39th year  -  N° 356                 Saturday, 21 December 2024         Antwerpen		
The Eyes Have it

Sirault, Hainaut, Belgium.

Related events:

  1. Tuesday 12th of May 1987 (-) Spree killer Michel Van Wijnendaele commits suicide by a shot in the head
    Van Wijnendaele killed himself after he was closed in by state police. Earlier that day he killed seven people; 90-year-old Jean Baptiste and 84-year-old Margriet Nechelput, 54-year-old Edgard, 46-year-old Liliane and 20-year-old Christian De Crem and the German Shepherd Tibo on a farm in Bogaarden, and 37-year-old Marie-Therese Walraevens and 3-year-old Ludovic De Rijck on another farm. In Denderwindeke he shot is parents-in-law, both survived.