39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Is God Really Dead?
Folsom State Prison

Represa, Folsom, California, United States.

Related events:

  1. Friday 24th of May 1935 (-) Murderer Tellie McQuate is executed by hanging
    McQuate killed and dismembered wealthy eccentric 74-year-old Ella Straw on 8 October 1933 in San Diego.

  2. Saturday 13th of January 1968 (x) Singer-songwriter Johnny Cash plays live
    Cash performed two shows at Folsom. The resulting album consisted of fifteen tracks from the first show and two tracks from the second.

  3. Sunday 15th of June 1975 (x) Leading member of the 'Manson Family' Tex Watson is born again and baptized by a student chaplain in a large plastic laundry cart outside the prison chapel