Officials said the riverboat Sobral Santos II was overloaded with up to 500 passengers and hundreds of tons of cargo. The accident occurred more than 700 miles up the Amazon which contains flesh-eating piranha fish, gigantic catfish and electric eels. (19 September 1981)
There are 3363 births, 3918 deaths, 1121 murders, 495 disasters and 2076 other events about 5718 people in 6423 places until today.
Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-) Calendar is an ongoing project since 1985 by DDV.
Saturday 24th of June 1995 (x) — 8-year-old Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo are abducted by Kidnapper, serial killer and child molester Marc Dutroux The two girls were kept in a dungeon in Dutroux' basement and died of starvation while he was in prison from later that year onwards.