39th year  -  N° 356                 Saturday, 21 December 2024         Antwerpen		
He's Dead, He's Dead Allright
Mecklenburg Correctional Center

Boydton, Virginia, United States.

Related events:

  1. Friday 12th of October 1984 (-) Spree killer Linwood Briley is executed by Old Sparky

  2. Thursday 31st of May 1984 (x) Spree killer Linwood Briley leads the escape of 6 convicted killers from the Mecklenberg Correctional Centre
    Linwood and James Briley, Lem Tuggle, Earl Clanton, Derick Peterson and Willie Jones were all arrested within 3 weeks.

  3. Thursday 18th of April 1985 (-) Spree killer James Briley is executed by Old Sparky

  4. Thursday 14th of April 1988 (-) Murderer Earl Clanton is executed by Old Sparky

  5. Thursday 22nd of August 1991 (-) Murderer Derick Peterson is executed by Old Sparky

  6. Tuesday 15th of September 1992 (-) Double murderer Willie Jones is executed by Old Sparky

  7. Thursday 12th of December 1996 (-) Multiple murderer Lem Tuggle is executed by lethal injection