McKinley, William, 25th President of the United States
- McKoy, Millie and Christine aka The Carolina Twins aka The Two-Headed Nightingale aka The Eighth Wonder of the World, Siamese twins
- McLaren, Bruce, Formula One racer
- McLaren, Malcolm, impresario, clothes designer and boutique owner
- McLaughlin, Samuel, murderer
- McLeod, Ivy, victim of Edward Leonski aka The Singing Strangler
- McLeod, Shirley, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- McLuhan, Marshall, philosopher
- McMahon, Henry, victim of Carl Panzram aka A Journal of Murder
- McMiller, John, murderer
- McNeely, Wylie, black
- McNieve, Daniel Scott, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- McPhaul, Jean, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- McPherson, Aimee Semple aka Sister Aimee, the world’s most pulchritudinous evangelist
- McQuate, Tellie aka Thomas Jones, murderer
- McQueen, Harold, murderer
- McQueen, Steve aka The King of Cool, actor
- McSwan, Donald, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- McSwann, William, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- McVeigh, Timothy aka The Oklahoma City Bomber, terrorist
- McVey, Lisa, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- McVitie, Jack aka Jack the Hat, enforcer and hitman for the Kray Twins
- McWilliams, Frederick, murderer
- Meacham, Jeremiah, double murderer
- Mead, Margaret, anthropologist
- Meade, Thomas, murderer
- Meaker, Emeline, murderess
- Meanes, James, murderer
- Medina, Javier, cop killer
- Medina, Lina, youngest confirmed mother in medical history
- Medina, Pedro, murderer
- Meeus, Lutgarde, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Megorden, Holliver, murderer
- Mei, Yulan, Falun Gong practicer
- Meinhof, Ulrike, journalist and leader of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Meins, Holger, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Meir, Golda, teacher, kibbutznik and politician
- Meiwes, Armin aka Der Metzgermeister, murderer and cannibal
- Melcher, Terry, musician and record producer
- Méliès, Georges, illusionist and film pioneer
- Mellish, Joy, victim of Edward Paisnel aka The Beast of Jersey
- Melville, Herman, writer
- Mendel, Gregor, biologist and Augustinian friar
- Mendeleev, Dmitri, chemist
- Mendelssohn, Felix, composer
- Mengele, Josef aka Der Todesengel, Nazi doctor and anthropologist
- Menninger, Karl, psychiatrist
- Menten, Pieter, war criminal and art collector
- Menuhin, Yehudi, violinist and conductor
- Menzl, Walter, art vandal
- Mercader, Ramón aka Jacques Mornard aka Frank Jacson, Catalan communist and assassin
- Mercado, Ruth aka Angela Rojas, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Mercer, George aka Tiny, rapist and murderer
- Mercier Descloux, Lizzy, musician
- Mercury, Freddie, singer-songwriter and musician
- Meredith, James, American Civil Rights Movement figure
- Merienne, Suzanne, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, phenomenological philosopher
- Merrett, John aka Ronald Chesney, triple murderer
- Merrick, Joseph aka The Elephant Man,
- Merrick, Laurence, film director
- Merrifield, Louisa, murderess
- Merten, Henry, murderer
- Mesmer, Franz, physician and inventor of animal magnetism
- Mesrine, Jacques aka Public Enemy No. 1, gangster
- Messerschmitt, Willy, aircraft designer and manufacturer
- Messiaen, Olivier, composer, organist and ornithologist
- Mestas, Vincent, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Metaxas, Ioannis, general and dictator
- Metesky, George aka The Mad Bomber, electrician
- Meuffels, Willibrordus, tour bus driver
- Meurer, Hubertine, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Meyer, August, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Meyer, Horst, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Meyer, Paul, US Air Force mechanic
- Meyer, Russ aka The King of the Nudies, film director
- Meyer, Wilhelm, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Meyerholz, Anna, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miao, Chung-yi, murderer
- Michaux, Henri, poet, writer and painter
- Michel, Anneliese, Catholic exorcism victim
- Michelangelo, Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect and poet
- Mico-Diaz, Maria, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Middleton, Edith,
- Middleton, George, murderer
- Midgley, Thomas aka the One-Man Environmental Disaster, engineer and chemist
- Midler, Bette aka The Divine Miss M, singer-songwriter and actress
- Miglin, Lee, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Migliorini, Antonella, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Miles, Thomas, black business owner
- Miles, Vera, actress
- Mileto, Giuseppe, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Miley, Gregory, accomplice of serial killer William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Milk, Harvey, public supervisor and gay rights activist
- Miller, Alan Eugene, spree killer
- Miller, Arthur, playwright
- Miller, Clark, rapist and murderer
- Miller, Donald, double murderer
- Miller, Donald Jay, murderer
- Miller, Ernest, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Miller, Frank, cop killer
- Miller, Garry, murderer
- Miller, George, cop killer
- Miller, Glenn, trombonist, arranger, composer and bandleader
- Miller, Henry, writer
- Miller, Judy, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Miller, Julius, murderer
- Miller, Kathy Sue, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Miller, Lee aka Lady Penrose, photographer
- Miller, Patrick aka Minimal Man, musician
- Millet, Leonce, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Millet, Mme, innkeeper
- Milligan, Terri, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Mills, Herbert, murderer
- Mills, Opal, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Millward, Vera aka Anne Brown aka Mary Barton, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Milsom, Albert, murderer
- Milstead, Harris Glenn aka Divine aka The Dirtiest Man in the World, actor, singer and drag queen
- Miltenberg, Adelheid, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miltenberg, Heinrich, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miltenberg, Johann, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miltenberg, Johanna, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Milton, Charles, murderer
- Milton, John, poet, polemicist, man of letters and civil servant
- Mimms, Zerelda, cousin and first wife of Jesse James
- Mingus, Charles, musician, bandleader and composer
- Miniel, Peter, murderer
- Minnelli, Liza, actress and singer
- Minnoch, Jon Brower aka the Heaviest Human Ever Recorded,
- Minsheng, Zheng, mass murderer
- Miranda, Charles, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Mirbeau, Octave, writer
- Miró, Joan, artist
- Miroth, Evelyn, victim of Richard Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento
- Mishima, Yukio, poet, writer and actor
- Mitchell, Aaron, cop killer
- Mitchell, Gerald, double murderer
- Mitchell, Joni, singer-songwriter
- Mitchell, Lezmond, double murderer
- Mitchell, Steve, murderer
- Mitchum, Robert, actor
- Mitford, Unity, aristocratic socialite and devotee of Adolf Hitler
- Mitterand, François, President of the French Republic
- Mitterhofer, Peter, carpenter and inventor
- Miyamoto, Kiyoharo, cult leader of the Church of the Friends
- Miyazaki, Tsutomu aka The Little Girl Murderer, serial killer, cannibal and necrophile
- Möbius, August Ferdinand, mathematician and astronomer
- Mochida, Takashi, murderer
- Mock, Jerrie, aviation pioneer
- Modigliani, Amedeo, artist
- Mogoerane, Thelle, African National Congress member
- Mohammad, Nazar, murderer
- Mohnhaupt, Brigitte, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Moholy-Nagy, László, artist
- Moiseev, Alexey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Moitzi, Sabine, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Molière, playwright and actor
- Molineux, Roland, chemist, murderer and playwright
- Molinier, Pierre, artist
- Möller, Irmgard, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Molnár, Csilla, Miss Hungary 1985
- Molotov, Vyacheslav, politician and diplomat
- Monahan, Eugene, murderer
- Moncla, Felix, United States Air Force pilot
- Mondriaan, Piet, painter
- Monet, Claude, impressionist painter
- Monicelli, Mario, film director
- Monks, Florence, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Monroe, James, 5th President of the United States
- Monroe, Marilyn, actress
- Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich
- Montand, Yves, actor
- Montenesdro, Germaine, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Monteverdi, Claudio, composer
- Montgomery, Bernard aka 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, war leader
- Montgomery, Lisa, murderess
- Montgomery, Thomas, police officer and murderer
- Montoya, Irineo, murderer
- Montoya Facundo, Ramon, cop killer
- Moog, Robert, electronic music pioneer
- Moolenbeek, Edward, fictitious Robol scientist
- Moon, Keith, drummer
- Moon, Sun Myung, religious leader
- Mooney, Allan aka The Saranac Lake Murderer, multiple murderer
- Moore, Alfred, cop killer
- Moore, Eddie, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Moore, Harry Charles, double murderer
- Moore, Henry, sculptor
- Moore, Johnathan, cop killer
- Moore, Lawrence, mass murderer
- Moore, Marilyn, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Moore, Mary Tyler, actress
- Moore, Roger, actor
- Moore, Sara Jane, attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford
- Moore, Winfred, murderer
- Morand, Dame, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Moravia, Alberto aka Il Conformista, writer
- Moré, Benny aka El Bárbaro del Ritmo aka El Sonero Mayor, singer and band leader
- More, Thomas, social philosopher, statesman and humanist
- Moreau, Jeanne, actress
- Moreau, Pierre-Désiré, double murderer
- Moreland, James, double murderer
- Moreno, Eliseo, spree killer
- Morgan, Samuel, murderer
- Morin, Stephen aka Ray Constantine, serial killer
- Morley, Joseph, murderer
- Moro, Aldo, Italian Christian Democratic politician
- Morricone, Ennio, composer
- Morris, J. J., murderer
- Morris, Leland, child killer
- Morris, Lorenzo, murderer
- Morris, Raymond Leslie aka The Monster of Cannock Chase, multiple murderer
- Morrison, Jim aka The Lizard King aka Mr. Mojo Risin', singer-songwriter and poet
- Morrison, Norman, Quaker and anti-war protester
- Morrison, Steinie, presumed murderer
- Morrison, Sterling, musician
- Morrissey, Paul, cult film director
- Morrow, Ricky, murderer
- Morrow, Robert, murderer
- Morrow, Sherry, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Morse, Samuel, painter and inventor
- Mortureux, Adèle, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Moscone, George, major of San Francisco
- Mosees, Johann, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Moser, Leon, triple murderer
- Mosier, Lee, murderer
- Moskowitz, Stacy, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Mosley, Oswald aka The British Führer, founder of the British Union of Fascists
- Mosololi, Jerry, African National Congress member
- Moss, Marlow, artist and radical lesbian
- Moss, Sterling, Formula One racer
- Motaung, Marcus, African National Congress member
- Mother Teresa, nun and missionary
- Motley, Jeffrey, murderer
- Mott, John, leader of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
- Mottry, Johnny aka Le Tueur à la Lada, gangster and cop killer
- Moulin, Jean aka Joseph Jean Mercier, hero of the French Résistance
- Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma
- Moussier-Lorut, Marie, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Moustaki, Georges, singer-songwriter
- Mowery, John, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, composer
- Mrugowsky, Joachim, Nazi doctor
- Mu'Min, Dawud, double murderer
- Muehl, Otto, Wiener Aktionist
- Muhammad, prophet and founder of Islam
- Muhammad, John Allen aka The Beltway Sniper, serial killer
- Muldoon, Mary, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Mulhare, Ross aka Mule, test pilot
- Mullen, Mary, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Müller, Franz, murderer
- Mullin, Herbert aka The Hippie Killer, serial killer
- Mullins, James, murderer
- Mullis, Travis James, child killer
- Munch, Edvard, artist
- Mundy, Beatrice aka Bessie, victim of George Joseph Smith aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer
- Muniz, Pedro, rapist and murderer
- Muratov, Yevgeny, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Murdoch, Iris, writer
- Murdoch, Rupert, media tycoon
- Murillo, Dave, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm, expressionist film director
- Murphy, Audie, most decorated American soldier of WWII
- Murphy, Catherine, counterfeiter
- Murphy, Ivan, murderer
- Murphy, John aka Krank, drummer, percussionist and multi-instrumental musician
- Musica, Phillip aka F. Donald Coster, swindler
- Musil, Robert, modernist writer
- Mussert, Anton, Leider van het Nederlandse Volk
- Mussolini, Benito aka Il Duce, leader of the Italian National Fascist Party
- Mussorgsky, Modest, composer
- Mutsuda, Shinji, multiple murderer
- Muybridge, Eadweard, photographer
- Mycek, Anna, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Myers, Blanche, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Mysliwiec, Yvonne, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Myszka, Stanislaw, murderer
- Nabokov, Vladimir aka Vladimir Sirin, writer
- Nagayama, Norio, spree killer and writer
- Nago, Keishi, double murderer
- Naidu, Gopalswamy Doraiswamy aka The Edison of India, inventor and engineer
- Nakamoto, Katsuyoshi, double murderer
- Nakamura, Masaharu, murderer
- Namba, Erika, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Narvaiz, Leopoldo, mass murderer
- Nash, Joseph aka Joseph Nesce, murderer
- Nash, Leroy, multiple murderer
- Naslund, Denise, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 2nd President of Egypt
- Nata, Kosaku, double murderer
- Nauman, Bruce, artist
- Navalny, Alexei, Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist and political prisoner
- Neal, Tom, actor and murderer
- Neilson, Donald aka The Black Panther, multiple murderer
- Nelson, Baby Face, gangster
- Nelson, Dale, mass murderer
- Nelson, Earle Leonard aka The Gorilla Murderer, serial killer
- Nelson, Horatio aka 1st Viscount Nelson, admiral
- Nelson, Joyce, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Nelson, Keith, child rapist and murderer
- Nelson, Ricky, teen idol
- Nelson, Rita, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Nelson, Russell, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Nelson, William, murderer
- Nero, 5th Emperor of the Roman Empire
- Nervi, Pier Luigi, structural engineer and architect
- Nesbitt, Mary, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Ness, Eliot, American Prohibition agent
- Nesset, Arnfinn, serial killer
- Nestlé, Henri,
- Nethery, Stephen, cop killer
- Neu, Kenneth, double murderer
- Neumann, Sabine, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Neville, Robert, murderer
- Newell, Susan, murderess
- Newin, Simone, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Newington, William, forger
- Newman, Barnett, artist
- Newman, Clara, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Newman, Oliver, murderer
- Newman, Paul, actor
- Newman, Randy, singer-songwriter
- Newton, Christopher, murderer
- Newton, Frances, triple murderess
- Newton, Helmut, photographer
- Newton, Huey, founder of the Black Panther Party
- Newton, Isaac, mathematician, physicist, astronomer and theologian
- Ng, Charles, serial killer
- Nicholaus I aka Saint Nicholas the Great, 105th Pope
- Nicholaus III, 188th Pope
- Nicholaus V, 208th Pope
- Nichols, Joseph, murderer
- Nichols, Luke, murderer
- Nichols, Mary Ann aka Polly, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Nichols, Mike, film and theatre director
- Nichols, Nina, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Nicholson, Jack, actor
- Nicholson, William, murderer
- Nico aka Das Einsame Mädchen,
- Nielsen, Asta aka Die Asta, actress
- Niemasz, Henryk, murderer
- Nieswandt, Gertrud, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, philosopher and philologist
- Nightingale, Florence aka The Lady with the Lamp, social reformer, statistician and modern nursing pioneer
- Nijinsky, Vaslav, ballet dancer and choreographer
- Nijkamp, Agnes, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Nikolai II aka Nikolai the Bloody, Emperor of Russia
- Nikolayev, Vladimir aka The Novocheboksarsk Cannibal aka The Ogre, multiple murderer and cannibal
- Nilissen, Johanna aka Angelique, stripper
- Nilsen, Dennis aka Killing For Company, serial killer
- Nimoy, Leonard aka Mr. Spock, actor
- Nin, Anaïs, writer
- Nitribitt, Rosemarie, luxury call girl
- Nitsch, Hermann, Wiener Aktionist
- Nitsche, Marie, victim of Karl Großmann aka Die Bestie vom Schlesischen Bahnhof
- Niven, David, actor
- Nixon, John, murderer
- Nixon, Richard, 37th President of the United States
- Nobbs, Paul, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Nobel, Alfred aka The Merchant of Death, chemist, engineer, innovator and armaments manufacturer
- Nobles, Jonathan, double murderer
- Nodder, Frederick aka Uncle Fred Hudson, child killer
- Noel, Riley Dobi, triple murderer
- Noland, John, double murderer
- Nolde, Emil, expressionist painter
- Nomi, Klaus, countertenor
- Nomoto, Ayako, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Nonas, Richard, post-minimalist sculptor
- Nono, Luigi, composer
- Nordlund, John aka Mälarmördaren aka Mordlund aka Svarte Filip, mass murderer
- Nordstrom, Adolph, murderer
- Norgay, Tenzing, Sherpa mountaineer
- Norry, August, victim of Penny Bjorkland
- Northcott, Gordon aka The Wineville Chicken Coop Murderer, multiple child murderer
- Nostradamus, apothecary and seer
- Novak, Kim, actress
- Novalis, romantic poet and writer
- Novarro, Ramon aka Latin Lover, actor
- Nowacka, Lidia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Nowak, Lisa, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Nugent, Ted aka The Atrocious Theodocious aka Motor City Madman, musician
- Numan, Gary, pioneer of commercial electronic music
- Nuncio, Paul, murderer
- Nunes, Alexander, murderer
- Nunn, George, murderer
- Nureyev, Rudolf, ballet dancer and choreographer
- O'Brien, Bernard, murderer
- O'Bryan, Ronald aka The Pixy Stix Killer aka The Man Who Killed Halloween, murderer
- O'Connor, Sinéad, singer-songwriter
- O'Dell, Leslie, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- O'Dwyer, Michael, Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab
- O'Hara, Patsy, Irish republican hunger striker
- O'Keeffe, Georgia aka The Mother of American Modernism, painter
- O'Neal, Robert, Neo-Nazi and double murderer
- O'Sullivan, Joseph, Irish Republican Army volunteer
- O'Toole, Peter, actor
- Oatley, Evelyn, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Obama, Barack, 44th President of the United States
- Oberheuser, Herta, physician at the Ravensbrück concentration camp
- Oberholtzer, Madge, victim of D. C. Stephenson aka The Grand Dragon of the Realm of the Indiana Ku-Klux-Klan
- Obrecht, André, chief executioner
- Ocaña, Luis, cyclist
- Ocasek, Ric, singer-songwriter and musician
- Ochoa, Abel, mass murderer
- Ockendon, Kenneth, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Octavia, Claudia, Empress of Rome
- Ocuish, Hannah, murderess
- Oda, Yoshikatsu, murderer
- Barnes, Odell, murderer
- Odom, Elvin, murderer
- Oetker, Rudolf-August, food entrepreneur
- Offenbach, Jacques, composer
- Ogan, Craig, cop killer
- Ogata, Hidenori, double murderer
- Ogorzow, Paul aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder, serial killer
- Ohliger, Rosa, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Ohm, Georg, physicist and mathematician
- Ohnesorg, Benno, student
- Okada, Yukiko aka Yukko, pop idol
- Okashita, Kaoru, double murderer
- Okazaki, Dayle, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Oldenburg, Claes, pop artist
- Olds, Ransom, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Oliverson, Denise, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Olivier, Jean-Laurent, child killer
- Olivier, Laurence, actor and film director
- Olson, Clifford aka The Vancouver Butcher, serial killer
- Olson, Sara Jane, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Onassis, Aristotelis, shipping magnate and businessman
- Ōnishi, Takijirō aka The Father of the Kamikaze, admiral
- Ono, Yoko, artist
- Onogawa, Mitsunori, double murderer
- Onoprienko, Anatoly aka The Terminator aka Citizen O, serial killer
- Opel, Adam, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Ophüls, Max, film director
- Oppenheim, Méret, surrealist artist
- Oppenheimer, Robert aka The Father of the Atomic Bomb, theoretical physicist
- Orbison, Roy aka Big O, singer-songwriter
- Orff, Carl, composer
- Orfila, Mathieu, chemist
- Orlan, artist
- Orosco, Mario, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Orrock, Thomas, cop killer
- Orsborn, Colleen, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Ortiz, Ignacio, murderer
- Ortiz, Luis, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Ortner, Aloïs, victim of Kurt Tetzner aka Der Mann der Zweimal Starb
- Orwell, George, writer
- Osborne, George, cop killer
- Osbourne, Ozzy, musician and television personality
- Oshichi, Yaoya, arsonist
- Osmond, Donny, teen idol
- Oswald, Lee Harvey, assassin
- Otey, Harold aka Walkin' Willie, murderer
- Othman, Abdul Kahar, drug trafficker
- Ott, Janice, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Otto, Horst,
- Ottoson, Dennis, mass murderer
- Ouspensky, Peter, mathematician and esotericist
- Owens, Douglas, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Owens, Freddie Eugene, double murderer
- Owens, Jesse, black Olympic legend
- Owens, Shirley, lead singer of the Shirelles
- Ozawa, Toshimitsu, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- O’Brien, Derrick, double murderer
- O’Connor, Mary Ellen, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- O’Dell, Joseph, murderer
- O’Donnell, Leo, murderer
- O’Hara, Bridget aka Bridget Moore, victim of Jack the Stripper
- O’Neil, Jack, presumed murderer
- P-Orridge, Genesis, musician, performance artist and occultist
- Pacciani, Pietro aka Il Mostro di Firenze, suspected serial killer
- Pace, Bonnie, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Pacino, Al, actor
- Packer, Alferd, notorious cannibal
- Pacque, Philippe aka L'Épervier d'Amiens, serial killer
- Paddock, Stephen, mass murderer
- Paganini, Niccolò, composer
- Page, Bettie aka The Queen of Pinups, pin-up model
- Pahlavi, Leila, Princess of Iran
- Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran
- Paik, Nam June, video artist
- Paisnel, Edward aka The Beast of Jersey, Satan worshipper and serial rapist
- Palach, Jan aka Pochodeň č. 1, revolutionary student
- Palance, Jack, actor and boxer
- Pallenberg, Anita, actress, artist, model and muse of the Rolling Stones
- Palme, Olof, 26th Prime Minister of Sweden
- Palmer, Annie, wife and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Edward, murderer
- Palmer, Elizabeth, daughter and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Frank, son and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Henry, son and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, John, son and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Laura, fictional character
- Palmer, William aka The Prince of Poisoners, serial poisoner
- Pan, Peter, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Pándy, András aka Father Bluebeard, serial killer
- Pándy, Daniël, victim of András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard
- Pane, Gina, performance artist
- Pankejeff, Sergei aka Der Wolfsmann, aristocrat and patient of Sigmund Freud
- Pankhurst, Emmeline, political activist and suffragette
- Panzram, Carl aka A Journal of Murder, serial killer, rapist, arsonist and burglar
- Papin, Christine, double murderess
- Papin, Léa, murderess
- Papon, Maurice, prefect of Paris and Nazi collaborator
- Paracelsus, physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer and occultist
- Paradis, Vanessa, singer, model and actress
- Parenti, Maurizio, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Parham, Larry, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Paris, Richard, mass murderer
- Parker, Bonnie, gangster
- Parker, Charlie aka Bird, musician
- Parker, Frederick, murderer
- Parker, George, cop killer
- Parker, Gerald aka The Bedroom Basher, serial killer
- Parker, Janet, medical photographer
- Parker, Pauline aka Heavenly Creature, murderess
- Parker, Tom aka Colonel Parker, entertainment impresario
- Parkes, Wilfred, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Parks, Roberta, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Parks, Robyn, murderer
- Parr, Catherine, sixth wife of Henry VIII
- Parr, Thomas aka Old Tom Parr, celebrity
- Parsons, Alan, musician and audio engineer
- Parsons, Jack, rocket propulsion researcher and Thelemite occultist
- Parton, Dolly, singer-songwriter, actress and philanthropist
- Pascal, Anne-Marie, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Pascal, Blaise, mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and philosopher
- Pascoe, Russel, murderer
- Pasolini, Pier Paolo, writer and film director
- Paster, James aka Skip, triple murderer
- Pasternak, Boris, writer
- Pasteur, Louis, chemist and microbiologist
- Pathé, Charles, film pioneer
- Patrick, Jessie, murderer
- Patterson, Emily, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Patterson, Jim, murderer
- Patterson, Kelsey, double murderer
- Patterson, Toronto, triple murderer
- Patton, Ernest, murderer
- Patton, George aka Old Blood and Guts, war leader
- Paulin, Thierry aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune, serial killer
- Paulson, Cindy, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Paulus II, 211th Pope
- Paulus III, 220th Pope
- Paulus IV, 223rd Pope
- Paulus V, 233rd Pope
- Paulus VI aka The Pilgrim Pope, 262nd Pope
- Pavarotti, Luciano, tenor
- Pavlick, Richard, postal worker and would-be assassin
- Pavlov, Ivan, physiologist
- Pavlova, Anna, prima ballerina
- Payne, Frank, murderer
- Peace, Charles aka The Murderous Musician, burglar and murderer
- Peano, Giuseppe, mathematician and glottologist
- Pearce, Dorothy, victim of Wendell Lightbourne aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy
- Pearce, Kathie, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Pearcey, Mary, double murderess
- Peare, Llewellyn Wilson, double murderer
- Pearson, Larry, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Pearson, Moses aka Pickle Daddy, spree killer
- Pearson, Yvonne, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Pease, Alfred, composer
- Peck, Gregory, actor
- Peckinpah, Sam aka The Picasso of Violence, film director
- Peel, John, disc jockey, radio presenter and journalist
- Peete, Louise, prostitute cum serial killer
- Peiper, Joachim aka Jochen, Standartenführer der Waffen-SS
- Pelletier, Nicolas Jacques, highwayman
- Pemberton, John, pharmacist
- Penderecki, Krzysztof, composer
- Penn, Arthur, film director
- Penney, William aka The Father of the British Atomic Bomb, mathematician
- Pennington, John, black
- Peoples, Louis, serial killer
- Pepitone, Mike, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Peppard, George, actor
- Peralta, Miguel, murderer
- Peres, Aline, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Perez, David, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Perez, Fred aka Freddie Bell, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- Perez, Robert, double murderer
- Pérignon, Dom, Benedictine monk
- Perkins, Anthony, actor
- Perkins, Carl, singer-songwriter
- Perón, Eva aka Evita, Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina
- Perrera, Paula, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Perry, Arlis, cult victim
- Perry, Arthur, murderer
- Perry, Henry aka Beckett, the Lodger from Hell, multiple murderer
- Perry, Nancy Ling aka Nancy Devoto aka Lynn Ledworth aka Fahizah, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Peruggia, Vincenzo, thief
- Pesce, Mary Ann, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Pesquet, Bernard aka Le Landru du Val d’Oise, serial killer
- Petacci, Clara, mistress of Benito Mussolini
- Pétain, Philippe, general
- Peter the Great, ruler of the Tsardom of Russia
- Peterson, Billy,
- Peterson, Derick, murderer
- Peterson, Evelyn, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Peterson, Kim, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Petiot, Marcel aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer, doctor and serial killer
- Petrarca, Francesco aka The Father of Humanism, poet
- Petrov, Viktor, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Petrus I, first Pope
- Pett, Grace, wife of a fishmonger
- Pettersson, Elon, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Pettini, Stefania, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Peugeot, Armand, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Pfeifer, Monika, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Pfeiffer, Michelle, actress
- Philippe, Lillian, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Phillips, Clifford, double murderer
- Phillips, Larry, bank robber
- Phillips, Roxie, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Phillips, Willard, rapist and murderer
- Phoenix, River, actor and musician
- Piaf, Édith aka La Môme Piaf, singer
- Piaget, Jean, developmental psychologist and philosopher
- Piazza, Rhoda, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- Piazzolla, Ástor aka El Gran, composer and bandoneon player
- Picabia, Francis, cubist painter, poet and typographist
- Picasso, Pablo, artist
- Picasso, Paloma, fashion designer
- Pichushkin, Alexander aka The Chessboard Killer aka The Bitsa Park Maniac, serial killer
- Pickens, Mary, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Pickett, Bobby, singer
- Pickett, Wilson aka The Wicked Pickett, singer-songwriter
- Pickford, Mary aka The Girl with the Curls, actress
- Pickton, Robert aka The Pig Farmer Killer, serial killer
- Pierce, Franklin, 14th President of the United States
- Pierce, Mary, victim of Richard Speck aka Born To Raise Hell
- Pierrepoint, Albert, chief executioner
- Piest, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Pingley, George, cop killer
- Pinkerton, Allan, detective and spy
- Pinkerton, Jay Kelly, double murderer
- Pinochet, Augusto, dictatorial president
- Pinter, Harold, writer and playwright
- Pio da Pietrelcina, stigmatised monk
- Pippin, Roy, double murderer
- Pirotte, Nestor aka Le Tueur Fou, serial killer
- Pitezel, Benjamin, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Pitezel, Howard, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Pitt, Brad, actor
- Pius II, 210th Pope
- Pius III, 215th Pope
- Pius IV, 224th Pope
- Pius IX, 255th Pope
- Pius V, 225th Pope
- Pius VI, 250th Pope
- Pius VII, 251st Pope
- Pius VIII, 253rd Pope
- Pius X, 257th Pope
- Pius XI, 259th Pope
- Pius XII, 260th Pope
- Pizer, John aka Leather Apron, Polish Jewish bootmaker
- Place, Martha, murderess
- Planck, Max, theoretical physicist
- Plank, Conny, sound engineer and producer
- Plant, Robert, musician
- Pleasence, Donald, actor
- Pleil, Rudolf aka Der Großten Todmacher, serial killer
- Podgorny, Nikolai, Soviet Ukrainian statesman during the Cold War
- Podmore, William aka William F. Thomas, murderer
- Podola, Günther aka Mike Colato, cop killer
- Poe, Edgar Allan, writer of mystery and the macabre
- Poeltz, Sigrid, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Pohl, Oswald, SS-Obergruppenführer
- Poirot, Marcel, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Poisson, Jeanne-Antoinette aka Madame de Pompadour, courtisane and official chief mistress of King Louis XV
- Poitier, Sidney, actor
- Pol Pot, Cambodian socialist revolutionary and leader of the Khmer Rouge
- Poland, Michael, double murderer
- Poland, Patrick, double murderer
- Polanski, Roman, film director
- Polillo, Florence, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- Polk, James, 11th President of the United States
- Polke, Sigmar, painter
- Pollack, Sydney, actor and film director
- Pollock, Jackson, abstract expressionist painter
- Polnareff, Michel, singer-songwriter
- Polo, Marco, merchant traveller
- Pomeroy, Jesse aka The Teenage Monster, murderer
- Pommerenke, Heinrich aka The Beast of the Black Forest, serial killer
- Pompidou, Georges, President of the French Republic
- Ponti, Carlo, film director
- Pontianus, 18th Pope
- Ponto, Jürgen, director of the Dresdner bank
- Pontormo, Jacopo, painter
- Pool, Charlie, rapist and murderer
- Pop, Iggy, musician
- Popielska, Janina, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Popiełuszko, Jerzy, Catholic priest and martyr
- Popkov, Mikhail aka The Angarsk Werewolf, serial killer
- Popper, Karl, philosopher
- Porsche, Ferdinand, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Porta, Ercole, composer
- Portalier, Victor, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Porteous, Elizabeth, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Porter, Alice,
- Porter, Cole, composer and songwriter
- Porter, Henry, cop killer
- Porter, James, double murderer
- Post, Wiley, aviation pioneer
- Postalnyi, Schipka, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Potemkin, Grigory, Russian military leader and statesman
- Potterton, Sally, nurse
- Pough, James aka Pop, spree killer
- Poulidor, Raymond aka Poupou aka L'Éternel Second, cyclist
- Poulin, Frederick, murderer
- Poulin, Robert, school shooter
- Pound, Ezra, modernist poet
- Powell, James, child rapist and murderer
- Powell, John, thief
- Power, Tyrone, actor
- Powers, Francis Gary, United States Air Force pilot
- Powers, Harry aka Cornelius O. Pierson aka A. R. Weaver, serial killer
- Pozhidaev, Oleg, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Prado, Pérez aka King of the Mambo, bandleader and composer
- Praelisauer, Andreas, composer and choir master
- Prem, Regina, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Preminger, Otto, film director
- Prentice, Frederick, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Presley, Deborah, actress claiming to be the illegitimate daughter of Elvis
- Presley, Elvis aka The King of Rock and Roll, singer and actor
- Presley, Lisa Marie, singer-songwriter
- Presley, Priscilla,
- Prestidge, Jon, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Prévert, Jacques, poet
- Price, Adele, victim of Patrick Mackay aka Franklin Bollvolt the First
- Price, Vincent, actor
- Priebke, Erich, SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Prigogine, Ilya, theoretical chemist
- Přiklopil, Wolfgang, kidnapper
- Primo de Rivera, José Antonio, founder of the Falange Española
- Prince, musician
- Princip, Gavrilo aka The Teenager who Changed the World, assassin
- Pritchard, Edward William, doctor and murderer
- Pritchard, Mary, wife and victim of Edward William Pritchard
- Privacky, Seth, mass murderer
- Probert, Albert, murderer
- Proce, Joseph, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Pröhl, Ilse, wife of Rudolf Hess
- Prokofiev, Sergei, composer, pianist and conductor
- Proust, Marcel, writer
- Prudom, Barry aka The Phantom in the Forest, cop killer
- Pruett, David, double murderer
- Pruett, Marion aka The Mad Dog Killer, spree killer
- Ptashnikov, Dmitry, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Puccini, Giacomo, composer
- Puetman, Gabrielle, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Pulitzer, Joseph, newspaper publisher
- Pullman, George, engineer and industrialist
- Purcell, Henry, composer
- Purdy, Patrick aka The Stockton Schoolyard Shooter, school shooter
- Purkey, Wesley, kidnapper and murderer
- Purrington, James, mass murderer
- Pursley, Lonnie, murderer
- Purvis, Melvin aka Little Mel, FBI Special Agent
- Pushkin, Alexander aka the founder of modern Russian literature, romantic poet and writer
- Putt, George aka The Memphis Murderer, serial killer
- Puttock, Helen, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Puyi, Aisin-Gioro, last Emperor of China
- Puzo, Mario, writer
- Pyles, Johnny, cop killer
- Qashash, Sa'eed, mass murderer
- Qing, Jiang aka Lan Ping aka Madame Mao, actress and wife of Mao Zedong
- Qingyou, Jia, school attacker
- Quarell, Charles, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Quarles, Frank, murderer
- Quatro, Suzi, musician
- Quicker, Walter, murder suspect
- Quinionis, Mateo, murderer
- Quinlan, Karen Ann aka The Coma Girl,
- Quinn, Anthony, actor
- Quintanilla-Pérez, Selena aka The Queen of Tejano music, singer-songwriter
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 5th Prime Minister of Israel
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, romantic composer
- Racine, Jean, dramatist
- Racine, Louis, poet
- Rackham, John aka Calico Jack, pirate captain
- Raczkiewicz, Bozena, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Rader, Dennis aka The BTK Killer, serial killer
- Radusch, Maria, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Rahn, Jutta, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Rainwater, Thomas, victim of the Black Zebra Killers
- Ralph, John, murderer
- Rama V aka The Royal Buddha, King of Siam
- Rama VI aka Vajiravudh, King of Siam
- Rama VIII aka Ananda Mahidol, King of Thailand
- Rambla, Marie-Dolorès, victim of Christian Ranucci aka Le Pull-Over Rouge
- Ramdohr, Ludwig, Kriminalsekretär
- Ramirez, Luis, murder plotter
- Ramirez, Richard aka The Night Stalker, serial killer
- Ramone, C. J., musician
- Ramone, Dee Dee, musician
- Ramone, Joey, musician
- Ramone, Johnny, musician
- Ramone, Marky, musician
- Ramone, Tommy, musician
- Ramos, Eliana, fashion model
- Ramos, Luisel, fashion model
- Ramos, Salvador, school shooter
- Rampling, Charlotte, actress
- Ramsey, JonBenét, child beauty queen
- Rancourt, Susan, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Randolph, Jenny, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Rann, John aka Sixteen String Jack, highwayman
- Ransom, Cedric, murderer
- Ransom, John, murderer
- Ransom, Kenneth, mass murderer
- Ranson, Ernest, murderer
- Ranucci, Christian aka Le Pull-Over Rouge, child killer
- Raphael, painter
- Rapin, Georges aka Monsieur Bill, murderer
- Rapini, Joe, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- Rappe, Virginia, model and actress
- Rascher, Sigmund, Nazi doctor
- Rascon, Frank, murderer
- Raspe, Jan-Carl, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Rasputin, Grigori aka The Mad Monk, mystic and self-proclaimed holy man
- Rath, Thomas aka Der Moormörder, serial killer
- Rathé, Xavier, musician
- Rathie, John, cop killer
- Raubal, Geli, Adolf Hitler's half-niece and supposed lover
- Rauff, Walter, SS Standartenführer
- Raulerson, James, cop killer
- Rault, Sterling, rapist and murderer
- Rauschenberg, Robert, artist
- Ravachol, French anarchist
- Ravel, Maurice, composer, pianist and conductor
- Raven, Daniel, double murderer
- Rawlins, James, rapist and murderer
- Rawlinson, Dorothy, victim of Wendell Lightbourne aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy
- Ray, James Earl aka The Man Who Shot Martin Luther King, assassin
- Ray, Man, artist
- Read, James Canham aka The Southend Murderer, murderer
- Reade, Pauline, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Reagan, Ronald, actor and 40th president of the United States
- Rector, Charles, double murderer
- Rector, Ricky Ray, cop killer
- Redding, Otis, singer-songwriter
- Reder, Walter aka The Butcher of Marzabotto, SS-Sturmbannführer
- Redford, Robert aka The Godfather of Indie Film, actor and film director
- Redgrave, Vanessa, actress and political activist
- Redmond, Patrick, murderer
- Redon, Odilon, symbolist painter
- Rée, Paul, 'Brother' of Lou Salomé and rival of Friedrich Nietzsche
- Reed, Lou, musician
- Reed, Oliver, actor
- Rees, Gwynneth aka Tina Smart Dawson, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Rees, Melvin aka The Sex Beast, serial killer
- Reese, Lamont, triple murderer
- Reese, William, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Reeser, Mary aka The Cinder Lady, motherly widow
- Reeve, Christopher, actor
- Reeves, George, actor
- Reeves, Jim, singer-songwriter
- Reeves, Martha, singer
- Reeves, Reginald, rapist and murderer
- Reffett, Randall, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Reger, Max, pianist and composer
- Regnault, César-Joseph, ex-convict turned prospering businessman
- Reich, Steve, minimal composer
- Reich, Wilhelm, psychoanalist and pioneer of sexual freedom
- Reichelt, Franz aka The Birdman aka The Flying Tailor, tailor, inventor and parachuting pioneer
- Reid, Richard aka The Shoe Bomber aka Abdel Rahim aka Abdul Rof, terrorist
- Reinhardt, Ad, abstract expressionist painter
- Reiser, Rio, musician
- Reitz, Julie, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Rembrandt, painter and printmaker
- Remeta, Daniel, spree killer
- Remi, Georges aka Hergé, cartoonist
- Remick, Lee, actress
- Remón Cantera, José, President of Panama
- Renault, Louis, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Reneau, Daniel, murderer
- Renfro, Steven, triple murderer
- Renoir, Jean, film director
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, impressionist painter
- Reséndiz, Ángel aka The Railroad Killer, serial killer
- Resnais, Alain, film director
- Reston, Ana Carolina, fashion model
- Reuter, Ida, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Reuter, Paul, journalist, entrepreneur and pioneer of telegraphy and news reporting
- Reve, Gerard, writer
- Revere, Paul, silversmith, engraver, early industrialist and Patriot
- Reyner, Jean, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Reynolds, Bruce, Great Train Robber
- Reynolds, Burt, actor
- Reynolds, James, murderer
- Reynolds, Thomas, traitor
- Rhoades, Jason, installation artist
- Rhoades, Rick, double murderer
- Rice, Louis, black
- Rich, Darrell aka The Hilltop Rapist, serial rapist and murderer
- Rich, James, double murderer
- Richard I aka Richard the Lionheart aka Richard Coeur de Lion, King of England
- Richards, Keith, musician
- Richards, Thomas, murderer
- Richardson, Herbert, murderer
- Richardson, Irene, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Richardson, James, murderer
- Richardson, Jiles Perry aka The Big Bopper, musician, singer and songwriter
- Richardson, Leslie, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Richardson, Miguel, double murderer
- Richetti, Adam, bank robber
- Richman, Jonathan, singer-songwriter
- Richter, Charles, seismologist and physicist
- Richter, Gerhard, painter
- Ricœur, Paul, philosopher
- Riddle, Granville, murderer
- Ridgway, Gary aka The Green River Killer, serial killer
- Riefenstahl, Leni, dancer, actress, film director and photographer
- Rieper, Honorah, victim of Pauline Parker and Juliet Hume aka Heavenly Creatures
- Rietveld, Gerrit, furniture designer and architect
- Rifkin, Joel aka The Long Island Ripper, serial killer
- Rigg, Diana, actress
- Riggins, James, murderer
- Rignall, Jeffrey, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Riley, Georges, murderer
- Riley, Terry, minimal composer
- Riley, Thomas, murderer
- Rilke, Rainer Maria, poet and writer
- Rimbaud, Arthur, poet
- Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, composer
- Rin Tin Tin, German Shepherd dog movie star
- Rindt, Jochen, Formula One racer
- Risico, Tina, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Ritschel, Magda aka Engelchen, wife of Joseph Goebbels
- Ritz, César, hotelier
- Rivera, Josefina, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Roach, James, rapist and double murderer
- Roach, John, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Robbe-Grillet, Alain, film director
- Robbins, Harold, writer
- Roberson, Brian, double murderer
- Roberts, Charles Carl aka The Amish School Shooter, school shooter
- Roberts, Douglas, murderer
- Roberts, Jimmy, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Roberts, Julia, actress
- Roberts, William, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Robertson, Shelly, possible victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Robespierre, Maximilien, leader of the French Revolution
- Robinson, Andrew, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Robinson, Gertrude, victim of Wendell Lightbourne aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy
- Robinson, Honor, murderer
- Robinson, John, murderer
- Robinson, Peter, murderer
- Robison, Larry, paranoid schizophrenic mass murderer
- Rocher, Catherine, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Rockefeller, John, business magnate and philanthropist
- Rockefeller, Nelson, businessman, philanthropist, public servant and politician
- Rockwell, George Lincoln, Founder of the American Nazi Party
- Rodchenko, Alexander, constructivist and productivist artist
- Roddenberry, Gene, television screenwriter and producer
- Rodier, Rosine, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Rodin, Auguste, artist
- Rodriguez, Francisco, murderer
- Rodriguez, Irene, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Roe, John, murderer
- Roesner, Gabriele, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Rogers, Ginger, dancer, singer and actress
- Rogers, Patrick, cop killer
- Rogulskyj, Anna, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Rohling, Ursula, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Rohwedder, Detlev, Präsident der Treuhandanstalt
- Rojas, Leonard, double murderer
- Rojas Varón, Teófilo aka Chispas, bandit
- Rojem, Richard, child rapist and murderer
- Rolle, Reuben, spree killer
- Rolling, Danny aka The Gainesville Ripper, serial killer
- Roman, Thomas, murderer
- Romano, Joseph, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Romero, George aka The Grandfather of the Zombie, film director
- Romero, Jesus, murderer
- Romero, Óscar, prelate of the Catholic Church
- Rommel, Erwin aka Wüstenfuchs, Generalfeldmarschall
- Rongxian, Li, Falun Gong practicer
- Ronson, Mick, guitarist, songwriter, arranger and producer
- Röntgen, Wilhelm, physicist
- Rontini, Pia, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Rook, John, rapist and murderer
- Rooney, Ann, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Rooney, Mickey, vaudeville performer and actor
- Rooney, Mrs. Patrick,
- Roosevelt, Franklin, 32nd President of the United States
- Roosevelt, Theodore aka Teddy, 26th President of the United States
- Rops, Félicien aka The Satanic Eroticist, artist
- Roque, Jacqueline, muse and second wife of Pablo Picasso
- Rorschach, Hermann, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
- Rorty, Richard, philosopher
- Rose, John, murderer
- Rosenberg, Julius, American Communist and Soviet spy
- Rosenquist, James, pop artist
- Rosenthal, Rolf, SS-Obersturmführer and gynaecologist
- Rößner, Bernard, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Ross, Arthur, murderer
- Ross, Colin Campbell aka the Gun Alley Murderer, presumed murderer
- Ross, Diana, singer and actress
- Ross, Josephine, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Ross, Michael aka The Roadside Strangler, serial killer
- Rosseel, Marie-Thérèse, victim of Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen
- Rosselini, Roberto, film director
- Rossellini, Isabella, actress and philantropist
- Rossi, Sylvie, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Rossi, Tino, singer and actor
- Rossi, Victor, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Rossini, Gioachino, composer
- Rossouw, Marthinus, murderer
- Rota, Nino, composer
- Roth, Dieter, artist
- Roth, Philip, writer
- Rothe, Friedel, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Rothko, Mark, abstract expressionist painter
- Rothschild, Mayer Amschel aka The Founding Father of International Finance, Jewish banker
- Rottman, Arthur aka The Ruahine Axe Murderer, multiple murderer
- Rougeau, Paul, murderer
- Rourke, Mickey, actor and retired boxer
- Rouse, Alfred aka the Blazing Car Murderer, murderer
- Rousseau, Henri aka Le Douanier, post-impressionist painter
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, philosopher, writer and composer
- Roussos, Demis, singer-songwriter
- Routier, Josette, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Routledge, Patricia, actress
- Rouvray, Francine, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Rowe, Truett, FBI Special Agent
- Rowell, Robert, triple murderer
- Rowland, Walter, double murderer
- Rowlands, Edward, murderer
- Rowlands, Gena, actress
- Rowsey, Raymond, murderer
- Royce, Henry, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Roymans, Mario aka Tijl van Limburg, revolutionary thief
- Ruan, Lingyu, silent film actress
- Rubens, Alma aka Silent Snowbird, actress and stage performer
- Rubens, Peter Paul, painter
- Rubik, Ernő, inventor and architect
- Rubino, Maria Angela, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Rubinstein, Arthur, pianist
- Rubinstein, Helena, cosmetics entrepreneur
- Ruby, Jack, nightclub operator
- Ruck, Sofie, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Rudd, Emerson, murderer
- Rudolf von Österreich-Ungarn, Crown Prince of Austria
- Rudolph, Mary, victim of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Rudolph, William aka The Missouri Kid, bank robber
- Rumbaugh, Charles, murderer
- Rumpff, Wilhelmine, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Ruppert, James, mass murderer
- Rush, James aka The Killer in the Fog, double murderer
- Rushdie, Salman, writer
- Russel, Anna, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Russell, Bertrand, philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic and political activist
- Russell, Clifton, murderer
- Russell, David, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Russell, George, murderer
- Russell, James, murderer
- Russell, Ken, film director
- Russell, Richard aka Beeboo, suicide pilot
- Russo, Carmelina, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Ruth, George aka Babe Ruth aka The Sultan of Swat, baseball player
- Rutkowski, Hugh aka The Mad Bomber of Milwaukee, serial bomber
- Rutsch, Ulrike, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Ruxton, Buck, physician and murderer
- Ryabenko, Marta, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Ryakhovsky, Sergei aka The Hippopotamus aka The Balashikha Ripper, serial killer
- Ryan, Michael aka The Rambo Killer, spree killer and mass murderer
- Ryan, Ronald, murderer
- Rytka, Elena, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- S., Lucie, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Saari, Matti, school shooter
- Sabich, Vladimir aka Spider, alpine ski racer
- Sabine, Thierry, founder and main organizer of the Paris-Dakar rally
- Sacco, Nicola, anarchist
- Sach, Amelia aka the Finchley Baby Farmers (with Annie Walters), baby farm murderess
- Sadat, Anwar, 3rd President of Egypt
- Sagan, Carl, astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist and futurologist
- Sagan, Françoise, writer
- Sagastegui, Jeremy, triple murderer
- Sagawa, Issei aka The Loving Cannibal, murderer, cannibal and writer
- Sailer, Wilhelmina, victim of Leslie Irvin aka The Mad Dog Killer
- Saint Laurent, Yves, fashion designer
- Sakamoto, Masahito, murderer
- Sakharov, Andrei, nuclear physicist, Soviet dissident and human rights activist
- Salazar, António, dictator and Prime Minister of Portugal
- Salazar, Robert, child killer
- Salcido, Ramón, mass murderer
- Salee, Linda, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Salem, Robert, designer
- Salemi, Leonardo, murderer
- Salim, Ahmed, murderer
- Salinger, J. D., writer
- Sam, B. W., murderer
- Samans, Beverly, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Samson, Darrell, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Samuelson, Hedvig aka Sammy, victim of Winnie Ruth Judd aka The Trunk Murderess
- Samul, Stanisława, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- San Francesco d'Assisi, Catholic friar
- San Lorenzo, martyr
- San Miguel, Jessy aka The Taco Bell Killer, mass murderer
- Sanchez, Cesario, murderer
- Sánchez, Ilich aka Carlos the Jackal, terrorist
- Sanders, Charles, murderer
- Sanders, James, black
- Sanders, Lindbergh aka The Black Jesus, cult leader
- Sanderson, Ricky, murderer
- Sands, Bobby, Irish republican hunger striker
- Sanger, George, showman and circus proprietor
- Sangret, August aka The Wigwam Murderer, murderer
- Sankofa, Shaka, murderer
- Santana, Sandoval, murderer
- Santellan, Jose, murderer
- Santore, Carmine, murderer
- Sardou, Victorien, playwright
- Djamani, Saridewi, drug trafficker
- Sarrazin, Michael, actor
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, writer, philosopher, political activist and critic
- Sąsiek, Jadwiga, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Sasportas, Howard, astrologer
- Sassoon, Vidal, hair stylist
- Satchell, James, murderer
- Satie, Erik, pianist and composer
- Satlow, Betty, bar owner
- Satterwhite, John, murderer
- Sattiewhite, Vernon, murderer
- Savalas, Telly, actor
- Savinkov, Boris, writer and revolutionary
- Sawyers, John, murderer
- Sax, Adolphe, musician and musical instrument designer
- Scarlatti, Domenico, Baroque composer
- Schaefer, Gerard, serial killer
- Schaeffer, Pierre, composer, musicologist and acoustician
- Schaeffer, Rebecca, model and actress
- Schäfer, Margret, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Schaible, Yvonne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Schall, Cynthia, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Scharf, Cathy, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Scheer, Rudolf, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Scheider, Roy, actor
- Schell, Joan, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Schell, Maximilian, actor
- Schelm, Petra, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Schickel, Adolf, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Schiedlausky, Gerhard, SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Schiele, Egon, artist
- Schiffer, Claudia, fashion model
- Schiffer, Egidius aka Der Würger von Aachen, serial killer
- Schild, John, axe murderer
- Schiller, Friedrich, poet, philosopher, historian and playwright
- Schilling, Britta, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Schilt, Karen, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Schlemmer, Oskar, painter, sculptor, designer and choreographer
- Schlesinger, John, film and stage director
- Schleyer, Hanns Martin, Vorsitzender des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie
- Schmid, Norbert, polizeimeister
- Schmidt, Beta, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Schmidt, David Hans aka The Sultan of Sleaze, broker and reporter
- Schmidt, Elise, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Schmitt, Érick aka Human Bomb, mass murderer
- Schmitt, Philipp, SS-Sturmbannführer and commandant of Fort Breendonk
- Schmitz, Hermann, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Schneemann, Carolee, performance artist
- Schneider, Mrs. Edward, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Schneider, Romy, actress
- Schnick, James, mass murderer
- Schnizer, Franz Xaver, composer
- Schock, Rudolf aka Der Czárdás-König, tenor
- Schoeffler, Anna, wife of Bruno Richard Hauptmann
- Schoepen, Bobbejaan, entertainer, entrepreneur, singer-songwriter and professional whistler
- Scholeer, Daniel aka Het Monster van Elverdinge, mass murderer
- Scholl, Sophie, founding member of the Weiße Rose resistant group
- Scholte, Marie-Else, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud aka Maria Stuckebrock, Reichsfrauenführerin
- Schönberg, Arnold, composer
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, philosopher
- Schraenen, Guy, artist and pioneer independent artist's book publisher
- Schrank, John, would-be assassin
- Schreiner, Anneliese, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Schrempf, Elfriede, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Schroeder, Irene aka Trigger Woman aka Iron Irene aka Animal Woman aka Tiger Girl, cop killer
- Schubert, Franz, composer
- Schubert, Ingrid, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Schuck, Arthur, murderer
- Schuhmacher, Julie, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Schultz, Christine, victim of Laurie Bambenek aka Run, Bambi, Run
- Schultz, John, multiple murderer
- Schultz, Kathy, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Schulze, Klaus aka Richard Wahnfried, electronic music pioneer
- Schulze, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Schumann, Conrad aka The First Man to Jump the Berlin Wall, soldier
- Schumann, Friedrich aka Der Massenmörder vom Falkenhager See, serial killer
- Schumann, Robert, romantic composer
- Schwartz, Delmore aka The European Son, poet
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold, actor, producer, businessman, politician and former professional bodybuilder
- Schwarzhuber, Johann, Schutzhaftlagerführer in Ravensbrück KZ
- Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, Wiener Aktionist
- Schweitzer, Albert, theologican, physician, musician and moralist
- Schwitters, Kurt, Dada artist
- Scieri, Antoinette aka La Goule de Saint-Gilles, serial poisoner
- Scioni, Adalgiso, hijacker
- Scorsese, Martin, film director
- Scott, Bon, musician
- Scott, Charles, murderer
- Scott, Henry, black train porter
- Scott, Jay, murderer
- Scott, Ridley, film director
- Scott, Robert, arctic explorer
- Scott, Walter, historical novelist, playwright and poet
- Scriabin, Alexander, pianist and composer
- Scrutton, Hugh, victim of Theodore Kaczynski aka The Unabomber
- Seabrook, William aka The White Cannibal of New York, occultist, explorer, traveller, cannibal and journalist
- Seale, Bobby, founder of the Black Panther Party
- Sears, Anthony, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Seaton, Peter,
- Seberg, Jean, actress
- Sebring, Jay, hair stylist and victim of the Manson Family
- Seda, Heriberto aka The New York Zodiac Killer, serial killer
- Sedaka, Neil, musician
- Seddon, Frederick, murderer
- Sedgwick, Edie aka The Girl of the Year, heiress, socialite, actress, and fashion model
- Seefeldt, Adolf aka Onkel Tick Tack, serial killer
- Seegrist, Sylvia, mass murderess
- Segal, Erich, writer
- Segal, George, pop artist
- Segawa, Kozo, murderer
- Segret, Fernande, mistress of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Sehl, Angelika, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Seicaresco, Iona, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Seidaliyev, Akmaral, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Seidel, Oskar, victim of Klaus Gosmann aka Der Mittagsmörder
- Seifert, Willi aka Der Neue Hitler, mass murderer
- Selassie, Haile aka The Lion of Juda, Emperor of Ethiopia
- Selby, Hubert, writer
- Selby, Norman aka Kid McCoy, boxer
- Selleck, Tom, actor
- Sellers, Peter, actor
- Sellers, Sean aka The Schoolboy Night Stalker aka The Night Roomer, triple murderer
- Senger, Willi, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Seress, Rezső, composer
- Sergius I, 84th Pope
- Sergius IV, 142nd Pope
- Serling, Rod, screenwriter, television producer and narrator
- Serna, Angel, murderer
- Serra, Richard, sculptor
- Seungseob, Lee, game addict
- Seurat, Georges, painter
- Sevillano, José, member of the Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre
- Sexton, Michael, rapist and murderer
- Seymour, Frank, murderer
- Seymour, Henry, murderer
- Seymour, Jane, third wife of Henry VIII
- Shachko, Oksana, artist and activist with Femen
- Shafrazi, Tony, art gallery owner and art vandal
- Shaikh, Akmal, Pakistani-British businessman and drug trafficker
- Shakespeare, William, poet and playwright
- Shakur, Tupac aka 2Pac, rapper
- Shalapinina, Natalya, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Shamburger, Ron, murderer
- Shankar, Ravi, musician
- Shannahan, Robert, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Shannon, Del, singer-songwriter and musician
- Shannon, Willie, murderer
- Sharif, Omar, actor
- Sharp, Michael, multiple murderer
- Shatner, William aka Captain Kirk, actor
- Shaughnessy, George, murderer
- Shaw, George Bernard, playwright
- Shaw, Irwin, writer and playwright
- Shawcross, Arthur aka The Genesee River Killer, serial killer
- Shea, Donald aka Shorty, victim of The Manson Family
- Shea, Frances, bride of gangster Ronnie Kray
- Sheen, Martin, actor
- Sheffield, Caesar, black meat thief
- Sheldon, Alice aka James Tiptree Jr., science fiction writer
- Sheldon, Robert, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Shelley, Leslie, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Shelley, Mary, writer
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, romantic poet
- Shelley, William, murderer
- Shepard, Cecelia, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Sheppard, Jack aka Gentleman Jack aka Jack the Lad, thief and gaol-breaker
- Sheppard, Marilyn, murder victim
- Sheppard, Mark, double murderer
- Sheppard, Sam, presumed murderer
- Sherman, Cindy, photographer
- Sherman, Lydia aka The Derby Poisoner, serial poisoner
- Sherrill, Patrick, mass murderer
- Shields, Brooke, actress and child star
- Shields, Robert, murderer
- Shinozawa, Kazuo, mass murderer
- Shipman, Harold aka Dr Death, general practitioner and serial killer
- Shirley, John, murderer
- Shobek, Michaiah aka The Angels of Lucifer Killer, serial killer
- Shockley, Leonard, murderer
- Short, Archie aka James Bailey, murderer
- Short, Elizabeth aka The Black Dahlia, murder victim
- Shostakovich, Dmitri, composer
- Showalter, Laura, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Shute, Nevil, writer and aeronautical engineer
- Sibelius, Jean, composer
- Sidebottom, Robert, murderer
- Siegel, Bugsy, mobster
- Sietsema, Mary, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Sigl, Peter, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Sigmon, Brad, double murderer
- Signoret, Simone, actress
- Sikorsky, Igor, aviation pioneer
- Silkwood, Karen, chemical technician and labor union activist
- Silvas, Manuel, murderer
- Silverius, 58th Pope
- Silvester I, 33rd Pope
- Silvester II, 139th Pope
- Simenon, Georges, writer
- Simmons, Isaac, black reverend
- Simmons, Ronald Gene, mass murderer
- Simms, Henry aka Young Gentlemen Harry, highwayman
- Simms, Michelle, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Simon, Carly, singer-songwriter
- Simon, J.C.X., Black Zebra killer
- Simon, Paul, singer-songwriter and musician
- Simone, Nina aka The High Priestess of Soul, singer, songwriter, musician and civil rights activist
- Simoneaux, Wally, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Simplicius, 47th Pope
- Simpson, Ethel, wife and victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Simpson, John, murderer
- Simpson, Tom, cyclist
- Simpson, Trevor, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Sinatra, Frank aka Ol’ Blue Eyes aka The Voice, singer and actor
- Sinatra, Nancy, singer and actress
- Sinclair, Angus aka The World's End Murderer, serial killer
- Sinclair Guild, Stephen, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Singer, Isaac, inventor and entrepreneur
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis, writer
- Singh, Dalip, doctor and murderer
- Singh, Udham aka Shaheed-i-Azam, Punjabi revolutionary
- Singleton, Charles, murderer
- Singleton, Lawrence, presumed multiple murderer
- Sinthasomphone, Keison, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Sinthasomphone, Konerak, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Sirhan Sirhan, assassin
- Siripongs, Jaturun, double murderer
- Sirotti, Magali, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Sisinnius, 87th Pope
- Sithole, Moses aka The ABC Killer, serial killer
- Siwiec, Ryszard, accountant and Home Army resistance member
- Sixtus II, 24th Pope
- Sixtus III, 44th Pope
- Sixtus IV, 212th Pope
- Sixtus V aka Xystus V, 227th Pope
- Skelton, Maralynn, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Skepper, Donald, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Skillern, Doyle, cop killer
- Slawson, Linda, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Sledge, Percy, R&B and soul performer
- Slesers, Anna, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Small, Allen,
- Small, Frederick, murderer
- Smarovas, Ljuba, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Smelt, Olive, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Smetana, Bedřich, composer
- Smith, Bessie aka aka the Empress of the Blues, blues singer
- Smith, Charles, cop killer
- Smith, Charles, highwayman
- Smith, Clyde, double murderer
- Smith, Eddy, victim of Wayne Williams aka The Atlanta Child Murderer
- Smith, Edward aka The Sheik, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Smith, Edward Charles, murderer
- Smith, Elmo, murderer
- Smith, Emma, possible victim of Jack the Ripper
- Smith, George Joseph aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer, serial killer
- Smith, James, murderer
- Smith, James, murderer
- Smith, Jim, boxer and small-time criminal
- Smith, Joseph, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement aka Mormonism
- Smith, Kenneth Eugene, murderer
- Smith, Kermit, rapist and murderer
- Smith, Larry, murderer
- Smith, Lee, murderer
- Smith, Mark E., musician
- Smith, Melissa, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Smith, Michael Dewayne aka The Hoover Killer, triple murderer
- Smith, Patti aka The Godmother of Punk, poet and musician
- Smith, Perry aka In Cold Blood, mass murderer
- Smith, Raymond aka Ricky Beeks, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Smith, Richard, murderer
- Smith, Robert, pirate
- Smith, Robert, mass murderer
- Smith, Robert Weston aka Wolfman Jack, disc jockey and radio presenter
- Smith, Russell Lee, spree killer
- Smith, Tommie aka Ziyon Yisrayah, cop killer
- Smith, William, lieutenant-colonel and pilot
- Smith III, Willie, murderer
- Smithson, Robert, Land Art artist
- Snuppy, the world's first cloned dog
- Snyder, Ruth aka The Granite Woman, murderess
- Snyder, Tom, television personality
- Sobhraj, Charles aka Bad Blood, serial killer
- Solanas, Valerie, radical feminist writer
- Solari, Bruno, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Soliz, Mark, double murderer
- Solomon, Jean-Luc, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Soltysik, Patricia aka Mizmoon, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, writer
- Sommer, Elke, actress and pin-up model
- Somoza Debayle, Luis, Dictator of Nicaragua
- Somville, Yvan, gangster
- Sonnemann, Emma aka Die Hohe Frau des Deutschen Reiches, second wife of Hermann Göring
- Sonnenberg, Fatima, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Sonnenfeld, Hans, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Sontag, Susan, writer, filmmaker, philosopher, teacher and political activist
- Soon-ja, Park aka Benevolent Mother, leader of the Evangelical Baptist Church
- Soria, Juan, murderer
- Sorokin, Aleksei, physician and cosmonout
- Sosnowski, Johanna, victim of Karl Großmann aka Die Bestie vom Schlesischen Bahnhof
- Soto, John, triple murderer
- Soyplai, Somkliang, child rapist and murderer
- Spacek, Sissy, actress
- Spanos, Mike, murderer
- Spare, Austin Osman, artist and occultist
- Spears, Britney, singer
- Speck, Richard aka Born to Raise Hell, mass murderer
- Spector, Phil, record producer and songwriter
- Spector, Ronnie aka The Bad Girl of Rock and Roll, lead singer of the Ronettes
- Speer, Albert, Nazi architect
- Speichert, Hermann, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Spelling, Aaron, television producer
- Spence, David, triple murderer
- Spencer, Brenda, murderess
- Spencer, Bud, actor
- Spencer, Diana aka Lady Di, Princess of Wales
- Spencer, Timothy, serial killer
- Spengler, Oswald, historian and philosopher
- Spenkelink, John, murderer
- Spesivtsev, Alexander aka The Siberian Tiger, serial killer, child rapist and cannibal
- Spiecker, Ernst, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Spielberg, Steven, film director
- Spielman, Regina, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Spillane, Mickey, writer
- Spilsbury, Bernard, pathologist
- Spinelli, Juanita aka The Duchess, gangster and ex-wrestler
- Spink, Mary, victim of George Chapman aka The Borough Poisoner
- Spinoza, Baruch, philosopher
- Spitteri, Emanuel, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Spock, Benjamin, pediatrician
- Spoerri, Daniel, artist
- Spooner, William, Oxford don
- Sprinker, Karen, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Sprinkle, Annie, writer, sex educator, former prostitute, feminist stripper and pornographic actress
- Spungen, Nancy aka Nauseating Nancy, Punk icon
- St. Mary, Lilian, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Stack, Robert, actor
- Stalin, Joseph, General secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Stallone, Sylvester, actor and film director
- Stalmachenok, Olga, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Stamboliyski, Aleksandar, Prime Minister of Bulgaria
- Stamp, Terence, actor
- Stangl, Franz aka Der Weiße Tod, SS commandant of the Sobibór and Treblinka extermination camps
- Staniak, Łucjan aka The Red Spider of Katowice, serial killer
- Stanley, Henry Morton aka Bula Matari (Breaker of Rocks), journalist and explorer
- Stano, Gerald aka Blind Fury, serial killer
- Stanshall, Vivian, singer-songwriter, musician and poet
- Stanton, Harry Dean, actor
- Stapleton, Samuel, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Stapleton, Steven aka Nurse With Wound, musician
- Stardust, Alvin, musician
- Starkweather, Charles aka Little Red, spree killer
- Starr, Myra aka Belle Star, outlaw
- Starr, Ringo, drummer, musician and songwriter
- Starvaggi, Joseph, cop killer
- Stavinsky, Robin, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Steele, Michelle, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Steenburgh, Samu, murderer
- Steers, Jennie, black murderess
- Stefanacci, Claudio, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Stefani, Gwen, singer-songwriter
- Steffen, Anna, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Steiger, Rod, actor
- Stein, Edith aka St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, martyr and saint of the Catholic Church
- Stein, Gertrude, writer
- Steinbeck, John, writer
- Steiner, Rudolf aka The Father of Anthroposophy, philosopher, social reformer, architect and esotericist
- Steinhäuser, Robert, school shooter
- Steinheil, Marguerite aka Lady Abinger aka Mme de Serignac, presumed murderess
- Steinwegs, Kurt-Friedhelm aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein, serial killer
- Stekel, Wilhelm, physician and psychologist
- Stella, Frank, minimalist painter
- Stendhal, writer
- Stephan, Eugène, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Stephens, Alpha, murderer
- Stephens, Felicia, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Stepinski, Waldemar aka The Doorbell Killer, serial killer
- Sterling, Gary, triple murderer
- Sternebeck, Sigrid, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Stevenson, Cordella, black
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer
- Steward, Earl, murderer
- Stewart, Darryl, murderer
- Stewart, Douglas, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Stewart, James, actor
- Stewart, Kenneth, double murderer
- Stewart, Raymond, spree killer
- Stewart, Rod aka Rod the Mod, singer-songwriter and musician
- Stieglitz, Charlotte, poet
- Stillman, Mitya, composer
- Stine, Paul, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Stöbich, Franz, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Stockhausen, Karlheinz, composer
- Stockwell, Dean, actor
- Stoker, Bram, writer
- Stoker, David, murderer
- Stone, Benjamin, double murderer
- Stone, Bryant, murderer
- Stone, Lucy, abolitionist and suffragette
- Stone, Oliver, film director
- Stone, Sharon, actress
- Stoops, Todd, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Stott, Daniel, victim of Thomas Neill Cream aka The Strychnine Specialist
- Stott, June, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Stradivari, Antonio, stringed instruments crafter
- Strandberg-Kemper, Clarnell, mother and victim of Ed Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Stratten, Dorothy, Playmate of the Year 1980
- Stratton, Charles aka General Tom Thumb,
- Straughter, Curtis, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Strauß, Franz Josef, Bayerischer Ministerpräsident
- Strauss, Levi, clothing manufacturer
- Strauss, Richard, composer
- Stravinsky, Igor, composer
- Strawinski, Casimir, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Strée, Michel aka Chevalier de Wallonie, hijacker
- Streep, Meryl, actress
- Street, Valerie Ann aka Shelley Dudley, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Streetman, Robert, murderer
- Strehl, Irmgard, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Streisand, Barbra, singer-songwriter and actress
- Stride, Elizabeth aka Long Liz, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Strindberg, August, writer
- Stroman, Mark aka The 9/11 Revenge Killer, double murderer
- Stroud, Robert aka The Birdman of Alcatraz, double murderer
- Struß, Heinrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Strydom, Barend aka Wit Wolf, spree killer
- Stuart, Anne, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland
- Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots
- Stubbe, Peter, victim of Ludwig Tessnow aka The Mad Carpenter
- Studebaker, Clement, wagon and carriage manufacturer
- Sturgeon, William aka The Electrician, physicist and inventor
- Sturkey, John, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Styron, Ronford, child killer
- Succo, Roberto aka L'Assassino della Luna Piena aka Il Mostro di Mestre aka Roberto il Folle, serial killer
- Suff, William aka The Lake Elsinore Killer, serial killer
- Sugden, Mollie, actress
- Sugerman, Danny, manager of The Doors
- Suhay, Robert, cop killer
- Sullivan, Jack, murderer
- Sullivan, Jane, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Sullivan, Mary, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Sullivan, Stephen aka The Colleen Bawn Murderer, murderer
- Summer, Donna aka The Queen of Disco, singer-songwriter
- Summers, Gregory,
- Sumner, Richard, artist
- Sun, Yat-sen aka The Father of the Nation, revolutionary leader and medical practitioner
- Sun Ra, musician
- Suradji, Ahmad aka The Sorcerer, serial killer
- Suriani, Valentina, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Sutch, David aka Screaming Lord Sutch aka 3rd Earl of Harrow, musician
- Sutcliffe, Peter aka The Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer
- Sutcliffe, Stuart aka The Fifth Beatle, musician
- Sutherland, Donald, actor
- Suttles, Louis, murderer
- Sutton, Nicholas, multiple murderer
- Svoboda, Ludvík, 8th President of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
- Swaggart, Jimmy, evangelist
- Swan, Emily, murderess
- Swanenburg, Catharina, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Clement, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Johanna, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Johannes, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Maria aka Goeie Mie, serial poisoner
- Swanenburg, Pieternella, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swann, Kim, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Swanson, Gloria, actress
- Sweeting, Whiting, cop killer
- Swift, Christopher, double murderer
- Swift, John, murderer
- Swift, Jonathan, satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet, cleric and Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral
- Swindells, Harry, murderer
- Swint, John, victim of Ottis Toole aka The Hand of Death
- Swit, Loretta, actress
- Sykes, Teresa, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Symonds, John aka The Picasso of the Occult, writer and biographer of Aleister Crowley
- Szrek, Irena, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Szurma, Sonia, wife of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Szyc, John, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Szymańska, Irena, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Sørensen, Palle, cop killer
- Tabei, Junko, mountaineer
- Tabit, Mustapha,
- Tabram, Martha, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Tafel, Monika, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Tafero, Jesse, alleged cop killer
- Taft, William Howard, 27th President of the United States
- Tailford, Hannah, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Takanezawa, Tomoaki, double murderer
- Takashio, Masahiro, double murderer
- Takezawa, Hifumi, triple murderer
- Tall, Régis, student
- Talović, Sulejman, mass murderer
- Talsma, David, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Tamez, Patricia, victim of Wayne Ford aka The Breast Severer
- Tanaka, Masahiro aka Miyashita, multiple murderer
- Tann, Georgia, child trafficker
- Tappert, Horst, actor
- Tarantino, Quentin, film director
- Tarkovsky, Andrei, film director
- Tarnower, Herman aka The Scarsdale Diëtist, cardiologist
- Tasso, Torquato, poet
- Tate, Cecil, double murderer
- Tate, Sharon, actress
- Tati, Jacques, actor and film director
- Tatlin, Vladimir, artist
- Taufer, Lutz, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Tauza, Frank, murderer
- Taylor, Bessie, victim of George Chapman aka The Borough Poisoner
- Taylor, Chester, murderer
- Taylor, David, murderer
- Taylor, Debra, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Taylor, Elizabeth, actress
- Taylor, Jane,
- Taylor, John, rapist and murderer
- Taylor, Ronald, mass murderer
- Taylor, William, actor and film director
- Taylor, Zachary, 12th President of the United States
- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, composer
- Tchou-Li, Fou, murderer
- Teague, Delbert, murderer
- Teleki, Pál, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary
- Telemann, Georg Philipp, composer
- Tell, Wilhelm, folk hero
- Temple, Shirley, actress
- Tennyson, Alfred, poet
- Tereshkova, Valentina, cosmonaut
- Tereshonok, Yuri, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Terre'Blanche, Eugène, founder and leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
- Terry, Victor John, murderer
- Tesla, Nikola aka The Man who Invented the Twentieth Century, inventor, electrical engineer, physicist and futurist
- Tesmer, Klara, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Tessnow, Ludwig aka The Mad Carpenter, serial killer
- Tetzner, Kurt aka Der Mann der Zweimal Starb, murderer
- Thacker, Charles, murderer
- Thanos, John, triple murderer
- Tharrington, Jerry, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Thatcher, Margaret aka The Iron Lady, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- The Angry Brigade, anarchist group
- The Axeman of New Orleans, serial killer
- The Beatles, pop group
- The Bible John Killer, serial killer
- the Black Panther Party, revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization
- The Black Zebra Killers aka The Death Angels, murder gang
- the Geoffrey Hammond Gang,
- The Hillside Stranglers, serial killers
- the Irish Republican Army,
- the Japanese Red Army, communist militant group
- the Ku Klux Klan,
- The Lady of the Lake, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- the Manson Family, criminal hippy gang
- the Moors Murderers aka Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, serial killers
- the Rote Armee Fraktion aka Baader-Meinhof Gruppe, left-wing militant group
- the Weather Underground, radical left organisation
- Zodiac, unidentified serial killer
- Theremin, Léon, inventor
- Theroux, Paul, writer
- Thích Quảng Đức, buddhist monk
- Thill, Mary, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Thimme, Johannes, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Thio, David, boxer
- Thomas, Abraham, mass murderer
- Thomas, Arthur, murderer
- Thomas, Christopher aka The Palm Sunday murderer, mass murderer
- Thomas, Daniel, murderer
- Thomas, David, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Thomas, David, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Thomas, Dylan, poet and writer
- Thomas, James Harvey, murderer
- Thomas, JoAnn, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Thomas, Lisa, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Thomas, Olive, actress and model
- Thomas, Shannon, triple murderer
- Grey, Thomas, murderer
- Thomas, Trevor, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Thomma, Jakrapanth, spree killer
- Thompson, Edith, murderess
- Thompson, Gerald, murderer
- Thompson, Harry, murderer
- Thompson, Henry, murderer
- Thompson, Hunter, journalist and writer
- Thompson, John, murderer
- Thompson, Pauline, victim of Edward Leonski aka The Singing Strangler
- Thompson, Robert, juvenile child killer
- Thompson, Thomas, rapist and murderer
- Thoreau, Henry David, writer, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister and transcendentalist
- Thorne, John aka The Chicken Run Murderer, murderer
- Thorpe, Rosalind, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Thunders, Johnny, musician
- Thurman, Uma, actress
- Thurmond, Thomas, kidnapper and murderer
- Thurneman, Sigvard aka The Doctor, serial killer and leader of the so called 'Salaligan'
- Thwala, Sipho aka The Phoenix Strangler aka The Phantom Sniper aka The Canefield Killer, serial killer
- Tigner, Gerald, double murderer
- Till, Emmett aka Bobo, black
- Tillmann, Emil, kidnapper and murderer
- Timm, Gesche, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Timm, Johann, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Timmons, Cyrus, murderer
- Ting Hao, Kitty aka Little Darling, actress
- Tinguely, Jean, artist
- Tintoretto aka Il Furioso, painter
- Tiny Tim, falsetto singer and ukulele player
- Tiquet, Angélique, murderess
- Tisdall, Florence, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Tishchenko, Viktor, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Tisius, Michael, double murderer
- Tiso, Jozef, Slovak politician and Roman Catholic priest
- Tito, Josip Broz, Yugoslav statesman
- Titov, Gherman, cosmonaut
- Titsworth, Timothy, murderer
- Tkachenko, Larisa, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Toal, Gerard, murderer
- Tobin, James, economist
- Tobin, James, murderer
- Tobin, Peter, serial killer
- Tobin, Thomas, murderer
- Tobler, Jake, double murderer
- Todd, Thelma aka The Bohemian Girl, actress
- Todt, Fritz, SA-Obergruppenführer and Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition
- Toepfer, Karin, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Toffler, Alvin, writer and futurist
- Tōjō, Hideki, general of the Imperial Japanese Army
- Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel, writer, poet, philologist and university professor
- Tolstoy, Leo, writer
- Tomei, Henri, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- Toole, Ottis, serial killer and companion to Henry Lee Lucas
- Topor, Roland, artist, writer and filmmaker
- Torrez, Simplico, murderer
- Toscanini, Arturo, conductor
- Tosh, Peter, reggae musician
- Tosza, Teresa, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Tóth, László, geologist and art vandal
- Touvier, Paul, Nazi collaborator
- Tovey, Frank aka Fad Gadget, musician
- Townsend, Craig, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Townsend, Marlys, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Townshend, Pete, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Tracy, Spencer, actor
- Trail, Jeffrey, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Trakl, Georg, expressionist poet
- Travis, John, kidnapper and murderer
- Travolta, John, actor, film producer, dancer and singer
- Trepper, Leopold, organizer of the Soviet spy ring Rote Kapelle
- Trevino, Joe, murderer
- Trevor, Harold, murderer
- Trippi, Darlene, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Trobec, Metod aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas, serial killer
- Troppmann, Jean-Baptiste aka Le Massacreur de Pantin, mass murderer
- Trotsky, Leon, Marxist revolutionary and theorist and founder and first leader of the Red Army
- Trueblood, Joseph, triple murderer
- Truffaut, François, film director
- Trujillo, Rafael aka El Jefe, politician, soldier and dictator
- Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States
- Truya, Stela, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Tu, Dzung Ngoc, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Tucholsky, Kurt aka Kaspar Hauser, Peter Panter, Theobald Tiger and Ignaz Wrobel, journalist, satirist and writer
- Tucker, Jeffery, murderer
- Tucker, Karla aka The Pick Axe Murderess, double murderess
- Tucker, Maureen, drummer
- Tucker, Richard, rapist and murderer
- Tucker, Susan, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Tucker, William, murderer
- Tudor, Mary aka Bloody Mary, Queen of England and Ireland
- Tuggle, Lem, multiple murderer
- Tuomi, Steven, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Túpac Amaru II, revolutionary leader
- Tupolev, Alexei, aircraft designer
- Tupolev, Andrei, aircraft designer
- Tupper, Earl, inventor
- Turing, Alan aka The Father of Computer Science, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, computer scientist and philosopher
- Turner, Harry, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Turner, Ike, singer-songwriter and musician
- Turner, Jessel, murderer
- Turner, Lana, actress
- Turner, Matt aka Donald Montrell, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Turner, Ted, media tycoon
- Turner, Tina, musician
- Turner, William, romantic landscape painter
- Tussaud, Marie, wax sculptor
- Tuttle, Charles, murderer
- Twain, Mark, writer
- Tyler, John, 10th President of the United States
- Fuller, Tyrone, rapist and murderer
- Tzara, Tristan, Dada artist
- Uematsu, Satoshi, mass murderer
- Ulbricht, Walter, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of East Germany
- Ullman, Tracey, actress and comedian
- Ulmann, Liv, actress
- Ullrich, Charlotte, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Umberto I, King of Italy
- Underkofler, Edgar, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Undset, Sigrid, writer
- Unruh, Howard aka The Walker of Death, spree killer
- Unterweger, Jack aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper, serial killer
- Updike, John, writer
- Upton, John, murderer
- Urbani, Carlo, doctor and microbiologist
- Urbanus II, 159th Pope
- Urbanus III, 172nd Pope
- Urbanus IV, 182nd Pope
- Urbanus V, 200th Pope
- Urbanus VI, 202nd Pope
- Urbanus VII, 228th Pope
- Urbanus VIII, 235th Pope
- Uris, Leon, writer
- Ustinov, Peter, actor, writer, filmmaker, theatre and opera director
- Utrillo, Maurice, painter
- Vacher, Joseph aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est, serial killer
- Vadim, Roger, film director
- Vaganov, Artur, mass murderer
- Vaillancourt, Norma, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Vakrinos, Dimitris, serial killer
- Valachi, Joseph aka Anthony Sorge aka Charles Charbano, gangster
- Valance, Ricky, pop singer
- Valencia, Bégonia, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Valens, Ritchie, singer-songwriter
- Valentich, Frederick, pilot
- Valentino, Rudolph aka Latin Lover, actor and sex symbol
- Valenzuela, Carol, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Valéry, Henri,
- Valéry, Paul, poet and philosopher
- Valla, Kristina, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Valli, Frankie, singer
- van Beethoven, Ludwig, composer
- Van Bever, Jean-Marc, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Van Buren, Martin, 8th President of the United States
- van Buuren, Clarence, murderer
- Van Cleef, Lee, actor
- Van Damme, Jean-Claude aka The Muscles from Brussels, actor
- Van de Velde, Henry, painter, architect and interior designer
- Van der Lubbe, Marinus, communist and presumed arsonist
- van der Rohe, Ludwig Mies, modernist architecture pioneer
- van der Voort, Coby, victim of Hans van Zon
- Van Der Wilt, Lutgarde, victim of Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen
- Van Dijck, Arie, art vandal
- van Doesburg, Theo, artist and architect
- van Dyck, Anthony, Baroque painter
- Van Dyke, Dick, comedian, actor, singer and dancer
- Van Eyken, Gustaaf aka De Vampier van Muizen, serial killer
- van Gogh, Theo, film director
- van Gogh, Vincent, impressionist painter
- Van Halen, Eddie aka The Mozart of Rock, musician
- Van Houten, Leslie aka Lulu, Manson Family member
- Van Hyfte, Mauricette, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Van Isacker-Smeets, Ida, victim of Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen
- Van Kerckhoven, Anne-Mie aka AMVK, artist
- van Meegeren, Han, art forger
- Van Niekerk, Andries, murderer
- Van Ostaijen, Paul aka Mister 1830, poet and writer
- Van Severen, Joris, leader of the Verdinaso
- Văn Trỗi, Nguyễn, Việt Cộng National Liberation Front patriot
- Van Valkenburgh, Elizabeth, double murderess
- Van Vliet, Don aka Captain Beefheart, singer-songwriter, musician and artist
- van Vogt, Alfred Elton, science fiction writer
- Van Wijnendaele, Michel aka The Mad Cyclist, spree killer
- van Zon, Hans, serial killer
- Vanderbilt III, George, yachtsman and scientific explorer
- Vandiver, William, murderer
- Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, anarchist
- Vaquier, Jean-Pierre, inventor and murderer
- Varèse, Edgard aka The Stratospheric Colossus of Sound, composer
- Varga, Elena, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Vargas, Dorángel aka El Comegente aka Hannibal Lecter of the Andes, serial killer and cannibal
- Vartan, Sylvie aka La Collégienne du Twist, singer-songwriter and actress
- Vasarely, Victor aka The Grandfather of Op Art, artist
- Vaughan, Samuel, murder plotter
- Vaughn, Robert, actor
- Vaughn, Roger, murderer
- Vautier, Ben aka Ben, Fluxus artist
- Veerappan, Tamil brigand and dacoit
- Vega, Alan, musician
- Vega, Martin, murderer
- Velázquez, Diego, painter
- Vélez, Lupe aka The Mexican Spitfire, actress
- Venables, Jon, juvenile child killer
- Vendôme, Françoise, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Ventura, Lino, actor
- Verdi, Giuseppe, composer
- Verfaille, Emile, murderer
- Vergès, Jacques, lawyer, writer and political activist
- Verhoeven-Bourlard, Lucienne, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Verlaine, Paul, poet
- Verne, Jules, writer
- Versace, Gianni, fashion designer
- Verschaeve, Cyriel, spiritual leader of Flemish nationalism
- Vertov, Dziga, film director
- Verwoerd, Hendrik aka The Architect of Apartheid, Prime Minister of South Africa
- Vesalius, Andreas, anatomist and physician
- Vestdijk, Simon, writer
- Vetsera, Mary, baroness and mistress of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria
- Vian, Boris aka Vernon Sullivan aka Bison Ravi aka Baron Visi aka Brisavion, writer, poet, musician, actor and engineer
- Vicious, Sid, musician
- Vickers, Billy, murderer
- Vickers, Robert aka Bonzai Bob, double murderer
- Victor, Paule, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Victoria, Queen
- Vidal, Céline, victim of Philippe Pacque aka L'Épervier d'Amiens
- Vidal, Gore, writer
- Vidocq, Eugène François, criminal and criminalist
- Vidor, King, film director
- Viett, Inge, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Vigil, Lorraine, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Vigo, Jean, film director
- Villa, Pancho, revolutionary general
- Villafuerte, Jose, murderer
- Villalobo, Ramon, murderer
- Villegas, Hugo, art vandal
- Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Auguste aka Le Comte, symbolist writer
- Vincent, Gene, musician
- Vincent, Mary, victim of Lawrence Singleton
- Vincow, Jennie, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Vinterberg, Thomas, film director
- Vinton, Bobby aka The Polish Prince of Poch, musician
- Visconti, Luchino, Count of Lonate Pozzolo and film director
- Vitale, Leonardo, Mafia pentito
- Vitkovic, Frank, mass murderer
- Vitti, Monica, actress
- Vivaldi, Antonio, composer
- Viville, Joris, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Vogel, Alfred, phytotherapist and nutritionist
- Voight, Jon, actor
- Voigt, Johanna, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Voisin, Louis, murderer
- Volckmann, Alfred, child killer
- Volkenrath, Elisabeth, Oberaufseherin im KZ Auschwitz
- Volkmann, Martina, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Volkov, Vladislav, cosmonaut
- Vollmer, August aka Gus, criminologist
- Vollmer, Joan, Beat Generation prominent
- Volobuyeva, Lyubov, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Volta, Alessandro, physicist, chemist and pioneer of electricity and power
- Voltaire, writer
- Volz, Günther, child killer
- vom Rath, Ernst, German ambassador in Paris
- von Bismarck, Otto, 1st Reichskanzler of Germany
- von Braun, Wernher, rocket engineer and space architect
- von Braunmühl, Gerold, German Diplomat
- von Däniken, Erich, writer and paleo-contact pioneer
- von Drenkmann, Günter, judge and President of Germany’s Superior Court of Justice
- von Dyck, Elisabeth, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- von Freytag-Loringhoven, Elsa aka The Dadaist Baroness, radical artist and poet
- von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, poet, writer and botanist
- von Haller, Albrecht aka The Father of Modern Physiology, anatomist, physiologist, naturalist and poet
- von Hindenburg, Paul, Generalfeldmarschall and politician
- von Hofmannsthal, Hugo, poet and writer
- von Karajan, Herbert, conductor
- von Ketteler, Clemens, German Diplomat
- von Kleist, Heinrich, poet and writer
- von Kleve, Anna, fourth wife of Henry VIII
- von Krafft-Ebing, Richard, psychiatrist
- von Münchhausen, Hieronymus, Baron
- von Rauch, Georg, member of Zentralrat der Umherschweifenden Haschrebellen and Bewegung 2. Juni
- von Ribbentrop, Joachim, Nazi Reichsminister des Auswärtigen
- von Richthofen, Manfred aka The Red Baron, fighter pilot and flying ace
- von Rundstedt, Gerd, war leader
- von Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, writer
- von Schirach, Baldur, Nazi leader and Reichsjugendführer
- von Schwarzburg, Günther, anti-king
- von Spreti, Karl, West German Ambassador to Guatemala
- von Stauffenberg, Claus, would-be assassin of Adolf Hitler
- von Sternberg, Josef, film director
- von Stroheim, Erich aka The Man You Love to Hate, film director
- von Sydow, Max, actor
- Von Trier, Lars, film director
- von Zeppelin, Ferdinand, aircraft designer and manufacturer
- Vonnegut, Kurt, writer
- Voorthuyzen, Louwrens aka Lou De Palingboer, cult leader
- Voronko, Aleksey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Voronoff, Serge, surgeon and grafting pioneer
- Voskerichian, Virginia, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Vostell, Wolf, Fluxus artist
- Voynikov, Dobri aka the Father of Modern Bulgarian theatre, teacher, playwright and journalist
- Vuong, Hai Hai, double murderer
- Wa-Tee-Cha, Ernest, murderer
- Waddingham, Dorothea aka The Murderous Nurse, double murderess
- Wade, Lawrence, murderer
- Wadley, Enoch, murderer
- Wagner, Lauren, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Wagner, Louis aka The Smuttynose Axe Murderer, double murderer
- Wagner, Richard, composer
- Wagner, Suzanne, kidnap victim
- Wagner, Winifred, organiser of the Bayreuther Festspiele
- Wainwright, Henry, murderer
- Wainwright, John, composer
- Waite, Arthur aka The Playboy Poisoner, dentist and murderer
- Wajda, Andrzej, film and theatre director
- Walde, Karin, victim of Heinrich Pommerenke aka The Beast of the Black Forest
- Walden, Terry, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Waldheim, Kurt, 9th President of Austria
- Waldrop, Billy, murderer
- Waldrop, Donald, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Waldrop, Jerry, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Walker, Charles, double murderer
- Walker, Peter, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Walker, Tony, double murderer
- Wall, Joseph, colonial administrator
- Wallace, Dwain, psychotic
- Wallace, Edgar, writer
- Wallace, George aka the most influential loser in 20th-century U.S. politics, governor of Alabama
- Wallace, Henry Louis aka The Taco Bell Strangler, serial killer
- Wallace, Jimmy, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Wallace, Mark, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Wallace, Rose, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- Wallace, William, murderer
- Wallert, Theodore, mass murderer
- Wallin, Teresa, victim of Richard Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento
- Walls, Margo, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Walters, Annie aka the Finchley Baby Farmers (with Amelia Sach), baby farm murderess
- Walters, Husted, cop killer
- Walters, Larry aka Lawnchair Larry aka The Lawn Chair Pilot, truck driver
- Walterspacher, Rita, victim of Heinrich Pommerenke aka The Beast of the Black Forest
- Wambaugh, Joseph, writer
- Wanderer, Carl, double murderer
- Wanders, Klara, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Wankel, Felix, inventor and mechanical engineer
- Ward, Chester, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Ward, David, murderer
- Ward, Troy, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Ward, William, murderer
- Warhol, Andy aka The Pope of Pop, pop artist
- Warnecke, Elsbet, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Warner, Anthony, suicide bomber
- Warnke, Robert, victim of Carl Panzram aka A Journal of Murder
- Warwick, Dionne, singer
- Washington, George, Founding Father and 1st President of the United States
- Washington, Terry, murderer
- Washington, Yolanda, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Washkansky, Louis,
- Waters, John aka The Pope of Trash, film director
- Waters, Roger, singer-songwriter and musician
- Watson, Charles,
- Watson, Benjamin Charles, son of Manson Family member Tex Watson
- Watson, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Manson Family member Tex Watson
- Watson, Ruben, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Watson, Teresa aka Nicole, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Watson, Tex, leading member of the 'Manson Family'
- Watt, Marion, victim of Peter Manuel aka The Monster in Human Shape aka The Beast of Birkenshaw
- Watts, Edward, murderer
- Waugh, Evelyn, writer
- Way, Jean,
- Wayne, John, actor
- Wayne, Richard, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Wałęsa, Lech, union leader
- Weaver, Dennis, actor
- Weaver, Melvin, spree killer
- Weaver, Sigourney aka The Sci-Fi Queen, actress
- Webb, Freddie, murderer
- Webb, Matthew, swimmer
- Weber, Germaine, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Weber, James, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Weber, Jeanne aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or, serial killer
- Webern, Anton, composer
- Webster, John White, professor of chemistry and geology and murderer
- Webster, Kate aka The Barnes Mystery Murderess, murderess
- Weckler, Kristina, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Wedekind, Frank, playwright
- Weidmann, Eugen aka The Handsome Devil, kidnapper and multiple murderer
- Weil, Simone, philosopher, mystic and political activist
- Weill, Kurt, composer
- Weinberger, Jeremiah, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Weiqiu, Fan, mass murderer
- Weir, Peter, film director
- Weisbecker, Thomas, member of Bewegung 2. Juni
- Weisenfeld, Pamela, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Weissmuller, Johnny, competition swimmer and actor
- Weiter, Eduard, KZ-Kommandant in Dachau
- Welch, Raquel, actress
- Welles, Orson, actor and film director
- Wells, Brian Douglas aka The Human Pizza Delivery Bomb, pizza delivery man
- Wells, Herbert George aka H. G. Wells, science fiction writer
- Wells, Steven, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Wenders, Wim, film director
- Wenliang, Li, ophthalmologist
- Wenzinger, Gerd aka The Havel Ripper, doctor and serial killer
- Wenzl, Nora, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Werfel, Franz, poet and writer
- Wernicke, Andrea, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Wertham, Fredric, psychiatrist
- Wertmüller, Lina, film director
- Wessel, Horst, Sturmführer of the SA
- Wessel, Joseph, child killer
- Wessel, Ulrich, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Wesselmann, Tom, pop artist
- West, Adam, actor
- West, Fred aka The House of Horrors Murderer, serial killer
- West, Mae, actress, singer and sex symbol
- West, Robert, murderer
- West, Rosemary, serial killer
- West, Theodore, murderer
- Westley, Anthony, murderer
- Westwood, Vivienne, fashion designer
- Whale, James, film director
- Wheat, John, triple murderer
- Wheatfill, Edward, murderer
- Wheeler, Anthony, actor
- Wheeler, Thomas, murderer
- Whelan, Patrick, assassin
- Whitaker, Josephine, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- White, Alexander, murderer
- White, Barry aka The Walrus of Love, singer-songwriter
- White, Billy, murderer
- White, Clifton, murderer
- White, Dan, San Francisco supervisor and assassin
- White, Garcia Glen, multiple murderer
- White, George, presumed murderer
- White, Lanett, victim of Wayne Ford aka The Breast Severer
- White, Larry, double murderer
- White, Lawrence, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- White, Melvin, child killer
- White, Robert aka Excell the Executioner, multiple murderer
- White, Thelma, actress
- Whitehead, James, murderer
- Whitehouse, Mary, moralist campaigner
- Whiteway, Alfred, double murderer
- Whitfield, Jerome, black
- Whitfield, John, cop killer
- Whitman, Charles aka The Man on the Tower, mass murderer
- Whitman, Walt aka The Father of Free Verse, poet and writer
- Whitney, Jan, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Whittaker, Roger, singer-songwriter
- Whittle, Lesley, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Whitty, Dennis, murderer
- Wick, Artiss, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Wicker, Chester, murderer
- Wickline, William aka The Butcher, double murderer
- Wiese, Elisabeth aka Die Engelmacherin von St. Pauli, child killer
- Wiesenthal, Simon, Nazi hunter
- Wiggins, Mary aka Lucky, stunt actress
- Wijkstra, IJje, cop killer
- Wil, Sybilla, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Wilcox, Nancy, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Wilde, Oscar, poet and writer
- Wilder, Billy, filmmaker
- Wilder, Christopher aka The Beauty Queen Killer, serial killer
- Wilder, Diane, victim of Kenneth Bianchi aka The Hillside Strangler
- Wilder, Gene, actor
- Wilkening, Pamela, victim of Richard Speck aka Born To Raise Hell
- Wilkens, James, double murderer
- Wilkerson, Ponchai, murderer
- Wilkerson, Richard aka The Grand Prix Killer, mass murderer
- Wilkins, Robert, murderer
- William the Conqueror aka William the Bastard, first Norman King of England
- Williams, Ada, baby farmer and murderess
- Williams, Alonzo, murderer
- Williams, Andy aka The Moon River Singer, singer
- Williams, Anthony, murderer
- Williams, Chanel, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Williams, Christopher, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Williams, Dorothy, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Williams, Griffith, murderer
- Williams, Hank aka Luke the Drifter aka The Hillbilly Shakespeare aka The Singing Kid, singer-songwriter
- Williams, Jeffery, murderer
- Williams, John aka The Ratcliffe Highway Murderer, highwayman
- Williams, Keith, triple murderer
- Williams, Lewis, murderer
- Williams, Marcel, murderer
- Williams, Marcellus, murderer
- Williams, Mary Catherine, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Williams, Minnie, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Williams, Minnie Flora, victim of Theodore Durrant aka The Demon in the Belfry
- Williams, Richard, murderer
- Williams, Tammy, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Williams, Tennessee, writer and playwright
- Williams, Tina, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Williams, Walter, double murderer
- Williams, Wayne aka The Atlanta Child Murderer, serial killer
- Williams, Wendy O. aka The Queen of Shock Rock, musician
- Williams, William, double murderer
- Williams, Willie, mass murderer
- Williams, Willie Ray, murderer
- Willie, Robert Lee aka Dead Man Walking, multiple murderer
- Willingham, Cameron, presumed triple murderer
- Willis, Rhoda aka Leslie James, baby farmer and murderess
- Willos, James, murderer
- Willson, Brian, Vietnam veteran and peace activist
- Wilmot, Beth, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Wilson, Angus, writer
- Wilson, Boyd, double murderer
- Wilson, Brian, musician
- Wilson, Colin, Angry Young Writer
- Wilson, Dennis, musician
- Wilson, Jackie, child killer
- Wilson, Mallie, black
- Wilson, Robert Anton, writer, essayist, editor, playwright, poet, futurist and self-described agnostic mystic
- Wilson, Walter aka Walter Higgins, murderer
- Wilson, Woodrow, 28th President of the United States
- Wilt, Dawnette, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Wilton, William, murderer
- Wimis, Oscar, murderer
- Winch, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Winchester, Oliver, weapon designer
- Winfrey, Oprah, talk show host
- Wingo, Jimmy, double murderer
- Wingrove, Richard, murderer
- Winkle, Gregory, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Winne, George, anti-war protester
- Winningham, Julie, victim of Keith Jesperson aka The Happy Face Killer
- Winter, Johnny, musician
- Wirths, Eduard, SS-Standortarzt at Auschwitz KZ
- Wise, Hastings Arthur, mass murderer
- Wiśniewska, Zofia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Wisniewski, Stefan, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Withers, Beata, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Witte, Otto, circus acrobat and fantasist
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, philosopher
- Wittig, Fritz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Wittmann, Manfred aka The Beast of Oberfranken, serial killer
- Witzel, Robert, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Wobber, Harold, World War I veteran
- Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville aka Plum, writer
- Woen, Yen May aka Joelle Yen, drug trafficker
- Woessner, Liane, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Wolf, Elizabeth, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Wolf, Hermann, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Wolfe, Bryan, murderer
- Wölfli, Adolf, outsider artist
- Wolfsteiner, Sandra, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Wolkers, Jan, writer and artist
- Wolpert, Michael aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder, serial killer
- Wonder, Stevie, singer-songwriter and musician
- Wong, Kar-wai, film director
- Woo, Seung-yeon, model and actress
- Wood, Ed aka The Worst Director of All Time, cult film director
- Wood, Frederick, triple murderer
- Wood, Joseph, double murderer
- Wood, Natalie aka Natasha Gurdin, actress
- Wood, Sharon, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Wood, Steven, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Wood, Waymon,
- Woodfield, Randall aka The I-5 Killer, serial killer
- Woodman, Francesca, photographer
- Woodruff, Deborah,
- Woods, Billy Joe, murderer
- Woods, David, murderer
- Woods, John, executioner
- Woods, Nathaniel, alleged cop killer
- Woodward, Joanne, actress and philanthropist
- Woolf, Virginia, writer
- Woolls, Randy, murderer
- Woortmeijer, Betje, victim of Hans van Zon
- Woratzeck, William, murderer
- Worden, Bernice, victim of Ed Gein aka America’s Most Bizarre Murderer
- Wordsworth, William, romantic poet
- Workman, Philip, cop killer
- Wortman, Gabriel, spree killer
- Wright, Douglas, multiple murderer
- Wright, Frank Lloyd, architect
- Wright, Orville, aviation pioneer
- Wright, Wilbur, aviation pioneer
- Wrigley, William, chewing gum industrialist
- Wuornos, Aileen aka The Florida Highway Killer, serial killer
- Wyatt, Robert, musician
- Wyatt, William, child killer
- Wynette, Tammy aka The First Lady of Country Music, singer-songwriter
- Wyszyński, Stefan aka The Primate of the Millennium, Cardinal Archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw
- X, Michael aka Abdul Malik, revolutionary black activist
- Xenakis, Iannis, composer
- Xinhai, Yang aka The Monster Killer, serial killer
- Xuan, Zhou aka Beautiful Jade aka Golden Voice, actress and singer
- Yablonski, Joseph aka Jock, labor leader of the United Mine Workers
- Yakanac, Moses, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Yamamoto, Mineteru, double murderer
- Yamasaki, Yoshio, double murderer
- Yanes, Ali Ben aka l’Égorgeur de Gattières, child killer
- Yates, Danny, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Yeats, William Butler aka W. B. Yeats, poet
- Yeltsin, Boris, first President of the Russian Federation
- Yick, Hong, Suey Sing Tong hatchet man
- Yılmaz, Cevdet, mass murderer
- Yinping, Li, Falun Gong practicer
- Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh, spiritual leader
- Yorick aka Albert VI, monkey astronaut
- York, George, spree killer
- Yoshimura, Wendy, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Yoshizawa, Masami, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Young, Alse,
- Young, Brigham, 2nd President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Young, Graham aka The St. Albans Poisoner, serial poisoner
- Young, Herbert, murderer
- Young, La Monte, minimal composer
- Young, Neil aka The Godfather of Grunge, singer-songwriter and musician
- Yusupov, Felix aka Count Sumarokov-Elston, Russian aristocrat
- Zadkine, Ossip, sculptor
- Zagler, Silvia, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Zajíc, Jan, revolutionary student
- Zakotnova, Yelena, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Zamboni, Anteo, Propaganda of the Deed anarchist
- Zangara, Giuseppe, assassin
- Zapata, Emiliano, revolutionary leader and founder of Zapatismo
- Zappa, Frank, musician and composer
- Zapruder, Abraham, amateur filmmaker
- Zazzara, Vincent, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Zedong, Mao aka Mao Tse-Tung aka Chairman Mao, Communist revolutionary and father of the People's Republic of China
- Zeiss, Carl, optician
- Zelle, Margaretha aka Mata Hari, exotic dancer, courtesan and spy
- Zettlemoyer, Keith, murderer
- Zimbardo, Philip, psychologist
- Zimmer, Emma, KZ-Aufseherin
- Zimmerman, Kevin, murderer
- Zimmermann, Ernst, manager
- Zimmermann, Paul, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Zimmermann, Rudi, serial killer
- Zinneman, Fred, film director
- Zola, Émile, writer
- Zoppetti, Elisabetta, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Zubskova, Ljudmyla, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Zuyeva, Lyubov, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Zweig, Stefan, writer
- Zygmunt, Jadwiga, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Æthelred the Unready, King of the English
- Łebek, Genowefa, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
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