40th year  -  N° 66                 Friday, 7 March 2025         Antwerpen		
Das Lied vom Einsamen Mädchen

Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Sea.

Related events:

  1. Sunday 29th of November 1987 (x)
    On their escape, the bombers were arrested in Bahrain. They were 25-year-old Kim Hyon-Hui aka Ok Hwa and 69-year-old Kim Seung Il aka Shinichi Hachiya, who posed as her father, acting on behalf of Kim Jong-Il and the North Korean government. Kim Seung Il bit a cyanide pill that was hidden in a cigarette and died. Kim Hyun Hui unsuccessfully attempted to do the same, but a Bahraini policewoman snatched the cigarette out of her mouth just as she started to ingest the poison.