Saturday 8th of November 1884 (+) — Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Hermann Rorschach is born
Monday 13th of January 1941 (-) — Poet and writer James Joyce dies of a malignal duodenal tumor
On 11 January 1941 Joyce underwent surgery for a perforated ulcer. While he at first improved, he relapsed the following day and despite several transfusions fell into a coma. Joyce awoke at 2 a.m. on 13 January and asked for a nurse to call his wife and son before losing consciousness again. They were still on their way when Joyce died 15 minutes later.
Saturday 22nd of March 1941 (+) — Actor Bruno Ganz is born
Friday 12th of August 1955 (-) — Writer, social critic and philanthropist Thomas Mann dies of athorasclerosis
Friday 25th of October 1957 (-) — Painter, architect and interior designer Henry Van de Velde dies of natural causes
Sunday 14th of August 1994 (-) — Writer Elias Canetti dies of unknown causes
Wednesday 3rd of May 2006 (-) — Artist Karel Appel dies of heart failure
Wednesday 16th of July 2014 (-) — Musician Johnny Winter dies of unknown causes
Saturday 16th of February 2019 (-) — Actor Bruno Ganz dies of intestinal cancer