40th year  -  N° 76                 Monday, 17 March 2025         Antwerpen		
The Cooling System
Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco, California, United States.

Related events:

  1. Friday 7th of May 1937 (-) World War I veteran Harold Wobber commits suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge
    During a stroll on the walkway Wobber took off his coat and vest, threw them to a passer-by and declared "This is where I get off. I'm going to jump." After his death newspapers reported Wobber was a victim of shell shock and had been under mental health treatment. It was the first suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge, just a little over three months past its opening.

  2. Sunday 24th of May 1987 (x) Almost a million people attempt to walk from each side over the Golden Gate Bridge on it’s 50th anniversary
    The celebration attracted 750.000 to 1.000.000 people, and ineffective crowd control meant the bridge became congested with roughly 300.000 people, causing the center span of the bridge to flatten out under the weight.
