39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Lieber Wütend als Traurig
Haymarket Square

Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Related events:

  1. Monday 6th of October 1969 (x) — The Haymarket Memorial statue is bombed by Radical left organisation the Weather Underground
    The blast broke nearly 100 windows in the neighborhood and scattered pieces of the statue onto the Kennedy Expressway below. The statue was rebuilt and unveiled on 4 May 1970.

  2. Tuesday 6th of October 1970 (x) — The Haymarket Memorial statue is bombed once more by Radical left organisation the Weather Underground
    The statue was rebuilt again and Mayor Richard J. Daley posted a 24‑hour police guard at the statue. This guard cost $67.440 per year. In 1972 it was moved to the lobby of the Central Police Headquarters and in 1976 to the enclosed courtyard of the Chicago police academy.