39th year  -  N° 356                 Saturday, 21 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Paradise by the Dashboard Light

San Antonio, Texas, United States.

Related events:

  1. Wednesday 23rd of March 1904 (+) Actress Joan Crawford is born

  2. Tuesday 17th of April 1928 (+) Mass murderer Thomas Doty is born

  3. Friday 20th of May 1955 (+) Triple murderer James Demouchette is born

  4. Thursday 22nd of September 1960 (+) Murderer Jesse De La Rosa is born

  5. Monday 5th of December 1966 (+) Murderer Ruben Cantu is born

  6. Monday 14th of October 1974 (+) Porn actress Jessica Drake is born

  7. Thursday 3rd of July 1975 (+) Murderer Mauriceo Brown is born