39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Was Heißt hier Angst?
Zuchthaus Hameln

Hameln, Sachsen, Germany.

Related events:

  1. Thursday 13th of December 1945 (-) KZ-Aufseherin in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen Irma Grese is executed by hanging by Albert Pierrepoint
    On this day Grese, two other women and eight men were hanged.

  2. Thursday 13th of December 1945 (-) Oberaufseherin im KZ Auschwitz Elisabeth Volkenrath is executed by hanging by Albert Pierrepoint
    On this day Volkenrath, two other women and eight men were hanged.

  3. Thursday 13th of December 1945 (-) KZ-Aufseherin in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen Johanna Bormann is executed by hanging by Albert Pierrepoint
    On this day Bormann, two other women and eight men were hanged.

  4. Saturday 3rd of May 1947 (x) — The 'Bullies of Ravensbrück' are executed by hanging by Chief executioner Albert Pierrepoint
    The first Ravensbrück trial was held from 5 December 5 1946 until 3 February 1947 against sixteen Ravensbrück concentration camp staff and officials. Executed on this day were 43-year-old Schutzhaftlagerführer Johann Schwarzhuber, 37-year-old SS-Unterscharführer Gustav Binder, 38-year-old Kriminalsekretär Ludwig Ramdohr, 36-year-old SS-Obersturmführer Rolf Rosenthal and 41-year-old SS-Hauptsturmführer Gerhard Schiedlausky. The women were hanged on 2 May 1947.

  5. Friday 2nd of May 1947 (x) — The 'Bullies of Ravensbrück' are executed by hanging by Chief executioner Albert Pierrepoint
    The first Ravensbrück trial was held from 5 December 5 1946 until 3 February 1947 against sixteen Ravensbrück concentration camp staff and officials. Executed on this day were 27-year-old Aufseherin Dorothea Binz, 61-year-old Oberschwester Elisabeth Marschall and 39-year-old Arbeitseinsatzführerin Greta Bösel. The men were hanged on 3 May 1947.

  6. Monday 20th of September 1948 (-) KZ-Aufseherin Emma Zimmer is executed by hanging
    Zimmer was known for her extreme sadistic behaviour. In late 1943 she was discharged from Auschwitz-Birkenau KZ due to alcohol problems.