40th year  -  N° 71                 Wednesday, 12 March 2025         Antwerpen		
Girl on a Swing
Vilma Gold Gallery

Schlesische Straße 26, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Related events:

  1. Saturday 22nd of July 2006 (x) Performance artist Danny Devos performs 'He Just Wanted to Play in his Bath Tube and Put a Finger in his Ass'
    During a live video-performance by artist Brock Enright the audience was encouraged to react to notes he wrote before a camera from his New York bathroom. He smeared ketchup all over himself and tried to provoke some violence from the audience. After a while I stepped in front of the camera and told him I wanted real blood. He kept provoking and wrote “I’m scared”. I took a shard of glass from the floor and cut my chest until blood streamed down, put my shirt back on and left.

  2. Sunday 23rd of July 2006 The Eyes Had it: The wound on my chest after performing 'He Just Wanted to Play in his Bath Tube and Put a Finger in his Ass'