39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Out in the Real World
Horfield Prison

Bristol, South West England, United Kingdom.

Related events:

  1. Thursday 3rd of May 1934 (-) Murderer Reginald Hinks is executed by hanging by Thomas Pierrepoint

  2. Tuesday 24th of February 1953 (-) Cricketer and murderer Miles Giffard is executed by hanging
    Giffard had beaten his 53-year-old father Charles and mother Elizabeth to death with a lead pipe on 7 November 1952. Giffard took the bodies and tipped them over the cliff at the end of the garden and then got in the car and drove to see his girlfriend in London.

  3. Tuesday 17th of December 1963 (-) Murderer Russel Pascoe is executed by hanging by Harry Allen