40th year  -  N° 85                 Wednesday, 26 March 2025         Antwerpen		
Hit By a Rock
  1. Abbott, Bud, comedian and actor
  2. Abbott, Burton, kidnapper and murderer
  3. Abbott, Darrell aka Dimebag Darrell, guitarist and songwriter
  4. Abbott, Jack Henry, murderer and literary talent
  5. Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk aka Omar Farooq al-Nigeri aka The Underwear Bomber, terrorist
  6. Abe, Sada, Geisha, prostitute, actress and murderess
  7. Abel, Ellen, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
  8. Abeling, Friedrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
  9. Aben, Catharina, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
  10. Abeyta, Roderick, murderer
  11. Abowath, Elyas, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
  12. Acconci, Vito, performance artist
  13. Acker, Kathy, feminist punk poet
  14. Action Directe,
  15. Adam, Therèse, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
  16. Adams, Agnes, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
  17. Adams, Alan, murderer
  18. Adams, Caleb, child killer
  19. Adams, John, 2nd President of the United States
  20. Adams, John Bodkin, general practitioner and suspected serial killer
  21. Adams, John Quincy, 6th President of the United States
  22. Adamson, Joy, naturalist, artist and writer
  23. Adan, Richard, victim of Jack Henry Abbott known for The Belly of the Beast
  24. Adanandus, Dwight, murderer
  25. Adenauer, Konrad, first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
  26. Ader, Bas Jan, artist
  27. Adkins, Orville, kidnapper and murderer
  28. Adodo, Tessy, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
  29. Adorno, Theodor, philosopher
  30. Africa, John, founder of MOVE black liberation group
  31. Ağa, Zaro aka The Longest Living Human Ever,
  32. Agan, Steven, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
  33. Ağca, Mehmet Ali, assassin and Grey Wolves member
  34. Agisheff, Amina, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
  35. Agnew, Spiro, Vice-President under Richard Nixon
  36. Aguilar, Jesus, double murderer
  37. Aguirre, Frank, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
  38. Aime, Laura Ann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
  39. Aimée, Anouk, actress
  40. Akiyama, Yoshimitsu, murderer
  41. al-Balawi, Humam aka Abu Dujana al-Khurasani, doctor and a double agent suicide bomber
  42. al-Ghamdi, Saeed, 9/11 terrorist
  43. al-Hakīm, Tawfīq aka The Enemy of Woman, writer and playwright
  44. al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 9/11 terrorist
  45. al-Hazmi, Salem, 9/11 terrorist
  46. al-Haznawi, Ahmed, 9/11 terrorist
  47. al-Hubal, Abdallah, serial killer
  48. al-Majid, Ali Hassan aka Chemical Ali, military commander and chief of the Iraqi Intelligence Service
  49. al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 9/11 terrorist
  50. al-Nami, Ahmed aka Abu Hashim, 9/11 terrorist
  51. al-Nazari, Mohammad, mass murderer
  52. al-Rashid, Harun aka Aaron the Upright, Aaron the Just or Aaron the Rightly Guided, fifth Arab Abbasid Caliph
  53. al-Shehhi, Marwan, 9/11 terrorist
  54. al-Shehri, Mohand, 9/11 terrorist
  55. al-Suqami, Satam, 9/11 terrorist
  56. al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, Emir of Al Qaeda in the Country of Two Rivers
  57. al-Zawahiri, Ayman, al-Qaeda leader and Emir of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad
  58. Alaise, Aline, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
  59. Albermann, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
  60. Albers, Josef, artist
  61. Albert I, King of Belgium
  62. Albert II, 6th King of Belgium
  63. Albini, Steve, musician, record producer and audio engineer
  64. Albinoni, Tomaso, composer
  65. Albrecht, Susanne, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
  66. Albrecht, Theodor, entrepreneur
  67. Alda, Alan aka Hawkeye Pierce, actor
  68. Aldrich, Donald, murderer
  69. Aldrich, Robert, film director
  70. Aldrin, Edwin aka Buzz, astronaut
  71. Alekseyeva, Lyudmila, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
  72. Alexander, Frank, multiple murderer
  73. Alexander, Ross, actor
  74. Alexander I, King of Serbia
  75. Alexander III aka Alaxandair mac Alaxandair, King of Scots
  76. Alexander IV, 181st Pope
  77. Alexander the Great,
  78. Alexander VI, 214th Pope
  79. Alexander VII, 237th Pope
  80. Alexander VIII, 241st Pope
  81. Ali, Muhammad, boxer
  82. Allaway, Thomas, rapist and murderer
  83. Allen, Clarence Ray, triple murderer
  84. Allen, George, triple murderer
  85. Allen, Graham aka Puggy, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
  86. Allen, Harry, chief executioner
  87. Allen, Margaret aka Bill, murderess
  88. Allen, Peter, murderer
  89. Allen, Walter, black
  90. Allen, Woody, actor and film director
  91. Allende, Salvador, 28th President of Chile
  92. Allitt, Beverley aka The Angel of Death, serial killer
  93. Allridge, James, murderer
  94. Allridge, Ronald, multiple murderer
  95. Alpert, Herb, musician
  96. Altiery, Andrea aka Enchantment aka Fish, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
  97. Altman, Robert, film director
  98. Alvarado, Lorenzo, mass murderer
  99. Alzheimer, Aloysius, psychiatrist and neuropathologist
  100. Amadeus I, Duke of Aosta
  101. Amala, feral girl
  102. Amer, Abdel Hakim, war leader
  103. Amin, Idi aka the Butcher of Uganda, 3rd President of Uganda
  104. Amis, Kingsley, writer
  105. Amos, Bernard, murderer
  106. Ampère, André-Marie, physicist and mathematician
  107. Amrani, Nordine, mass murderer
  108. Amundsen, Roald, explorer
  109. Amurao, Corazon, sole survivor of the Richard Speck-massacre in Chicago
  110. An unidentified man,
  111. An unidentified woman,
  112. Anastasia, Albert aka The One-Man Army, mobster and hitman
  113. Anastasius II, 50th Pope
  114. Ander, Johan, murderer
  115. Andersen, Hans Christian, writer of fairy tales
  116. Andersen, Stephen, mass murderer
  117. Anderson, Burt, murderer
  118. Anderson, Johnny, murderer
  119. Anderson, Joseph, murderer
  120. Anderson, Larry, murderer
  121. Anderson, Laurie, performance artist, composer and musician
  122. Anderson, Lindsay, film director
  123. Anderson, Newton, double murderer
  124. Anderson, Robert, child killer
  125. Anderson, Stephen Wayne, multiple murderer
  126. Andō, Momofuku, inventor of instant noodles
  127. Andrade, Richard, murderer
  128. Andrassy, Edward, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
  129. Andre, Carl, minimal artist
  130. Andre, Gwili aka Gurlie, model and actress
  131. Andreas-Salomé, Lou, psychoanalyst and writer
  132. Andress, Ursula, actress
  133. Andrews, Julie, actress and singer
  134. Andrews, Lee Lowell aka The Nicest Boy in Wolcott, triple murderer
  135. Andrews, Norman, murderer
  136. Andrews, William aka The Hi-Fi Murderer, triple murderer
  137. Andropov, Yuri, Soviet leader
  138. Angeli, Pier, actress
  139. Anger, Kenneth, film director
  140. Angerstein, Fritz, mass murderer
  141. Anka, Paul, singer-songwriter
  142. Ant, Adam, musician
  143. Antonioni, Michelangelo, film director
  144. Apel, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
  145. Apollinaire, Guillaume, surrealist writer
  146. Appel, Karel, artist
  147. Applegate, Everett, murderer
  148. Applegate, Glenn, cop killer
  149. Applewhite, Marshall Herff aka Bo and Do, founder of Heaven's Gate religious cult
  150. Aquino, Benigno Jr. aka Ninoy, leader of the opposition
  151. Arafat, Yasser, Palestinian leader
  152. Aragon, Louis, poet and writer
  153. Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio, President of Argentina
  154. Arbuckle, Roscoe aka The Heavy-Weight Rapist, actor
  155. Arbus, Diane, photographer
  156. Arceneaux, Ann, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
  157. Archambault, Marielle, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
  158. Archipenko, Alexander, artist
  159. Arcuri, Sam, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
  160. Arinaitwe, Richard, serial killer
  161. Armani, Giorgio, fashion designer
  162. Armendáriz, Pedro, actor
  163. Armstrong, Edwin, electrical engineer and inventor
  164. Armstrong, Herbert Rowse, solicitor and murderer
  165. Armstrong, Louis aka Satchmo, Jazz trumpeter, composer and vocalist
  166. Armstrong, Neil, astronaut
  167. Arnd, Sigrun, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
  168. Arne, Peter, actor
  169. Arnold, Jermarr, murderer
  170. Arp, Jean / Hans, artist
  171. Arrabal, Fernando, film director and writer
  172. Arregui, Jose Ignacio, member of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
  173. Artaud, Antonin, playwright, poet, actor and theatre director
  174. Arthur, Chester, 21st President of the United States
  175. Asahara, Shoko, doomsday cult leader
  176. Ashley, Laura, fashion designer
  177. Asimov, Isaac, science fiction writer and professor of biochemistry
  178. Askins, Jacqueline, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
  179. Asperger, Hans, pediatrician
  180. Astaire, Fred, stage dancer, singer and actor
  181. Astin, Derek, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
  182. Astrid of Sweden, Queen consort of the Belgians
  183. Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal aka Father of the Turks, army officer, revolutionary and first President of Turkey
  184. Atherton, Abel, murderer
  185. Atkins, Robin, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
  186. Atkins, Susan aka Sadie Mae Glutz, member of the 'Manson Family'
  187. Atkinson, Patricia, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
  188. Atkinson, Rowan, actor
  189. Atta, Mohamed, 9/11 terrorist
  190. Attenborough, Richard, actor
  191. Atwood, Angela aka General Gelina, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
  192. Atwood, Frank, child killer
  193. Atworth, Robert, murderer
  194. Audette, Shirley, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
  195. Audran, René, senior official of the Ministry of Defence
  196. Austen, Jane, writer
  197. Austin, John, highwayman
  198. Autry, James David aka Cowboy, double murderer
  199. Auvinen, Pekka-Eric, school shooter
  200. Avalon, Frankie, teen idol
  201. Avedon, Richard, photographer
  202. Avery, Tex, animator, cartoonist, voice actor and director
  203. Axell, Evelyne, pop artist
  204. Ayers, Cherie, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
  205. Aznavour, Charles, singer-songwriter
  206. The Angry Brigade, anarchist group
  207. The Axeman of New Orleans, serial killer