39th year - N° 356 Saturday, 21 December 2024 Antwerpen
Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-) Calendar is an ongoing project since 1985 by DDV.
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Friday 10th of June 1836 (-) — Physicist and mathematician André-Marie Ampère dies of unknown causes On his deathbed Ampère ordered that an inscription be placed upon his tombstone: Tandem Felix (Happy at Last).
Friday 4th of September 1896 (+) — Playwright, poet, actor and theatre director Antonin Artaud is born
Saturday 1st of January 1927 (+) — Dancer and choreographer Maurice Béjart is born
Wednesday 17th of November 1954 (x) — Start of the trial against Presumed murderer Gaston Dominici for the Drummond murders
Tuesday 31st of May 1966 (+) — Victim of Christian Ranucci aka Le Pull-Over Rouge Marie-Dolorès Rambla is born