39th year  -  N° 357                 Sunday, 22 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Walk on Pain

Jacksonville, Florida, United States.

Related events:

  1. Friday 1st of June 1934 (+) Singer and actor Pat Boone is born

  2. Saturday 6th of February 1943 (+) Spree killer George York is born

  3. Thursday 20th of July 1944 (+) Triple murderer Allen Davis is born

  4. Wednesday 5th of March 1947 (+) Serial killer and companion to Henry Lee Lucas Ottis Toole is born

  5. Monday 16th of February 1948 (+) Spree killer James Pough is born

  6. Friday 26th of July 1974 (-) Victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time Alice Curtis is choked to death by Paul John Knowles aka The Casanova Killer