39th year  -  N° 356                 Saturday, 21 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Out in the Real World

Drève de Rivieren 340, Jette, Brussel, Brabant, Belgium.

Related events:

  1. Friday 11th of October 1985 (x) Performance artist Danny Devos performs 'The Lips of Osiris Ani, Triumphant, are the Lips of Anpu' with Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven aka AMVK at the Animal-Végétal exhibition
    I repeated the text “The Lips of Osiris Ani, Triumphant, are the Lips of Anpu” with my head immersed in water. The sound was amplified by a hydrophone. AMVK read passages from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The sound was amplified by a microphone. Behind us a film was projected with images of mouths of humans and beaks of animals.