39th year  -  N° 362                 Friday, 27 December 2024         Antwerpen		
10 Minutes Before the Worm
Kulttuuritalo Annis

Annankatu 6, Pori, Satakunta, Finland.

Related events:

  1. Saturday 19th of May 2007 (x) Performance artist Danny Devos performs 'Wie Man dem Zerrissenen Hasen die Aktionskunst Erklärt'
    I took a wooden crate with 15kgs of dirt from my hole on the airplane and buried it close to the culture center. The performance started with digging up the crate to everybody’s amazement. I carried the crate inside and hacked it to pieces with a spade. I took a toy hare and removed the filling with my mouth. Then I filled the empty hare with dirt, also using my mouth to do that. Then I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art where I spread the dirt in several spaces. The empty hare was left behind at night in a children’s playground.

  2. Thursday 17th of May 2007 The Eyes Had it: On the way from Tampere for a performance

  3. Friday 18th of May 2007 The Eyes Had it: An easy step for dogs in a shop window while scoring all kinds of useful artefacts for a performance